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Russian Roulette

Hosted by Mark L. Walberg. Before the game begins one person is chosen at random to be the first challenger. The challenger chooses an opponent, who must answer the question posed within 10 seconds. If a question is answered incorrectly by the opponent, all of his/her money is given to the challenger. The opponent must then pull a lever and risk falling through a ‘drop zone’. Each subsequent question in a round adds a drop zone until a maximum of 5 drop zones are in play. If no players have “fallen out” before time is up, the player with the highest score pulls the host's lever, randomly causing one of the other three players to drop out of the game. The last person standing with the most money, goes on to play for $100,000 in the final round.

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Official site

Official Sony Site - Russian Roulette

Russian Roulete - TVTome