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This isn't really much of a contest, but it's close kind of so I decided to put it here. This isn't really one where the viewers can vote unless I say otherwise. So for awhile I will be picking the site of the month winners until I think that I can't. THen I will pick a few and everything can vote from there. I just recently started doing this because I have seen some sites that I love to peices, and I would like to show them I love their site and the hard work they put in to it. Below will be the months click on one to see who won for that month it will take you to another page and that page will have the persons award, the reason I picked it, some of the dollz, and a few other things perhaps.

My very first site of the month award goes to Amanda at Damsel in Distress. Click on August 2002 winner to see what I have to say.

August 2002 Winner

September 2002 Winner

October 2002 Winner

November 2002 Winner (don't have one)

December 2002 Winner