College Station, Texas, Show 2

Just when you think they can't possibly get any better...they do. *G* I brought my son Mackey and his girlfriend Jenny to the second show and though it's not necessarily his "style" of music, he did say that "that drummer guy dude was pretty cool." So there ya are. *G*

No jeans this time. Bummer. But then again, I don't think my heart could take two nights of 'Pella in jeans. *G*

"House of the Rising Sun" Scott: "Daddy was an Aggie Man in the House in New Orleans." El got out of step again during this song and glanced over at us and started laughing. He knows we're going to laugh. But El, we WUV you! You weren't out of step. You were just being "special". *G*

"Moments of You" At A&M the Aggie war cry is "Whoop!" and to "boo" someone you go "Ssssss". So Scott starts in with the "Whoop!" stuff. *G* He introduced everyone and then himself: "And I'm um...Scott." *G*

Scott: "We're very happy to be here at Texas A&M for the second two nights. The second time years. We have a lot of fans here and we're happy to be here. In fact last night we wore jeans to show our respect for your state. But not tonight. Back to the gangly city boys that we really are. Great campus, great town, great weather. My gosh...beautiful. We've travelled the world of snow and darkness and no sleep. Felt good today, eh? We also did a TV thing on CBS this morning at the crack of...dawn. Anybody see that? Did we sell any tickets?" Nobody raised their hand. Kev: "Not a one. Good to know that getting up that early really works." Scott: "We'll show 'em next time we come back to Texas A&M...the great Aggie Home." Lot's of "Whoops!" from the audience. Jeff: "They're like trained dogs there." (How's that foot taste, Jeff? *G*) He thought a moment, then realized what he said, "Oh...not dogs." Scott: "What is that? The A&M 'Whoop'? Is that a thing you learn as a freshman?" Audience: "NO!" El: "It's a thing you learn as babies." He introduced the guys again.

We have a happy album called 'Smilin'". It's full of summer tunes so it's nice to be in weather that warrants that kind of repertoire, not like folks in Fairbanks who look at you and go 'What are you singing 'Here Comes the Sun' for?'"

"Here Comes the Sun"

"Dancin' in the Street"

El: "Thank you very much. As Scott said, it's great to be back in Texas. It's been so long, I'm not sure why. Maybe our agent doesn't like you." El gets tickled..big surprise. *G* "But there've been a lot of changes since we've been here. We have a new bass. George Baldi the 3rd. And I've had some changes in my life, uh..I went to prison. Shaved my head." *laughter* "No no. I didn't shave my head. Actually since we were here, I got married and we had two sons, Eli and Jules." Then he told about Eli being born in the hospital with a midwife and that they decided to have Jules at home and it happened "in the tub, in our house, in our apartment, in New York...Thank you very much. Not that I'm encouraging any of you to have a baby soon, but if you ARE planning it, I highly recommend the bathtub." Then told how the midwife at the last minute allowed El to "catch" Jules, "and he slid out and...and I caught him...Isn't it amazing how a guy can turn the whole birthing story around to make it all about him? I know my wife was in tremendous pain and everything but it was MY catch...." Then El kinda got off and was like "it was...this...and..." He paused and got really tickled about his "flight of ideas" and goes, "This is a constant thing with me, I'm having this inner conversation and it keeps getting out."

"No Doubt At All"

"Use Me"

Kev: "How's everybody doing tonight so far? Feeling good? We've been excited about coming to Texas. I know I have since...we found out we were coming. We were only supposed to do one show...(at this point, Scott can be heard opening a bag of chips backstage cause his mic was still on. Krik and I could see him from our side and the look on his face was priceless, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. *G*) Kev: "Okay, there's a cow onstage..but we are in Texas. So...we were only supposed to have to do one show here and the first show sold out. Then they called and said, do you want to do two shows and we're like, 'Heck yeah!' and then this show sold out which is great. So thank you guys." Scott: "Kevin grew up in Texas by the way." Kev: "I did. For the most part I lived in Houston. There's some Houston people here. Do you remember at the Galleria Mall there used to be a Farrell's Ice Cream? I had my birthday there, I think I was maybe 8 or 9. And now it's gone. You go back there, it's like a childhood memory and you go, 'No more Farrell's?? Boo!' But then I moved from Houston to the wonderful city of McAllen! Got some McAllen people here tonight?" (a couple cheered) Kev: "Alright!" Some guy in the audience: "Both of them." Jeff: "You're not there now are you?" Kev: "Do you still own your car? Did you ever have it ripped off? After we moved away I read that that was the number one spot for auto theft. That's where they invented "The Club".

"A Change in My Life"

"Smile In My Heart"

"Rockapella's Greatest Hit" (A bunch of people started "whooping") Scott: "Stop with the WHOOP!" *G* "I'm kidding." *G*

El introduced "Don't Do It"

"Long Cool Woman"

Apparently Kev saw the next PW victim at the post office that day...Kev: "George. She made it. I didn't think she'd make it." George looks out at her and goes, "Now that's what I'm talking about." *G* Then he introduced her to everyone. He didn't know her name yet, so he just said, "Elliott, this is My Girl. Jeff...My Girl", etc. Kev: "Wow! I was thinking you weren't going to make it. You were standing in the post office so long today. I didn't think you'd make it. How long were you at the post office?" She looked out and said, "I really was at the post office." Kev: "I know! Duh! How long were you there?" Girl: "About half an hour." Kev: "You were on the phone a long time while you were there. Who were you talking to?" Girl: "My friend." Kev: "Your friend. Okay. Who's that guy you're with today? Is that the friend?" Girl: "That wasn't him." Kev looks out at the guy: "I'm sorry. So, I'm just happy that you made it. What's your name?" Girl: "Jessica." Kev: "What were you doing at the post office so long today?" Jessica: "Taxes." Kev: "Yucky. Let's talk about something a little better than that. Are you a student?" Jessica: "No." Kev: "Were you a student?" Jessica: "No." Kev: "Good for you. That's okay. Anything's okay with me. Who needs school?" Open mouth, insert foot Kevin. *G* "You guys know what I'm saying. Cause you're all going to school aren't you? Whoop! So Jessica. We're going to try something tonight, because...because you're Jessica...Oh Jessica. You must have a really high phone bill." Scott: "Prepaid." Kev: "Oh you use those minutes like they were seconds, yeah. But my next question is how you pay for it. Is it lots and lots of money coming from me..."

"Pretty Woman" Scott nearly killed himself dancing. Jessica didn't move. *G*

Scott: "That's what Kevin and George do, they go to the post office and every city and check it out. And it works." Kev: "We're going again later."

(At the M&G the night before, I had asked Scott to sing "Jenny Come Away" because my son's girlfriend is named Jenny and he promised he would.) Scott: "This is a new song we haven't done too many times. It's from "Smilin'" and when you do a a cappella live arrangements, it can be dangerous. There's no keyboard going ding ding ding. No plink plink on the guitar. It's all just spinning around in our throats organically. And if it doesn't sync and merge perfectly, it can be a nasty bloody mess for the front row. Though Scott sort of forgot the words at one point, he recovered nicely and the song was great! Thank you, Scott. *G* At the end of the song when Jeff does the hot rod..he added a little extra...a car wreck. Cute, Jeff. Is there anything that boy CAN'T do with his mouth? *G*

George: "You folks out there having a good time. Let me hear you say YEAH!" He hops down off the stage and asked who was a bass. "There's only one bass born every ten years. Really. I was a tenor. At one point in my life, when I was three or four. But then they invented this stuff...called milk. And I drink alot of it. Of course the CHOCOLATE kind. I have a college degree from Morris Brown College in Atlanta Georgia, Vocal Performance, Classical the "doom doom Master". *G* "In between songs I go back there and I think to myself, "Which doom doom am I going to do on this song? Now it truly is an art form, because you have to learn how to incorporate a "ding dong diggedy ding" inside your "doom doom" session. If we sang a song like "Stand By Me" and a tenor did the bass line it would sound like this..." (imitates high tenor singing) George glanced backstage at Scott: "I mean c'mon! Drink some MILK buddy! I do what I can. I grew up in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. My family listened to groups like Marvin Gaye...Michael Jackson...I'm sorry. Stephanie Mills, The Temptations. Ya'll out in Texas know about the Temps?"

"Papa Was a Rolling Stone"

"Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego"

"Up on the Roof/Wonderful World"

"Let's Get Away"

Scott: "You guys have been great. Thanks for coming out tonight. Check out for other concerts. I think we have some more concerts in Texas coming up later in the year. Finally we'll be getting back to Texas with some regularity. And I am such a fan of regularity. We have another show the day after tomorrow in New Jersey so please come with us."

(This is for you, Brendaly *G*) Scott: "You know I got a bunch of requests last night and I have to do this one. This is for one she'll enjoy it."

"This Isn't Love" I saw you singing along, Brendaly.*G*You Go, My Scott Luvin' Sista!

"Dance With Me"

"Summertime Blues"

"Zombie Jamboree"

"Keep Smilin'" Scott: "Well you're about to go insane. Cause the Aggies losin' games. And the Longhorns are to blame. Keep on Smilin'. Too busy going WHOOP anyway." During the VP break: "Keep on Smilin', Smilin', Lovin', Lovin', Whoop, Whoop, sssss, ssss." They going "Whoop! Whoop!" And at one point, George made the Longhorn symbol with his hand. Um..DON'T George. Not at A&M, you silly thang! *G* I am SO glad there are more dates up for Texas. Whoop!

The Meet and Greet
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