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This is where we animate the blinkie. I use gif construction, but I'm sure it will work in any other aniimation program. This is showing you in gif construction though.

First you need to open it up and when you do go to file then animation wizard like the picture shows.

Then a screen pops up like this one just click next

I chose for this yes for use with a webpage. You choose what base suites you.

Choose loop indefinitely if you want it to keep doing what its suppose to which is blink

On this I chose drawn because I hand drew it I'm not sure what the others do, but I would stick to what the pictures showing.

This is where you choose your speed I chose 20 if you go higher it's slower and if you choose the lower numbers it goes faster. I find that 20 is about right for what we want.

This is where you choose the two graphics you just made previously as you can see I chose a1 and a2. Then click on next

Then it comes to here and just click done

This will show up with the graphics you have chosen To preview your animation to make sure it's how you want it just click on this little icon

This is how I would save it got to files and then save as and this is what comes up.

Then just type in what you want to call it. it automatically saves as a gif and as transparent.

This is your final product ta duh.