Danville, Kentucky

The Meet and Greet in Danville was a bit difficult. There were skinny little security dudes all over the place. I believe Boge called them "Roaches". But they were intent upon sending us through the M&G line at warp speed, no matter what. But dammit! It's Scott's birthday. Several of us had gifts that we'd worked very hard on and naturally we wanted Scott to have a chance to open them while we were there.

I was one of the lucky ones. Krik had my back and as we got up to the table, she absolutely REFUSED to let the little Secret Service dude move her.

We had brought along another pic for Da Boyz to sign. One we'd taken in Pittsburg Kansas a month earlier. El was first and didn't appear to be as tired as he was the day before. Krik and I had worn shirts that I'd made which said (mine)"No officer,I did not kidnap the 'Pella." (Krik's) "He LIKES being tied up like that." El laughed out loud at them. We actually had forgotten we'd worn them and started getting anxious because people appeared to be staring at us. It was cool once we remembered that it was the SHIRTS! *G*

So I get to Scott next and nervously hand him the pic I'd painstakingly cross-stitched over the last several months. I literally would spend 8 hours a night sometimes working on the thing, trying to get it finished by October 11. So I give it to Scott and he is totally amazed! "Oh my God! This is beautiful! What is that?" (I thought he couldn't tell that the pic was of him, then I realized he was asking HOW I'd done it.) So I told him it was cross-stitch. "Wow! That's amazing!" (shows it to El) Then he squints his eyes and looks at it real close! "Oh my God! That's a lot of work! Thank you!" So I tell him, "That has 90 different colors. Your hair alone had 16 different shades." Scott: "Wow. No kidding?" Me: "Your a very colorful person." Scott laughed. Meanwhile the Roaches were tapping me on the shoulder and telling Krik to move. After about the 5th "Move along", Krik lost it and growled, "I'm MOVING!" But she didn't. *G* I'm lauging. "Krik, you're showing your dainty side to Da Boyz." Krik: "I don't care dammit! You worked hard on that and by God. Scott's gonna see it." *G* Aww. What a pal! Then Scott leans over and shows George the pic. He's also impressed. We get our pic signed and move on down to Jeff and Kev. Kev is in shorts. Krik hasn't taken a single pic yet, so I go, "Um. What's wrong with this picture? Kev is sitting there in SHORTS and YOU aren't taking pics??? What is wrong with you?" Kev heard me and stood up to pose a bit for us. As luck would have it...JADE ran into the shot just as Krik took the pic. But we got a couple of his legs anyway, just not of him doing his muscle-man pose. *G* Anyway, as Jeff signs the pic, he tells Kev, "They always have great shots. I bet they have a million pics." *G* Meanwhile he read out shirts. When he read Krik's "he LIKES being tied up that way", Jeff feigns innocence and asks, "Whatever does that mean?" I said, "Oh we're from Texas. We tie everything up." Jeff: "Oh, I can't wait to get down there next year." *G* hehehe Then he says, "Those are cool. How much did you have to pay for them?" I told him nothing since I'd made them. Jeff: "Cool!"

Later, I was standing by talking to some of my 'Pella friends and Krik was still by the table. (She relayed the story). Phil walked by and noticed my pic and asked Scott "Who did that?" Scott: "Moe did." Phil later told us that the Roaches had misunderstood him and they were shoving us through too fast. But he said that there was hot food "good food for once" in the back and he wanted Da Boyz to be able to eat it while it was still hot. So we decided to give them a break. All the guys got up to leave. I THOUGHT Scott had left with them, but he lingered behind to open a few more gifts. Krik had given him a Flamingo ornament which he really liked. All of us were still standing around talking and I looked up and saw Scott kind of looking around. He made eye contact and walked right over to me with his arms open, ready for a hug. "Thank you SO much for the picture! It is really beautiful! I love it!" Coleen (arms open wide): "It was MY idea." So Scott hugged her too. Then Krik: "Hey, I'm the one who made her work on it." Scott hugged her too, "Really?" Me: "Yeah, she'd be yelling at me 'finish the damn thing', and I'm going (fake crying) but I'm so tired!" Scott laughed. "Well I know that was a lot of hard work. It's wonderful." So finally that sweet man got to leave and go eat.

After the M&G, we (Jade, Laura, Coleen, Brendaly, Krik and I) stopped at Popeyes to eat and basically annoy the servers there. But they were kind enough to cook a fresh batch of chicken for us.

Funny story: Krik loves Popeyes Rice and Beans. Evidently we got the bottom of the pot cause Krik was stirring hers around going, "All I have is rice." There was ONE bean. Coleen says, "oh so you got rice and BEAN." Krik whined a bit longer and I got tired of hearing it, so I found the one bean in MY bowl and slapped it into hers, "THERE!" Krik: "Thank you." Coleen nearly hit the floor.

When Popeyes closed we stood outside and loitered a bit, talking and laughing and generally being giddy, finding out when we could meet up again, etc. What a fun night!

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