Bartlett, Tennessee

The Meet and Greet was fun as usual, but I've become spoiled to the "wander around the room" M&G. It's harder to talk when they're behind a table. But we did our best.

We'd brought Da Boyz brownies from "Eilenberger's Bakery" which is in Palestine and FAMOUS for their great brownies/cookies/cakes, etc. Also we found these little "hugs". They were "Aggie Hugs" and since Da Boyz are coming to A&M in April, we thought it was a cute idea.

We got to Jeff first and gave him his brownies and "hugs". One of his brownies was broken and he goes, "Did you take a bite?" I said, "No but Krik did." Krik: "I did NOT!" Jeff: (laughing) "I would have." *G* So we had an 8X10 pic of the "Don't Do It" pic from Kansas that we'd had set up as a calendar for them to sign. Really liked the pic and asked if we could email him a copy of it. WOW! How flattering is that? So I told him we would.

El was next and as usual, very sweet. He seemed tired and a bit quiet, but who can blame him? He enjoyed the brownies and "hugs" too.

Next was Kev: "So, did you have fun tonight?" Me: "Oh yeah! It was great! I had SO much fun!" He kinda winked, I guess he was remembering me and my gropie-ness on his tushie. *G* He signed the pic and we talked a bit and I told him we wanted them to wear jeans in Texas. Me: "We already told George and Jeff but I bet Jeff "forgets". *G* Kev: "Hmm..with boots?" Me: "You don't have to wear boots. Just jeans." Krik: "Wranglers". Scott was listening and I could have sworn he said, "I can't squat in jeans." But who knows?

Anyway, so Scott says, "You were great up there tonight." Me: "Thanks. It was fun. Embarrassing, but fun." Scott: "No need to be embarrassed. We had a great time with you." Aww...So I asked if I could get a group pic. Scott: "Sure!" I walk behind them and as I get behind Scott he says, "By the way, what was that you were trying to teach me up there tonight? (the bump thingy)". Me: "Oh, I was DARED to do that." Scott: "Funny." Me: "Yeah, I nearly fell too. That would NOT have been pretty." Scott laughed. So we all kinda hung out and talked a bit. I must mention that Kev smelled especially nice when he leaned in for the pic. I forgot to ask what kind of cologne it was, but I must find it. *G*

Brendaly and I were over talking to George later when everyone was milling around and I hugged him and said: "I have two ladies that are coming to Texas to see RP JUST because of YOUR picture. They've never even heard you sing." George, "Oh my. I better get ready then." Then I told him that one of the girls asked if he was married and I told her "no". George, "Oh, but I AM married now." And showed me his ring. I THINK I squealed and hugged him again, "Congratualtions! How cool is that?" He told us a bit about his "new" family. He was grinning ear to ear. August 21. *G* Yay for George. Then he said, "So now it's back to just ONE being single." *G*

Finally Da Boyz were heading out and as they were leaving, Kev yelled, "Hey're NEXT!" Now it's KRIK'S time to panic! *G*

The Meet and Greet
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