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Heya I'm guessing you came here to learn a little blinkie making well you came to the right spot. Here I will be teaching you how to make two diffrent kinds of blinkies I call them the old and new school blinkies. Don't know what I mean by that well I'll show you.
Old school blinkie
New school blinkie

I decided that since I know now how to make these little devils that I would teach other people too. See at first I thought I could only make them on psp7 so I did with the help of gudrun's tutorial Here, but to me that seemed hard I guess it's only because I didn't know much about psp7 and I found it hard to learn so I gave up on that, but before I did I made one to see what it would look like and here's the result crappy I know.

So I started messing around on MS paint just to see if I could do, and to my suprise I could. I basically did it the same way but with fewer steps, and to me easier steps. Along with the ms paint you also have to use animation shop 3 which you can download for a free version Here at

On to the blinkie making. I'm gonna make me a blinkie the old school way


On to the blinkie making. I'm gonna make me a blinkie the new school way