Material: steel wool (90% iron)
bleach ( avoid contact with the bleach!!)
table salt
5 saucers
a flash light ( optional)
Experiment: pour some water in the 5 saucers. Keep
one saucer with water only. To the second
dish add some bleach; to the third dish add some vinegar. To the fourth
dish add vinegar
and bleach and to the fifth dish add some salt.
Put a small amount of steel wool into each one.
Observe. One dish will show sign of rusting almost at once.
Another one will begin in a few minutes....keep the set up for three hours.
You may shine a flash light on the steel wool to better observe the formation
of rust.
1. Rank the 5 saucers from the fastest rusting to the slowest:
2.Although the reactions involved in rusting are quite complex,
the overall reaction is
______ +
________ + _________ =
2 Fe2O3 . 3 H2O (*)
oxygen gas
iron IIIoxide trihydrate
(*) this formula of iron III oxide is attached to three molecules
of water.You
have a total of 4 Fe, 12 O, 12 H.
3.Going further:
A. Determine the mass of iron III oxide
trihydrate that you would prepare with 1 g iron.
Calculate the number of moles
of O2 that react with 1 g of iron.
Knowing that steelwool
is 90% iron, calculate the mass of steelwool needed to get 1g of iron.
B. The mechanism of rust formation
involves the migration of electrons. Note that
the salt doesn't enter into the rusting reaction above. Try to explain
it affects the rusting process.
is salt a major cause of rust formation on automobiles?
C. Bleach is a solution of
sodium hypochlorite; write down the formula :______________
It is called an oxidizer: how does it affect the rusting process?
D. List three ways by which
corrosion can be prevented. ( TEXTBOOK)
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
Evidence :
Now that you have done this extra effort, you are entitled to earn an
additional 15 points on your participation grade ( about 1 point
on the grand total) IF
-- your answers are correct
-- you bring the report in class on or before october 31st!
-- you staple a zip log bag containing some rusted steel wool