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British Columbia is your avarage province,just like any other province.British Columbia stretches 740 miles (1,180 km) from north to south and 640 miles (1,020 km) from east to west at its widest point.There is no shortage of lawyers and media coverege is good.
It's also the birthplace and home of Jack Sutherland. To be exact,Jack lives in Surrey.He works at a Science lab called Az-Tech,which is stationed in Vancouver. Jack is a research scientist and works with collegues on various projects. His latest project is a personal one,and he works on it alone.
When Jack was thirteen,he and his big brother James went to school togethor. When jack got introuble it was james who was there to bail him out. James had gotten in a fight at school on november 5th with a member of the Red Flames,a local street gang. James gave the guy a good pounding and he walked away with only a few scratches. The Red Flames don't stand for any of their members being beaten on,so they ambushed James and Jack as they headed for home. Jack was held down by two Red Flames as abnother punched him over and over in the gut.Jack wasn't very muscular and fit,(in fact he was a weakling)he knew this very well. Jack was beaten severly,but this time james couldn't bail him out. The leader of the Red Flames plus three other guys fought with james. James didn't stand a chance,and this time he wouldn't live to walk away. James lay bruised and bloody on the pavement but he was still breathing. That is until the leader pulled out his switchblade. He jammed the blade into james' belly and gutted him like a trout,and for reasurance. He slit james' throat. James'innards spilled out onto the cold cement.His lifeless body lay there for all to see. Jack survived but there's not a day that goes by where he wishes he didn't. As the flames ran off,Jack crawled over to his brother's body and cried out to GOD. From that day on,he decided to start working out daily.He grew up to be a scientist and with the help of science he made himself stronger and more agile.
Jack designed a special suit which enhances his newly in shape muscles to make him into a lean mean fighting machine.The suit is covered with tiny chips built inside it,which when worn allows the user to acces hidden strength,thus making the user bigger and much stronger than the avarge person. (and harder to identify) The key to the suit is the buckle,which is the on button.
When pressed it turns on the suit's powers and the user is ready for action. The buckle is the main part of the belt,which is a mighty anti-gravity device.It gives the user the abilty of flight,when used properly.
The eary design had a regular belt,but Jack couldn't focus the anti gravity devices properly. so he focused them all in the new belt buckle design. Jack tested it in the back alleys of Vancouver,with street punks. The suit works perfectly,now that the bugs are taken care of.
Jack didn't know it at the time,but his invention for revenge will turn him into the champion of canada,and it will help others as well as himself.
That's how the suit works,and he invented it to make him better,more agile,and almost unstoppable.

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