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Toeth's Game Show Insights
Toeth's Game Show Insights
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Interview with Mary-Lynn McCann of Millionaire.

Toeth: Before we begin. Thanks for doing this Interview!

Mary-Lynn: You are most welcome.

Toeth: How did you qualify for WWTBAM?

Mary-Lynn: For my show, I qualified through the July 2002 Chicago audition process. No postcard, just a phone call from the show (Heather) the following week. I had also auditioned in Chicago in March of 2001, but did not receive a postcard.

Toeth: What do you plan to do with your winnings of $1,000?

Mary-Lynn: Well, after I pay my taxes for my "free trip", there won't be much left! Hahaha! My car needs new brakes, so I will start there, I guess.

Toeth: I can imagine it is alot more Stressful being there for real, than watching and playing at home?

Mary-Lynn: I was the 9th person up that day, and was sick to my stomach waiting around for my turn. Once I got to the Hot Seat, I didn't feel nervous - just uncomfortable, with no time to collect myself. Sort of surreal, and out-of-body-ish. When I watched the shows though, I was shocked by how nervous I actually looked.

Toeth: What did you enjoy the most about being on the show?

Mary-Lynn: Having the opportunity to go to New York City with my Mom.

Toeth: Does your mind really go blank once you get in the hot seat?

Mary-Lynn: Yes, and no. I knew almost all my questions without a problem, but when I had to use a lifeline, that was a bit scary.

Toeth: Have you ever done any Game shows prior to WWTBAM?

Mary-Lynn: No game shows, but I was on Romper Room when I was 4 years old.

Toeth: If there is anything you could change on the outcome of your game, would there be any modifications?

Mary-Lynn: Well, of course hindsight is 20/20, so there are lots of things I would change. I would have liked to have had my name pronouced correctly (my family is sad about that), and would have liked to have the background to answer all questions without using any lifelines. That would have been fun.

Toeth: How was Meredith on and off camera?

Mary-Lynn: She was very nice. A bit hard to hear, though.

Toeth: We have reached the end of our interview, Thanks!

Interview with Mary-Lynn McCann was Conducted 10/14/02.

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2002 Toeth's Game show insights,

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