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Alright I decided that I would take requests for blinkies either old or new kind, but in order to do that I will need to know some things. Please remember I'm 16 so I have other things I do on weekdays so if you don't get it right away don't worry you will school's starting on Monday the 19th so be patient with me.

What I need to know:
your name
email addy
if you have a website
what colors you want to use -please try to be specific don't just say pink if you want a light pink. I'm not a mind reader-
If you want me to use a background picture instead of a color for well the background
The kind of font if I have it I'll use it if not I'll let you know. -note certain fonts will more then likely not work for small blinkies just for the fact that the font won't look right-
How big you want the blinkie to be small, medium, large -certain fonts it will more then likely have to be a big blinkie-
Most important if you want a new style or old style blinkie.
Old style
New style

I know that's alot of stuff, but I need you to be specific you know I'm not exactly a mind reader I don't know what you want unless you tell me.

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