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Sphynx Care

1. Please bathe your kitten/cat once a week. It may not particularly care for it, or it may actually love it. It will get used to the idea with consistency and patience. Place a towel or mat in the bottom of the tub or sink. Fill with about 2-3 inches of warm water (about body temperature). Collect the kitten/cat. Gently pour water over the kitten/cat and wet thoroughly. Apply mild soap (We use and recommend Rich 'n Pure, with MSM, lavender scented, available at You can also use a moisturizing body wash. Don't use shampoo. Lather well, being careful not to get any suds in kitten/cat's eyes. Pour water over kitten/cat to rinse thoroughly. Dry well with a soft towel.

2. Clean ears at least once a week. This is best done prior to the bath. Use Oti-Calm and cotton balls. Fill the ear canal with Oti-Calm. Massage the base of the ear well. Allow the kitten/cat to shake its head. Wipe the ear out with cotton balls. Leave alone for about 30 minutes or so. Fill the ear canal again with Oti-Calm and massage the base of the ear. Allow the kitten/cat to shake its head. Wipe the ear out with cotton balls. Do not use Q-Tips because you can injure the ear. You can also push the wax deeper into the ear canal which will cause a build-up that can lead to serious infection.

3. Clip nails at least once a week. This is best done prior to the bath. Do this in bright light so you can see the pink quick. Don't cut into the will hurt and bleed. This will make your kitten/cat resist future nail clippings. Regular nail trims will help keep your kitten/cat from scratching things you don't want it to.

4. Clean eyes daily. Sphynx don't have eyelashes to protect their eyes so little particles can get in them and irritate them.

5. Provide a good scratching post covered with sisal rope. Rub a little catnip on it and show your kitten/cat how to scratch on it. Praise for using it. Never hit your kitten/cat for scratching in an inappropriate place. Clap your hands loudly and say NO or squirt him with water from a squirt bottle.

6. DON'T LET YOUR KITTEN/CAT GO OUTSIDE!!! It may want to, but there are many things that can hurt or make your kitten/cat very sick.

7. DON'T USE FLEA and TICK TOPICAL MONTHLY MEDICINES (Revolution, Advantage, Frontline, etc.) This can kill your kitten/cat.

8. DON'T HIT YOUR KITTEN/CAT if it is "bad" doesn't understand what "hitting" means. It only hurts and makes your kitten/cat afraid of you. Use a spray bottle filled with water to squirt at your kitten/cat or clap your hands loudly and say NO when it does something wrong.

9. Give your kitten/cat someplace warm to sleep when it is not snuggling with you, or when you are gone.

10. Leave dry food and water out all day. Sphynx have a high metabolism and need more food to maintain their body temperature and weight. We feed and recommend PHD DRY CAT FOOD. At night we feed NATURE'S VARIETY RAW FOOD. For more information, see our page on Diet.

11. Empty the litter box daily!!! Kittens/cats do not like a dirty litter box and may find someplace else to go if it is not cleaned on a regular basis. We use and recommend Perfect Cat Litter, available at PHD. DO NOT use clay clumping litter. Its fine particles are easily inhaled and can irritate the airway of your kitten/cat.

12. Realize that kittens think everything is a toy and to be investigated. You need to keep anything dangerous out of the kitten's reach. You will need to teach your kitten/cat what it can and can't do.

13. Make sure your kitten/cat has proper vet care, including routine check-ups and vaccinations.

14. Give your kitten/cat lots of love and attention. It will give back to you 100-fold.

15. Call your kitten/cat's breeder if you have any problems, or questions about the kitten/cat or anything it is doing.



Last Updated: 26-Nov-2003
WebMaster: Sandra L. Hanes
© copyright 2003 Country Creations