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  Adrienne's Story

Hi my name is Adrienne and I would like to share with you my transplant experience:

I would like to dedicate this chapter to first and foremost to my husband Hank for his unconditional Love devotion and support while going through all my medical problems since we me and for his love for me everyday.
To my family for never Judging me and always being there.
My best friend Linda who listens to me through all my ups and downs and who is always there.
To My transplant surgeon Dr . Ronald Busutill for his steady hands and Kindness.
To My wonderful Doctor who saved my Life Dr.Leonard Goldstein
To My Transplant coordinator Tina Smith without her guiding hand I would be lost.
And to all the Doctors and Nurses I have met since first coming to UCLA.
And last but not least to Elizebeth for without her none of this would be possible to share with you.

I was Diagnosed with hepatitis C in 1994 after a hernia operation.

In 1995 at age 45 I met my husband and life mate, we went back to his house to talk and have a Coffee, I noticed on his coffee table a book, and on the cover it said hep-c, I asked him if he had hep and he said yes. He was the first one I ever admitted it to.

Shortly afterward we were married, shortly after our marriage I started feeling bad so my husband took me to his doctor after a battery of tests found out I had cirrhosis of the liver.

My husband had done interferon and it helped him, he is still undetected to this day. I did the treatment for a year no sides, but the liver was in end stage by this time and I had been in and out of hospital many times, Dr.Myon Tong referred me to UCLA where I meet t Dr.Goldstein the man that would save my life. He told me the liver was so far gone, that the only thing
at this point that we could do was get me a new liver.

Well, you face a lot of demons when you know you are dying, so I made my peace with GOD and left it in his hands. I was in hospital several times once put on to waiting list, and didn't think I would make it very long. I started a real downhill slide because I really didn't think I would get a liver. I was no one special why should they give me a liver and not someone else, that was how I felt.

Then my husband said something to me that blew me away, it was very simple. He said, "Adrienne", "God didn't bring you this far to drop you on your fanny now!" And it was really the truth.

I went through all my evaluation tests while I was in the hospital during one of my stays and was listed right away this was before the MELD scoring system was in effect.

The Night The Call Came:

It was on feb 10th when the call came ,my husband answered the phone it was Barbara Nuesse my pre transplant coordinator it was 10pm when we got the call needless to say so much goes through you mind at a time like this,do I have to have it? Will I live to see another day, the words of my husband came to me again, at that point I put into Gods hands.

We got to the hospital around 11:45pm and was brought right up to a room a doctor came in to tell me they were running tests on the donor liver that was flown in from arizonia ,after some test were run ,blood work ekg etc. all was well with the liver except it had hepatitis b antibodys ,but having hepatitis c already that did not play a big role in the decision to go ahead.

At that point I only remember bits and pieces of what happen ,but I do remember the operating room and all the doctors and nurses,I remember even joking a lot with them ,I do that when I'm nervous.
And off I went to sleep.


I remember hearing muffled sounds in the backround , and trying like all heck to open my eye's ,but I couldn't no matter how hard I tryed.I remembered thinking,they will never know im alive if I can't get my eyes open and see me,thinking about it now is funny, but it seemed at that time to be a matter of life and death to me. I must have been struggling a bit because I was restrained at the hands then I got my eyes open and saw my husband for the first time.
Im alive Im alive I kept saying.
The thing that had scared me the most about the whole transplant was not rejection ,or how the operation went, it was just not dying on the operating table and not being able to say goodbye to my husband family and friends.

Liver Transplant Floor:

I really don't remember much of the first day on the floor, but by the second day,i was ready to try and get up ,I wanted to get my life back to normal as soon as possible ,yes it hurt a lot,but by the 4th day ,I was walking down the hall to the laundry area getting my own bedding and making my own bed.

I liked my sheets and blankets a certain way and didn't want to give the nurses any extra work then they already had.
The nurses were so fantastic on that floor, the care was terrific.

Well I was over three day period and from that day forward I never really thought in my heart that the new liver would reject, it felt right at home.
Everything was very confusing to me,at the time I had never used a computer so I really had no one to talk to who had a transplant.
When explaining all about the medications etc. if it wasn't for my husband I would have been lost.
That is why it is so important to have family and friends when going through a transplant a caregiver if you would.

Homeward Bound:

Well coming home was a little hard for me because I had to spend my days alone.Hank was working as hard as always, lots of bandaging and cleaning of the t-tube area,getting used to all the medications,but everything went wonderful, clinic the corrdinator's were all the most wonderful people and as helpful as possible.


Since my liver transplant in 98" I was doing very well,didn't have quit the energy as before but so so grateful for everyday.

In April of 2002 I had my first rejection episode after doing a year of interferon treatment which by the way worked for me,I have been undetected now since may of 2002.

In 98' treatment was not the norm for post liver transplant patience, who have hepatitis c. while I was in the hospital I was told I needed a second transplant. I was very shocked to hear this so I had all my evaulation tests again while I was in,they got the rejection controlled so now I'm just in chronic rejection since that time. I was relisted for second transplant finally in oct 2002,and still waiting and waiting and waiting ...just like a little energizer bunny lol.

I have my good days and bad but all in all..its not so bad the second time knowing what to expect and also have so much knowlledge now.

The first transplant I didn't even own a I was alone,except for my family.

I am so gratefull to so many through the years and especially now helping so many in need that have just had or who are waiting,giving back is the most important thing in my life.
Other then my family it is what I do,and who I am.
The things I have learned is life life to its grateful for everyday,helping others makes you life richer and being blessed with a great family and friends.
Live on my friends and thank you John with all my heart for the" Gift of Life" you have given to me


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