The ChemTeam (A Tutorial for High School Chemistry)
ALICE (Active Learning in Chemical Education)
The ChemistryCoach (A Tutorial for High School Chemistry)
Organic Chemistry tutorials...
Chemistry-Prentice-Hall :John McMurry-Cornell University.
LeChatelier's Principle: Chromate - Dichromate Equilibrium
Ideal Gas Law (the pressure chamber)
Lecture Demonstrations ( Purdue )
Keeping blood pH in equilibrium
Fighting Cancer - Computational Chemistry (similar to seti@home)
Tests for college credit in first semester of chemistry:
At Texas A&M: SAT II / CLEP
At University of Texas: Credit in Chem 301
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Nuclear Chemistry: Dating and Half-life
Nuclear fission simulator
Atomic Orbitals -(Carleton University- Ottawa-Canada)
Hybridized orbitals---Molecular orbitals -(W.R. Salzman-University of Arizona)
Chapter by chapter links (Nelson Chemistry)