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Hello I have decided to make this tutorial because these seem to be the new crazed blinkies everyone is making, yet I have only seen two tutorials on how to make them. Although I have to say they only helped me a little bit I did the rest myself, and they were using psp 7 which I don't have and don't particurally like. I'm going to teach you how to make these using ms paint. Now it may seem a little long but that's because I want you to understand it, and to help a little better I added some pictures in. You will need time and patience. -note ignore all the copyrights on the pictures that just so it shows its mine-

This is the blinkie we will be making

To start off you will need MS paint which I believe every computer has, and also an animation program I now use Gif construction which can be downloaded here. Now all you have to do to get the ms paint is go to the start menu then programs and then accessories(at least that's how I get mine.) Once it comes up you will get a screen like this one
To your left is the tools section it looks like this .
These are the tools will be working with 1-selector 2-filler 3-magnifier 4-pencil 5-letter

First step is to set your width and height to do that go to image then attributes like shown on the picture

Second, the width must be 150 and height must be 20 like shown then click ok when you do that it will go to the size it needs to be

Third you need to fill in the space with any color you want I chose a light blue for it. While it's magnified where you can easily see it

Fourth you will need to put the dashes around it like the picture please follow the picture to beetter understand the dash process. While it's magnified where you can easily see it

Fifth add the text you want inside the rectangle like this. I added my name. To do this you have to demagnify it or it won't let you add text

Sixth you may add any kind of decoration inside it. I added some little sparkles. It does or doesn't have to be magnified for this -note this step is optional-

Seventh after you get the square like you want it with everything in place such as text and little pics. Then copy it bu using the selector making it where the little black dashes are around it and push ctrl c to copy after it should look like this

Eighth you want to just reverse the dashes like the picture shows

Ninth you want to save each of the two seprately where no white is showing I suggest you magnify where you can tell what your doing. Name them whatever like a1 and a2 thats usually what I name mine.

On to animating it click here