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pugparty.gif (4746 bytes)

pugparty.JPG (39658 bytes)
Thunder and Snuffy
The "Birthday Boys" at 1 Year

together.JPG (27567 bytes)
The Guests
Major, Bella, Snuffy, Melodie, BeBe, and Thunder

major.JPG (25288 bytes)    bella.JPG (19683 bytes)
Major                                                   Bella

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BeBe                                         Major & BeBe

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Game Time - Musical Chairs!

ring2.JPG (30193 bytes)    ring4.JPG (21960 bytes)

ring5.JPG (27512 bytes)     The Winner!

resting.JPG (23632 bytes)

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Thunder getting some presents!

Baby Dillan Pics

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That's All Folks!

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