Austin, Texas, 2005

Krik and I left Palestine at 3pm for the show which was 3.5 hours away in Austin. We had plenty of time...or so we thought. Apparently EVERYONE in Austin and the surrounding area decided tonight would be the perfect night to be on the road. We made 15 miles in one hour. By the time we got out of the traffic jam, our response was something like, "For all this trouble, they'd BETTER be singing naked!"

Anyway, we DID make it in time and found our seats, which were way back in Row J, in the corner. Still the view was nice so no complaints.

It had been quite some time since Krik and I had seen a holiday show. In fact, it'd been since the shows in STL a couple years back. We were blissfully surprised at how much the show had changed! WOW!

The boyz came out to "I Heard the Bells". Awesome. Their voices blend so beautifully together.

I didn't keep a setlist so I'm not going to even try to keep things in order. I'll try to remember as much as I can.

"Driedel" (sp) had me bouncing back and forth between laughter and pure unadulterated "neediness", if you know what I mean. Amazing how Scott can take a simple song like that and turn it into a hit. And all the dancing, etc. was awesome! They all did some little kick back thing. Can't really describe it. You really have to see it to know what I'm talking about.

"Winter Wonderland": Gorgeous, of course. George was purposefully out-of-sync with Kev, Scott and John, walking backward when they went forward and vice versa. *G*

I LOVE "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree". Kev's voice is incredible and...can we talk about Scott's whistling at the end? OMG! Humina.

Next up: "Glow Worm/It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas". I love how they started out sounding like an old radio station, then John picks up the lead and tears it up! We got a special treat during the break of the song with John doing this awesome "soft-shoe" tap dance. Is there nothing this man can't do? (Scott tells us later that John starred in the "Tap Dance Kid" when he was younger and is the grandson of (I can't remember the name now) a famous tap dancer. The only bad thing about John's dancing during this part is I completely forgot to "listen" to Scott and Kev singing over each other.

"Little Mary Snowflake": This song will always be special to me. Gotta love, "Conquering Kingdoms and hackin' at dragon heads." Only Scott, right?

It's Kev's turn to talk he talks about living in Florida at Christmas time. "We bundle up in shorts, warm up around the juicer. I even have to wear socks." "The Love and the Lights"...Favorite part of the song? Scott: "Turning from white to green."

Meanwhile, throughout the show, Jeff is punctuating certain moments with sleigh bells. Krik was in Heaven.

"Merry Christmas Darling": John's voice on this song is just amazing!

"This Christmas Day": LOL at Scott imitating being stuck on a crowded subway and "snuggling up to make new friends." He was kinda swaying his hips in the cute little way that only Scott can do. *G*

Scott introduced Rudolph by telling us about an article he read where people would write in to and ask questions. He said one of the most often asked question was "On the Island of Misfit Toys" what was wrong with the doll? Scott: "We all know that the train had square wheels. The water gun would only shoot jelly." Kev: "There was a Charlie in the Box"...Scott: "But what was wrong with the doll?...Turns out her problems were mostly psychological..." LOL "Rudolph" was AWESOME! Jeff did his solo during this song and stopped in the middle and said, "Those of you who've seen Rockapella will know this is earlier than we usually do this, so don't panic." Great solo, as usual. I love that low singing/drumming thing he does. WOW! Meanwhile, Scott, John and Kev have donned antler headbands and are lined up like Santa's reindeer, calling off (Kev) "Dasher", (Scott) "Dancer", (John) "Prancer", (Jeff making a "V" with his fingers) "Vixen"...George begins driving the sleigh. They looked SO silly, but so cute at the same time.

Scott decided to leave his antlers on through the next song, which was "Please Come Home For Christmas" "This is fun. I'm going to leave them on for the whole show"...however, while he was singing, the antlers slipped down over his face. He took them off and hung them on his neck, resembling a turkey wattle somewhat. Not content to stop there, he then wrapped the headband around his waist. Yes, it fit (skinny little &%*^($). I then spoke (probably a little to loudly) to Krik: "I wonder where he's going to hang it next." Lots of laughs for the Elvis-type ramble.

Next John went down into the audience to find a kid for the next song. He stopped at Madison and asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She replied, "An Ipod." John then looks to her mother: "Do you have a job?" She: "Yes." John: "Good deal." So he brings a very terrified Madison up on stage and tells her: "We're going to sing a song, but we need your help. You'll know the song when you hear it." Well, of course, Madison didn't know the first verse and didn't recognize the song as "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". John: "Wait. You'll know it. I promise. Hang on. You'll know it." Finally they get to the familiar verse and Madison grudingly helps them finish the song. When they were finished, she couldn't get off that stage fast enough. *G*

This is the first time I've been able to hear "Christmas Without You" live. It was gorgeous! What a beautiful sweet song. Unfortuntely, when Scott sang, "It's just me and a tree and Abdul"...The lady behind us thought that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard and began laughing.

George began talking, giving the usual "milk" speech. Then he had the audience participate in singing "Silent Night" and they all left the stage.

All came back except Kevin and Scott asks: "George, are you ready?" George: "Ready." Scott: "John?" John: "Ready." Scott: "Kevin?" Nothing. Scott: "Kevin?" Nothing. Scott (yelling) "KEVIN!" Kevin: "What?" This starts "Christmas Don't Be Late". OMG! We were laughing so hard. Scott wanted an Olson Twin. George requested a hula hoop and began demonstrating his fine hula form. Stop, George. Just stop. Now. *G* "The Grinch" came up somewhere and was stealing the gifts (we know now that it's Bryan and he does a great job). The Grinch begins dancing and taunting the 'Pella's. So funny! Bryan has some MOVES! And quite the firm tushy if I may be so bold. *G*

"Angels We Have Heard On High" Everyone MUST hear this version before they die. Unbelievable. Scott can take any song and turn it into a 'Pella masterpiece. I LOVE it! Encore: "Shambala" It's been a long time since I've heard this one. It's still one of my favorites.


"WITWICS" I LOVE the new VP break down in this. Kinda reminiscent of "Smilin'".

They ended the night with "Hold Out For Christmas".

Much pelvic thrusting, hip shaking, lip curling, tap dancing and giggling. The Boyz don't appear to be talking quite as much between songs, but you know what? It's not necessary. There is so much energy during the songs, I really haven't missed the banter. Rockapella continues to "up" their game with each and every show.

Now, the Meet and Greet...

The M&G was a bit rushed but by no fault of the 'Pellas. The venue had roped off the autograph table and fixed it so that when you went through the line, you ended up outside. We managed to wait until Da Boyz got up to mingle. I know they were exhausted. They've done so many shows this month, but they still stayed and chatted with fans and smiled while they did it.

I told John that I really enjoyed the dancing during "Glow Worm". This earned me a hug and a big " Thank you!". Me: "Who knew you could dance too?" Okay so yeah, we KNEW he could dance. He's awesome!

A surprising hug from Bryan. Since I'd only met him once, I wasn't going to even ask, but he offered and who am I to refuse the boy? He is an absolute doll. So sweet and bubbly. He is a wonderful addition to the group.

Krik asked George why he didn't move to NY like he had planned. He told us that his daughter "wasn't having none of that." So he is staying put. He seems happy about it. He told us that his daughter is 11 and already has a cell phone. George: "She's going to get it taken away already. She's used up all her minutes. Don't have but 20 minutes left. She's going to be calling me going, "Hi Dad. Bye Dad. Gotta go." Earlier Krik's phone was ringing (it was my son Mackey, keeping tabs on me...can you believe that? *G*) Anyway, George said, "I heard that booty call you got a while ago."

George said he didn't see us in the audience. We told him we were kinda far back. Me: "Didn't you hear us "Wooing?" George: "I'm tone deaf. I can't hear outta dis ear." Whatever, darlin'. *G*

Talked quite a while with Jeff. He is amazing. He told us that the director of the Paramount is also involved with the Majestic Theater in Dallas. He said they were trying to get RP to play there next year. I said: "Time to start emailing people again." Jeff: "Be nice." Me: "I'm always nice." Jeff: "You are?" *G* Turd. He's so cute. I love him. Don't tell Krik. *G*

As we were talking with Jeff, he began tapping the lens of my camera for some reason, saying, "Big lens. Big lens." I have no idea why, but anyhoo...

Scott was please that they might be playing in Dallas, being a Cowboy fan.

I asked Scott how he was feeling now. He said he was feeling fine. Still had some pain, but it wasn't affecting his singing. I told him: "Well, you had everything from Bird Flu to Bubonic Plague." Scott: "LOL. It's ASTHMA! Can you believe that?" *G* He said it was "sports induced asthma" which occured because of some of the high/hard notes he has to hit. He said he'd been having some pain for about a year and "I finally told my wife and she made me go to the doctor and check it out." Me: "Thank God SHE had some sense."

I wish we'd had more time to talk, but I know Da Boyz were tired and hungry and still had 6 more shows before they got a break.

Back To Austin, 2005