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“I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I knew I couldn’t say it out loud even if I wanted to. I just picked up the razor and started cutting myself.”

“Where’d you get the razor?”

“My dad’s shaving kit. After I finished, I cleaned it and put it back. Then, I went to the store and bought some Exacto blades so he wouldn’t be suspicious.”

“Amanda.” Syd lowered her head and tried to take it all in.

“I cleaned the cuts and put bandages on them at first. But, then somewhere along the line, it didn’t matter anymore. I didn’t care about whether the cuts were clean. I didn’t care if they scarred, I didn’t care about myself anymore. All I could think was ‘I want out.’ I understand that Josh beat me because I am a horrible person. I know --”

“You are NOT a horrible person,” Syd interrupted. “He is the one who made a mistake by hurting you. You don’t deserve to be beaten, and you know that.”

“I am the stupid one for not leaving the first time he laid his hands on me.”

“Listen to me, Amanda. A woman does not deserve to be beaten. EVER. Do you hear me?” Syd proclaimed. “Where’s the razor?”

“Under my bed in the jewelry box.”

Syd opened the box and picked the razor up with a tissue from the vanity. Syd took it with her when she left Amanda’s room and threw it in the garbage can on the curb.

“Amanda!” The girl sat straight up from her bed, wondering who was calling her. “Don’t you ever tell me what to do! Stupid bitch!”

Amanda knew the voice now. But, Josh was nowhere in sight. Amanda put her hands over her ears. The voice grew louder.

“Leave me alone!” she yelled in her mind.

“The hell I will!” he snapped. “You’ll get what you deserve. You slut. I can’t believe I ever wanted you.”

Amanda was crying as she opened a new Exacto package and headed down the long, dark hallway to the bathroom.

Morning came. “Amanda? Are you in here?” Syd pushed open the bedroom door and found Amanda’s bed empty. Syd felt like something was wrong . “Please no,” she said to herself as she saw the bathroom door shut.

“Oh my god!” Amanda was laying in the bathtub, her slit wrists wrapped around her teddy bear. Syd knew there was no chance that Amanda survived. She closed her eyes and got sick to her stomach. She sunk to the bathroom floor and pulled her knees up to her chest and just cried.

“What’s wrong?” Steve asked. “I heard you yell.”

Syd stood up quickly, just in time to catch Steve as he nearly fell backwards into the wall after he looked in the tub.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no. No. She’s not.... Oh my god!”

Tyler stumbled out of his room, half asleep, scratching his head. Syd quickly closed the bathroom door.

“What is wrong?” Tyler looked at Steve and instantly knew. “No.” He shook his head and walked backwards down the hallway. “No. She’s fine. She’s FINE!” he yelled as he turned around and ran out into the front yard, headed for the highway. Syd ran after him.

“Tyler! Tyler! Stop!” she called.

He eventually ran out of breath and stopped. He put his hands on his knees and lowered his head. “She’s not dead, Dr. Hansen. I know she’s not.”

Syd caught up and embraced him. “Tyler. She is dead.” Syd let go and put both of her hands on each side of his face. “I’m sorry,” she cried.

Tyler’s breathing was quick and heavy, and his face was bright red. Syd embraced him yet again, and didn’t let go until the crying stopped.

An ambulance drove up in the driveway while Tyler and Syd were still standing in the middle of the street, their bare feet cold from the pavement. Steve had called the paramedics. The two stood there and watched as the gurney was wheeled in, and within moments, a black body bag was wheeled out. Tyler turned away, and Syd held him tight in her arms. She knew this was tearing him apart inside.

He totally took Dr. Hansen by surprise when he said in her ear, “At least he can’t hurt her anymore.”

Tears fell to the ground and splashed at their feet.