Austin, Texas, Lufkin, Texas and Alva, Oklahoma

The Meet & Greets

Okay, so much happened in such a short amount of time, I can't possibly remember what was said at which M&G. So I've combined the shows for Austin, Lufkin and Alva into one M&G page. If you've been paying attention, you know how my M&G reviews go. Basically random things written at warp speed. Read on if you dare!

When we were in the M&G line in Austin, this person in front of us was wanting his pic taken with Da Boyz and was looking for someone to take the pic. Jeff pointed to me: "Let her do it. She knows how." I mentioned that I might not be able to work the disposable camera that the guy had. Jeff laughed.

Krik and I had made candles for Da Boyz. These weren't just any candles. They are called "Cold Chasers" with a very nice eucalyptus aroma and it's very soothing to the voice and throat. I'd put the instructions on them, but explained how to use them (light them for about 15 minutes before showering and breathe deeply). Scott: "Candles? Now that's just cool!" Jeff: "Oh, wow. Are you selling these?" Me: "Not to YOU." Jeff: "I KNOW that!" (it seems Jeff and I always manage to get into a fun little mini-argument at every M&G. He tries to act so crotchety sometimes, but we all know he's really a teddy bear when he's around the right people. *G* Kev: "I'm lighting mine tonight during my bath." *insert visual here* John: "That's so nice of you."

Jeff asked us if we knew anything about Lufkin. I told him that they appeared to be a bit snooty. Jeff: "Oh, so it's Loofkin, then?" He seemed a bit surprised that apparently Lufkin had plans for them that he wasn't aware of. Evidently Phil was aware and Jeff just didn't check the itinerary. *G*

In OK, people were standing in for group pics and I was taking individual shots of the guys in the meantime. People kept looking at me instead of the person taking their pic. Phil: "Don't take pics now. You're only confusing them. They ARE from Oklahoma." *looks around* "Perhaps this wasn't the proper place to say that." *G* Hugs from Phil.

I didn't hear this part, but Krik relayed it to me. While I was talkig to Phil, apparently someone was trying to take a pic and said, "I don't know what I'm doing." Jeff: "You want a professional?", and pointed at me. *G* Of course I was totally oblivious to the whole thing. *G*

Phil: "Hey, Tex...ass...I said that too slow, didn't I?"

I was taking a pic of George in Austin and he stuck out his tongue, but I missed it (open mouth, insert foot time) Me: "George, gimme the tongue!" The look on his face...*sigh* Me: "I mean on CAMERA!!" grrr....George cracked me up cause he was posing all suggestively for Coleen to take a pic. Hers was too dark but I was backing her up. *G*

Scott asked about Mackey: "So how's your son doing?" I was confused at first since Mackey had actually been injured in the game the week before. But I realized it was a general "how's he doing?" question. Still, very sweet that he remembers. Scott: "He's into sports alot, right? Is it baseball?" Me: "Well, yeah. Baseball is his big thing, but he's playing football now, which I hate." Scott: "Wow. How old is he now?" Me: "He'll be 17 next week." Scott: "Wow. That's amazing. 17." (stop trying to do the math in your head Scott. I'm still younger than you. *G*)

I was trying to get some random pics and John caught me going for him. He kinda made this funny face (which I missed) then laughed out loud (which I ALSO missed). But you just haven't "met" John 'til you see him really laugh. The man just beams. And he is getting cuter everyday.

He talked a bit about his kids who are 7,8,9. I thought he had two girls and a boy, but it's two boys and a girl. Me: "Wow. You had them close together. You are going to have some interesting "teen" years." John: "Well, I look at it like this. I get to go through it all at once. Get it over with." Me: "At least Jasmine has two brothers to protect her and beat up the undesirable boys." John: "I'm hoping she's going to be pretty selective." Somehow I'm guessing Daddy isn't going to let just anyone date his baby girl. *G* John just BEAMED when he talked about his kids.

I mentioned Natalie's birthday coming up soon and Scott giggled: "Yeah. But she doesn't want us to tell her when it is. She wants to be surprised." Isn't that cute? Natalie sounds like a fun chick!

We asked him how they did during the hurricane. Apparently it wasn't so bad for Scott: "We live in an old house so the wind didn't bother us much. But Kev got hit hard. They were out of power for several days." Ugh.

In Austin I asked Scott if they were ever going to do Jenny again. Scott: "Yeah, we've been working on it." He knows that's my favorite song to hear live. *G* And sure enough, they performed it in Lufkin. I told Scott later that when he said the next song was a request by someone in Texas, I waited a minute before yelling, "Just in case someone ELSE had requested something." Scott: "Oh you KNEW I was going to do that song for you." *G* I love him!

I also told him that the "WITWICS/Zombie" medley was pretty cool, but he wasn't so sure: "I dunno. It just doesn't give us the same POW at the end as just doing Carmen. Kinda like, 'Okay we're done. You can go now.'". Obviously they ALL thought the same thing cause it appears they've gone back to the original ending. Cool.

If any of you read my diary, you know that for Krik's birthday, I gave her a pic of Jeff. But this wasn't just ANY pic of Jeff. I'd taken his face and put it on a scantily clad "Chippendales Dancer". Krik had to get Jeff to sign it. The problem was, to sign it, he also had to SEE it. *G* So Krik starts explaining to him: "Mo did it!" And shows the pic to Jeff who stares at it for a moment, then goes, "HOLY Mother of GOD!" and started laughing so hard! LOL OMG! He was showing the other guys who were also laughing. I explained that for Christmas a couple years ago, Krik had asked Scott to raise his shirt for the Belly Button pic (my all-time best ever gift. *G*) and we KNEW there was no way in hell that Jeff would EVER raise his shirt for us. "So I made it up." *G* While I was telling the story, Scott winked at me and smiled. Yep, he's gettin' a bit nervous. *G* But back to the pic. Jeff: "So this is what you think I really look like?" Krik: "Yeah." Looking closer at the pic: "I shave my PITS? Give me 6 months and I'll look like that.'s going to be 5 1/2 months 'til we see you again....*G*

I noticed in Austin that Scott was wearing a yellow bracelet and knew it was the "Lance Armstrong" bracelets, but in Lufkin he was wearing a white one. Apparently Jesse had given it to him. Said, "Baller" on it. Scott: "So I'm a baller." Um...okaaaay. Then he said that Jesse wanted a Lance Armstrong bracelet so badly but they were all sold out, so Lisa went online on Ebay and bought one for him. Isn't that the sweetest? *sniff* Yay for people who love their kids!

I had forgotten how old Jesse was. I was thinking that he was 12. When I asked Scott, he said, "no, he's only 11. Don't make him older than what he is." Aww...

Me: "So...I heard you beat George at bowling that last time." Scott: "Yeah, was...a fluke." *G*

Hugging George goodbye in Lufkin, he said: "Bye BabyBoo." Okay, I can live with that. hehehe...

Total coolness. In Oklahoma, I gave Scott his birthday present which was a pewter keychain with "CSL IV" inscribed on one side and "Make Your Heaven" on the other. Scott *reading* "Make your" Also attached was a pretty piece of polished amber. I'd included a poem which said, "His eyes are emeralds streaked with gold. His stare is strong and deep. And with a voice like polished amber, he sings them blissfully to sleep." Scott read this and says, "Mo, that's just beautiful! Absolutely beautiful." George was looking at it too: "Well done. Well done." So I tell Scott: "Well there was more to the poem but Krik said it was sappy, so I had to change it." Scott laughed. "That is just so thoughtful." THEN...He got up right then from the M&G table and walked around for a hug! While hugging me he whispered, "Thank you so much! That's just beautiful!" The COOLEST part was that there was a group of snippy little size 2's standing right behind me and according to Brendaly, one of them opened her arms for a hug, which she did NOT get. *G* Yeah, I'm a bitch. Sue me. *G* Later he opened the box again and was looking at the amber: "Is this like from the Jurassic era?" Me: "Yeah." Scott: "Wow."

Brendaly gave Scott a neat bag full of cute things such as Elvis Presley memorabilia, Stevie Wonder Cd, etc. George: "How come I didn't get anything?" We had to remind him that we'd done the same thing for him in Bartlett. "Oh yeah." *G* As a group, the Rockapella Roadtrippers (Me, Krik, Coleen and Brendaly) had special M&Ms made for Scott also. They each said "Scott Rocks!" And "We Luv You, Scott!" He LOVED them! First he didn't think they were anything but M&Ms 'til we told him to read them. He was laughing and showing the others.

In Lufkin, Brendaly had asked Scott to sing "This Isn't Love" Scott: "But that's such a "downer" song." Brendaly: "So? It's a good song!" Scott: "This isn't love who do we think we're foolin'? This isn't love why don't we just let go? A downer!" Brendaly: "Oh, but I love that song." And you KNOW he's not going to tell BrendalyBrendaly NO. *G*

In OK I had to take a pic of Coleen with Da Boyz but her camera was shut off and I had no clue how to use it, so they're all standing and staring at me. Me: "Can I just use MY camera?" Coleen had to try twice before she got it to work. Yeah, I'm a dork. *sigh*

George was sitting at the end of the table and I said, "C'mon, George. You KNOW I need a "tongue pic"." So he gives me this cute little "wrinkle-face/tongue" thing, which is just darlin', then says, "Is this the blackmail pic?" Now when he said "blackmail" I thought he was saying "black male", which confused the hell out of me. George: "Is this going on the website?" Me: "Do you want it to?" George: "Yeah. What's it going to say?" Me: "What do you want it to say?" George had to think a minute: "I want to go bowling." Sure George. Original. Witty. It works. *G*

I managed to get three hugs from Scott in OK alone. On the last hug, I got a nice whiff of something that smelled nice so I said, "Ooh, you smell good? What are you wearing?" Scott: "Nothing that I know of." Me: "Is it your hair?" Scott: "I dunno." Then....EEK! He leaned his head over to me so I could smell his HAIR!!! OMG! Me: "Yep. It's your hair. What is it? Pantene?" Scott *laughing*: "Best Western". *G* Guess who stopped at the front desk for extra bottles of shampoo that night? *G*

I gave Scott a gift for Natalie's birthday and said, "I'm sorry. I forgot you guys were going to California next and I don't want you to carry extra stuff. But it's not breakable so you can cram it in your bag." Scott: "Oh that's okay. I brought a big suitcase. And thank you! That's so sweet!"

Scott was wearing the same necklace he wore in STL and I asked to see it again, since we all know I didn't get the best look at it last time. *G* He pulled it out and let me touch it. Me: "What kind of stone is that?" Scott: "I think it's a tiger's eye. Not sure what it means though."

Scott was wearing the BEST t-shirt at the M&G in Lufkin. Nothing really special about it, other than the way it fit him. Maybe because it was a white t-shirt, I don't know, but it was VERY "pec-friendly" if you know what I mean. *G*

Scott: "Is that your car with the signs on it at the motel?" Me: "Yeah." Scott: "I like that. Real Men Don't Need Instruments. LOL" (at one point our car had ended up parked between both 'Pella cars. *G* So naturally we joked about licking the door handles, just to get some DNA, but then we thought, "Nah. What if someone was actually trying to steal the cars and tried all the handles with scummy hands?" *G* Then we started thinking up scenarios like, "What if it was freezing outside and we got our tongues stuck? The guys would come out and someone would have to pee on us to get us loose!" And no, we had NO alcohol this trip. *G*

Once we were coming into the motel and getting our stuff out of the trunk. Da Boyz had just driven up and Linda was doing what she does best...talking (hey, she IS a storyteller, remember? *G*) Kev walked up behind her and just stood there. Linda turns around and was nose-to-nose with Kev. She nearly passed out. Then of course, she yelled at us for not warning her. Sorry, Linda, but you know, we had to sacrifice you for the sake of the joke. *G* Kev walked by and read my sign and said, "Drums are for pussss...sissies. Cute." *G*

Since nothing was open in Alva when we got there the first night, Coleen and went to the vending machine and were just STARING at the crap in it. Jeff comes around the corner with a WalMart bag (who knew there'd be a WalMart in Alva?) and he said, "Hi, Ladies. What are you doing?" Coleen told him we were getting supper. Jeff: "Oh that's not a good idea. Go to WalMart." Found out, it was just around the corner. *G* Yay, Jeff! So we walk slow to our room to see if we could tell what room Jeff was in, but he turned the corner. *G*

The next morning, though, John could be heard in the room right next to ours, practicing Christmas songs. I grabbed a plastic cup to try to "ear to the wall" trick. I forgot the cup had milk in it, which sent Coleen into fits of laughter: "Get a CLEAN glass, you dope!" So I tried again but we couldn't hear anything and it would really suck if we got caught standing outside his door listening. *G*

I told Jeff that we could hear his heartbeat during the break in "Tonight". Jeff: "I noticed that too. Weird." Me: "No. Cool." I also told him that during his solo you could feel his "bass" stuff in your chest. Jeff: "Really? That place had a lot of boom in it.

Jeff told us that he was almost positive that they'd be asked back to Austin, possibly for a Christmas show. Then he mentioned Dallas to which I said, "Be careful there. If you wave at someone, they might think you're flashing a gang sign and shoot you." (Of course that's only in certain areas. *G*)

Okay I'm sure there is tons more that I'm forgetting right now. I'll try to add more later. But as usual we had an incredible time!

The Meet and Greets
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