College Station, Texas, The Meet & Greets and Question & Answer Sessions

These are all just random snippets from the Meet and Greets and the Q&A sessions. I can't possibly be expected to remember exactly when and where each thing was said. I'm sure I'm forgetting many things, but I'll try to add them as I remember them:

At the Q&A after the first show Scott mentioned that this was the first time they'd had a Q&A session after a show: "Should we have a lawyer here?"

This guy told Scott: "You must have been a wreck when you wrote "People Change". Scott said, "I plagiarized (sp) it." Then they sang it! This was especially pretty because they were all sitting on the edge of the stage.

Scott was still in jeans at the time and evidently got a wedgie. He tried to be subtle about un-wedging, but we caught him. Cute. *G*

Someone asked them if they were going back to the "Zoot Suits". Scott reminded them that that was only during "WITWICS", but they'd (jokingly) consider it. Kev (raises hand): "I got blue!" George: "I want pink." Jeff: "Good! I had pink on the show...I HATED it!" *G*

There was a guy who was a member of a barbershop quartet and they were up for a gig on a cruise ship. He asked for advice. Kev said: "One thing...don't wear jeans." LOL Then he told them: "Cruise ships are very hard. Very hard." Jeff: "Were you on one?" Kev: "I've seen 'em. *G* But you're on a cruise ship and people are coming on this ship and you are singing to them and they don't necessarily WANT to hear you." *G* El: "When we first started we'd be on the street corner and we'd sing our (I THINK El almost said "asses" here, but remembered there were children)...lungs out." George suggested they go to a playground and stand on a seesaw and learn to sing that way.

They talked about how they practiced or warmed up, etc. and I THINK it was George who was teasing Kev about singing, "All the time. Everywhere."

Jeff: "I practice in the shower. My tongue is in very good shape...right, George?" George: "That's right. Pick on the new guy." El: "Can you say, 'Hazing'?"

Someone said it was their friend's birthday and asked if Da Boyz would sing "Happy Birthday" for them, which they gladly did. Sounded great!

George was asked if he knew the words to "Old Man River". George: "Um..I think I do."

Some guy in the back asked when they were going to sing "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I swear I thought Jeff was going to run up the aisle and kick his ass. So Jeff explained to the audience that some songs were labeled as RP but were in fact a college group.

Justin's sister Michelle asked: "Other than El, how long does it take to do ya'll's hair?" Scott kinda looked at her a moment, then said: "You know in New York, I'd get my hair cut and it'd cost $125. But now in Florida I can get it cut for, like $25." Kev: "You got ripped off. I get mine cut for $15."

Someone asked if they'd do "The Grinch". Jeff kinda groaned and said, "I closed the Christmas file months ago." But they did do a little bit of it.

Some guy asked when they were going to add some of the older songs back into the repertoire. Jeff: "Well there's way too many to count." Guy: "You better get busy then." *G* Smartass....

After the Q&A, we were standing at the edge of the stage checking with Phil to see if there was going to be a M&G. We had on our "Bush/Gullotta" Campaign buttons and Phil points and goes: "I KNEW it was you two! I just KNEW it! Whose idea was it??" Krik and I both pointed at each other: "Hers!" Phil: "I threw mine away but you stuck one on every single bag! "You instigating little TWIT!" I KNEW you two were behind this!" *G* "And why did "I" get the 180 proof Everclear in MY bag! I was going to give it away but now I think I just might need it." Then he hopped down off the stage and gave us a hug. "But thanks anyway. That was really nice. You two are a couple of troublemakers."

"So they finally come out and sit at the edge of the stage. Unfortunately there are a bunch of CIA agents (read: ushers) around who were trying to rush things. But we still had a good time.

Kev was first. He stood and hugged me and thanked me for the goodies. I told him his drink tasted like Hot Tamales (the candy). Kev: "Yummy!" Then he said, "So did you like the jeans?" We're like, "Hell, yeah! That was great!You made my night. You made my YEAR!"

Scott was next and he also stood up for a hug (he knew he'd better stand up cause I wouldn't let him get out of giving me one. *G*) Scott: "Hey Mo! It's good to see you!" Me: "Thank you SO MUCH for wearing the jeans!" Scott: "I did that just for you!" *melt*

Next up was El. I mentioned the incident in STL when I'd accused him of trying to steal my car and the "almost moon" over STL. He laughed and said he didn't realize I thought he was stealing my car. El: "I thought you guys were just excited and saying "bye". *G*

We had envelopes of pics that both Jeff and George had requested in STL, but at this point, we couldn't find them. We both thought for sure we'd accidentally left them in the basket of goodies, but George said so far they hadn't seen them. He said they hadn't had time to go through everything yet so they might still be there. (FYI: Though I SWORE I'd had them in my hand at the venue, Krik found them on her kitchen table when we got home. *sigh*)

We talked at length to Jeff about numerous things, which was...interesting to say the least. But not especially surprising. He's such a cool dude. He has a good heart even though he sometimes appears to be cranky. *G* We know deep down, he's a softie. *G*

El was about to sign someone's "Smilin'" CD and when he opened the case, the CD fell out and landed face down on the floor. The look on El's face was priceless! Kinda like: "Oops." *G*

At the second show, we (Coleen, Brendaly, Me and Krik) had given Da Boyz a huge cookie from the American Cookie Factory. Coleen had it in her hands and the ushers wouldn't let her bring it in. "No food allowed". Coleen's like, "I wasn't going to EAT it!" But they ended up taking it backstage for us. Phil later said thanks for the cookie and they were blaming Phil for eating most of it. "I did not!"

Kev mentioned the thong we'd given him in STL (for the story behind that, you have to go back to the STL reviews) and he said: "Yeah, my wife found that thong and goes, "Now WHO is Crack?" Kev: "I'm like, Um..that's Krik, dear...So I threw them in the trash...but a went back and got them later...I'm wearing them now...not really." *G* He's so cute. As tight as his jeans were, he MUST have been wearing it. No "panty line". *G*

Someone was getting a hug from Jeff and he said, "For a dollar." Krik turns around and yells, "Yo, Phil. Gimme a dollar." *G* Phil's like, "Okay. Why?" *G* Have I mentioned lately that I have a crush on Phil?

Phil was at the merch table counting whatever and he was bent over and Krik was behind him trying to get a butt shot. One of the ladies saw and told him. Phil: "What are you doing? Trying to get my best side?" Krik: "Yeah. Make something of it." So he remained still long enough for her to get it. Go PHIL!

I had a pic for Phil to sign. So he goes, "Oh yuck! You use the worst pic of ME!" I said, It's your mug shot. And it's NOT a bad pic either. So stop whining." So Phil writes, "I love Texass." hehehe Smartass Me: "Well THAT proves you didn't go to school in Texas." *G* Touche' Mo. But I get a hug and Phil's all, "You guys are great. You're a pain in the ass but I love ya. You know that."

A little bit later I needed a marker so Fred could sign a pic and I was trying not to bother Phil but he had a pen in his shirt pocket. He's going: "What?" I said, "I need your pen." He's like: "Need, need, need." But he gave it to me anyway.

I found Fred and he seemed panicked when I asked him to sign his pic. It was of him at the convention in STL and he was holding a mini-Sprite. So he goes: "Oh that's me! And drinking heavily I see." Then he says, "I really don't know what to do here." So I said, "Just sign it. You're part of the crew too." So he did, but his hand was shaking. He is SO quiet!

I'd brought Mackey and his girlfriend Jenny to the second show and dragged them through the line with me at the M&G. I introduced him to Scott and he shook his hand. Scott: "You've got a great mom." Mackey: "Yeah, she is pretty cool." Me: *gasp*. Then I told Scott: "This is Jenny. That's who you sang the song for." So he looked at her and grinned: "Nice to meet you Jenny." She of course was all shy and kinda giggly. She admitted to me (out of earshot of Mackey) that she thought Scott was cute. *G*

We talked to El about his kids and he basically said that when he gets home it's HIS turn to watch them. Debbie is exhausted: "Especially when we go to Japan. When I come home it's like "your turn". But I'm lucky, they're on a night clock and I stay up at night so it's not bad."

I asked El if he'd done anymore work on the song we heard in STL and he said maybe a little. He said he was working on another one with Sean too. He had the music and was hoping Sean could come up with some lyrics. Then he mentioned that he was thinking of getting together a Jazz Trio possibly during the summer. Just to do some solo stuff. Now, don't anybody panic. Many famous groups branch out and do solo stuff on the off-season. It's just to try out new things. Doesn't mean RP is breaking up. Sheesh.

I was talking to El I think and Krik was ahead of me. Mackey was between us and Jeff asked Krik: "Is that your son?" Krik said "No. My son is over there. That's Mo's son." Jeff asked me how old he was. I said 16. Jeff's mouth fell open and he goes: "This is your son?" I said, "Yeah. This is Daniel." Jeff: "He looks too old to be...I mean, you're too young...I can't imagine you being that old..." Then looks at El and goes: "You know? There's just no 'nice' way to say that." Me: "Actually that's very flattering and very nice. Thank you." *G* Me: "It's a very scary time in our lives right now. We get the license tomorrow." Jeff: "License to kill?" Me: "Hope not." Mackey didn't say much and he's not real verbal most of the time and I guess it bothered Jeff a bit, cause he thought maybe Mackey hadn't had a good time. So later I was talking to someone else and he motioned for me to come over. I thought maybe he was going to bust my ass for taking illegal pics during the show, but instead he asked: "Does your son feel okay? I was doing everything I could to get him to talk and he wouldn't." Me: "Oh, he's tired. But he's also shy. Doesn't talk much. Hell, he rarely talks to me. But he's 16." I guess Jeff was okay with that explanation.

Krik had Scott sign one of the illegal "jean" pics in the Zombie Pose taken the night before. Scott points to Kev's butt: "Now, that's a nice butt right there." Then looks at his own: "Man, my butt is WHITE! Why is my butt so white? I didn't know it was so white!" I said, "Oh you couldn't have picked a better pair of jeans, Scott. They were perfect." So Kev tries to explain his reasoning on how Scott's butt got so faded: "You were riding a horse." Now, picture Kev imitating someone galloping on a horse while sitting in a chair. I'll give you a minute....See what I mean? Not as innocent...

Scott was asking if we knew where in Texas they'd be next. I told him Austin but that we were still hoping for Lufkin. I told him about the lady in charge who was all snooty to me going: "Oh, of COURSE I know Rockapella. Lenny had the ponytail. They sang the Maxwell House Commercial..." Scott: "Oh, she was SO CLOSE!" *G*

Kev again noticed my necklace. He must have a thing for necklaces because he noticed mine last time. This is the same one Jeff commented on in Kansas last year (a football charm and a baseball charm) but this time, I'd added a penny with a cross cut into it. Kev: "That's pretty. What's that? A penny with a cross in it. That's neat!" We talked a bit about his back injury and how Mackey scares the crap out of me because he's really too small for football. Kev: "Yep. It was bad. I'm okay now, but...." Poor thing.

I had the "kissy face" pic for Jeff to sign. I could tell that he was about to "deface" it and I said, "Oh you're going to mess it up." He stopped and I said, "No, go ahead. You can draw on it." He goes (mock irritation): "Well I'm not NOW!" But he grinned and wrote on it ("kissy kissy") anyway. He's so cute (looks around nervously for Krik).

Scott said he was excited to go to Japan so he could buy new clothes. It was easier to find things to fit there. He said the jeans he wore the night before were a "gift".

Apparently Tim Faust's (Formerly of Blue Jupiter) sister(s) were there. Jeff was introducing them to someone. They're very pretty girls. I'm guessing they live in Texas. That's cool. We didn't talk to them of course.

Krik and I were getting out pic taken with the whole group of Da Boyz. I walked over first and stood by Scott. Scott: "Ah, my favorite Texans!" *G* And when Krik walked by, I said, "I got MY spot. Where YOU going?" Scott just laughed! Put his arm around me and we took the most horrid pic ever. Ugh. Okay Da Boyz looked HOT, but Krik and I look....nevermind.

Well, that's about all I can remember right now. All in all, we had one of the best times. I venture to say it was even more fun than STL. There was just a different vibe there, ya know?

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