"The Dusty Halo"

Kevin Randall Wright

He takes the stage as the audience cheers, his heart beating in tandem with their applause. His smile lights up the room like sunshine shedding droplets of gold on new fallen snow. He cannot stop the smile. It is a part of him, like stars are a part of the midnight sky. And it will not be broken.

Red-blonde curls frame an angelic face. But this angel harbors a dusty halo; not as innocent as you would first believe.

He is a young boy in a man's body, eager for laughter, hungry for mischief. Stirring the same mischief in his bandmates as the joy of who he is swells from deep inside.

He feels his song deep within his soul as his voice rises higher; so high, so clear, even birds stop singing for they are ashamed of their own voices as his reaches the sky.

This is why he's here. This is why he sings. It is his destiny and he joyously accepts his task.

And now, it is time. Who will it be? Blonde/brunette? Heavy/thin? Young/old? Pretty/plain? The physical no longer matters as he reaches down and takes her hand, beckoning her to join him on the stage, her eyes wide with wonder as they all say, "Hello". But this one...THIS one will sing to her. He will call her "pretty". He will leave her with a memory that no one can take away. Her night. The night HE chose her. His "Pretty Woman".

Will you choose him? Of course!

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