"A Gentle Thunder"

George W. Baldi III

He takes the stage to tenative applause. They do not know him. They wonder...Will he be able to fulfill their dreams as the other had?

They soon receive their answer as his powerful hand grips the mic. The sweat from his brow falls to the stage floor, christening his maiden performance as he begins his musical seduction.

From somewhere deep within his massive chest, a low rumbling begins; almost imperceptible at first, but slowly building in intensity until his voice is no longer merely HEARD, but FELT,

vibrating through the halls, claiming his willing victims one by one as they readily give in to him.

He continues throughout the night, caressing them all with a gentle thunder.

And then...he is silent; awaiting their verdict. But he does not wait long, for the ovation is immediate and deafening.

They have accepted him as the others knew they would. A glorious smile breaks across his beautiful face, causing hearts to stop mid-beat.

Now...he knows. He is no longer "The New Guy". He is one of them. And he accepts his appointment graciously.

Read About The Other Guys!