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S.L.I.M. Gathering

Mountain High

This was taken on top of Sandia Peak in Albuquerque, 10 400 feet after a great cable car ride up the mountain

Red and Khaki Army

These were the colors we wore to help find each other at the hotel. This was taken in one of the hotel rooms

L to R (front): Azirish1, Joan Lewis, GHeller323, Calronka L to R (rear): Goosejan, Smileagain, Sandlemar

S.L.I.M Queens

This is a picture of the two gals at goal weight, Joan Lewis and GHeller, and our SLIM Queen, Calronka who has lost 56 lbs since joining ediets in 3/00.

L to R: GHeller, Calronka and Joan Lewis

The Bar

This was taken after a devotional written by Pastorgrandma, and delivered by GHeller and Smileagain and was held in the hotel bar, the only available meeting room Sunday morning. *LOL*

L to R (seated): Sandlemar, GHeller323 L to R (standing): Phyllis53, Joan Lewis, Goosejan, Calronkla, Smileagain, and Azirish1