Bartlett, Tennessee, 2004, The Meet & Greet

Okay you guys know how my M&G reviews go. These are all totally random things in no particular order:

We had a group pic taken in Texas for them to sign. Jeff liked it, of course. He showed it to George and said something like, "Isn't this a cool shot? I mean, it's a neat 8X10 pose, don't you think?" Not sure what he was really talking about but it's nice that Jeff likes the pics. Yep, he's getting a copy. *G*

We also remembered to bring the pics he and George requested (the ones we forgot to bring when they were in Texas). George: "Uh oh. Are these the stalker pics?" Krik: "No. They're the ones you asked for. We won't show you the "stalker" ones." *G* George: "Cool."

After they signed the group shot. I had individual ones I wanted signed. Scott really liked his. It was B&W. He said, "Ooh. That's a neat shot there."

*backstory* When it was announced that John would be replacing El in the lineup, the blurb on the website quoted Scott as saying, "My noggin is throbbing." I mentioned to Pat that "throbbing" was ONE word Scott Leonard should never EVER say again. I've been teased mercilessly (but with love) about the word "throbbing" now. *G* So finally I told Pat, "I'm going to ask Scott to write a song with "throbbing" in the lyrics and I bet he can do it. And I bet it's a hit!" To which Pat (ever the shit stirrer) said, "Not only do I DARE you. I DOUBLE DARE you!" Great. That meant I HAD to tell him now. *G* So I showed Scott the email and told him the story. He was reading the email and looked up at me and said, "I can't say "throbbing"?" Me: "Nope. That's one word you cannot ever say again. Can't say anything in Japanese either. It's can't...just don't." Scott's getting the point now and grinning (laughing) at me. Kev: "You girls are BAD. So what word rhymes with throbbing?" I get this blank stare. "That's Scott's job to come up with that." So now there've been TWO 'Pellas say "throbbing". Stop it. Just...stop it. *G* Anyhoo, since I told Scott I needed proof that I told him this story, he signed the email, "I hereby acknowledge acceptance of this document." hehehe...smartass. *G*

Later, talking to Jeff: "Did you get new hair?" (HUH?) Okay I knew what he meant. Me: "Yeah, a little." Jeff: "I like it. It's all *wiggling finger around* (my hair is kinda curly now. *G*)

Before the show, Phil walked by and said to Krik: "Hey Tex!" And I was standing by Brendaly and said, "Hi, Phil." Phil: "How ya doing...Brendaly?" I yelled, "HEY!" and made like I was chasing him backstage. Phil: "Hey, is that your car with the signs on it?" Me: "Yeah." Phil: "I like that. Real men don't need instruments. That's a good one." *G* Which means they also saw the magnets on the back of the car which said, "Some call it stalking...WE call it LOVE." (Thanks Pat!)

At the beginning of the M&G, we saw John talking to an older couple. When he left, Brendaly and I walked over to them and asked if they were related to John. They said that they were his parents. No kidding. He looks just like his dad. They seemed a bit like deer caught in headlights. Guess they weren't expecting the adoration to start so soon. *G* But we were polite and told them that John was incredible and seemed to be having a blast onstage. Seemed like very nice folks. *G*

We (the Rockapella Road Trippers: Coleen, Brendaly, Krik and I) gave George a bag of birthday gifts. Though he said it was bad luck to open them early, we made him do it anyway. He got a pin that said, "Kiss me. It's my birthday", a neat little bowling game and a t-shirt that said, "Grab your balls. We're going bowling." He LOVED it. We also gave him this huge Hershey Chocolate Bar that said, "Happpy Birthday, George!, Love, MoNKrik (and Coleen and Brendaly)". Jeff was impressed: "Neat. Is that a kit?"

We'd made Jeff a bunch of business cards which said "A Hug From Jeff Thacher" with a hershey Hug stuck in the middle of it. That way, when over-zealous fans demand hugs, he can just give them one of those and be safe. *G* He LOVED that too! Jeff: "OOh! You made a bunch of them!" Krik: "You'll need them." Me: "I made the card. Krik stuck all the hugs on." Jeff: "That is so cool." Krik also gave Jeff a cute little gun that shot...things...He was laughing. "Oh, I wanted one of these." *G*

Talking to George, we hinted that jeans in Texas again would be nice (we're not betting on it this time, though. I think the Paramount and Lufkin are both very hoity toity. But that's cool. We got jeans once, so yay.) But I told George, "See, the loophole is that we haven't yet seen John in jeans." George: LOL

George mentioned the gift basket we'd given them in Texas in April: "Did one of your mamas make some salsa?" Me: "Yeah, my mom did." George: "I took that home. It was MINE. And I'm still working on the alcohol. They sent it all home with me!" Me: "Great. They think we're a couple of wild women." (which we are.*G*)

We were getting the group shots and it was time to clear out the venue. As I took my last pic I forgot where I was and said loudly: "Oh, I runned out of film."(Yeah, I KNOW that's not correct *G*) But of course Kev heard me (well, they all did, cause Scott was laughing too). Kev: "Oh you RUNNED out?" Me: "I know that AIN'T right!" I swear I graduated from college. Really. Even took a test to advance to a higher English class. Maybe I should have taken the first class too. *G*

A little later we were saying goodbye to Scott and of course, I get my "Goodbye" hug. Then he says, "You changed your hair. I like it. Got that...curly thing going on" *wiggles his fingers too. Is that a 'Pella thing? *G* So YAY! 2 'Pellas liked my hair. Coleen: "We've all been telling you, your hair looks good and you don't believe US, but you listen to Scott and Jeff." You betcha!

I saw Fed and Phil standing beside each other and was getting a pic. Fred caught me. I said, "You know I just had to do that." He smiled. He's so shy. But so cute. And of course, Krik had to argue with Phil: "You shut up." No YOU shut up." "YOU shut up." Me: "Both of you, SHUT UP." Phil told us that the two of us were the only ones from Texas who didn't want to kick his ass. Are you sure? *G* I love Phil.

Mickie was standing beside me and Krik was beside her. They both asked for hugs at the same time and Scott kinda weaved back and forth, trying to decide who to hug first. So he went for Krik. Then he went for Mickie, who, at this time had turned around to say something to someone. Scott's standing there with his arms open and nobody to hug. So I go, "Hey, I'll take that one." Which he cheerfully hugged me again. *G* I LOVE him.

We got a closer look at George's ring and he told us the whole bowling story which was friggin' hilarious! He said that he and another guy named George were both going for the 300 game. The other guy gave up at 8 strikes because he couldn't take the pressure. George had one more strike to get and he said, "I was so nervous. I just threw the ball down the lane and ran." He said he'd been drinking too and he heard everybody cheering and goes, "Did I do something good?" *G* You have to hear HIM tell the story. LOL Neat ring. Great hands. *G* I mean, they LOOK great. Out of the gutter, dudes.

Also, we had teased George in Texas because he wore jeans, but didn't tuck his shirt in so we could see the um...tushie. He told us he needed to keep some mystery. Yeah, right. So anyhoo, he was standing with his back to us at one point and I just got the devil in me suddenly and carefully lifted the back of his shirt so Krik could take a pic. George pretended to yell for security, but was laughing and stood perfectly still for not one...but 2 pics. *G* I need a huge folder to hold all these restraining orders that I'm sure will be flowing in soon. *G*

The next morning, as we were leaving, so were Da Boyz. George was wearing the shirt we'd given him! He looked mighty fine in it too! YAY! You should have seen all the bags they had. Coleen: "It was just one show guys! Why so many bags?" Me: "Hell, we pack better than that!" Kev: "It's all Jeff's stuff." Scott was in the drivers seat. They all looked hot.*G* And of course, WE looked like shit. No sleep. No makeup. And we looked like a group of living troll dolls with the hair. *G* Ah well...

I'm sure I'll be adding more stuff to this as I remember it.

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