The Mind Mirror

This is one of the few really good tricks depending upon a set-up. Its one drawback is paradoxically that it is too good; to the spectators the location of the chosen card seems so impossible that they at once demand a repitition. To make the original set-up again under such circumstances is out of the question and, even if that could be done, there would be the danger that an over-curious spectator might examine the pack and discover the prearrangement. We give a method whereby the trick can be repeated safely.

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Effect. While the performer's back is turned, a spectator deals any small number of cards from the top of the pack, notes and replaces the next card, and then places on it the cards he dealt on the table. Finally he riffle shuffles the pack twice. To all appearance the noted card is hopelessly lost amongst the others; however, the performer infallibly locates it and that without asking any questions and without any apparent clue whatever.

Preparation. Any pack can be used but all the cards of one suit must be set on the top, in any order of values, and the top card must be noted and used as the key card. The pack can be so arranged beforehand and the trick used as an opener, for which purpose, however, it is almost too good; or the greater part of the required cards can be gotten together in the course of the various preceding tricks. The final arrangement should be made quite openly while apparently playing with the cards and carrying on a brisk conversation. Any furtive procedure will be sure to arouse suspicion. To bring the cards to the top you can use the Barnyard shuffle[Note 1], or the Erdnase method[Note 2].

Working. Having brought the 13 cards of one suit, say hearts, to the top of the pack and having noted the top card, the ace for example, execute a false shuffle running a few cards, say five, on top of the set-up and make several blind cuts.

