Danville, Kentucky

When we got to Newlin Hall and found our seats, we were a bit disappointed. We WERE row B, but in the balcony, not on the floor. But after we were seated, it wasn't so bad. We had a great view and were able to see the show from a different angle.

Da Boyz came out again to "House of the Rising Sun". I was concerned at first that the pics we took wouldn't come out because of the lighting and the shutter speed was VERY slow, trying to let in enough light. But most of them came out fine. At the end of "HOTRS" I LOVE it when Jeff give that last breath thingy.

Next, "Moments of You". Scott introduced himself as "Rick Pitino" who Jen (laeta) informed me was a coach of some sort in KY (Thanks, Jen!). Great part when Jeff just goes "...yeah!" Instead of the drum beat in the break. And of course we were treated to a cute little "Scott" dance.

After "MOY" Scott said, "Kentucky loves Rockapella...Kentuckapella". Cute. Scott: "We drove through the town and it's a nice place..Danville. Is Dan here tonight?" He looked down at a little boy in the front row, "Are YOU Dan?" He said no. Scott: "It's probably named after Danial Boone, I think. Don't you?..Nobody knows. We have our new record out called "Smilin'". You can get it in any record store..or anywhere else...the LOBBY."

Cue "Here Comes the Sun". George was in rare form. *G*

Next we got a wonderful surprise: "Love Potion Number 9". I LOVED it! Scott and El (or was it Kev?) did some awesome "guitars" in the break.

El: "We're really excited to be here. This is our first time in Danville. And what a great drive from Lexington, too. Those beautiful gorges. What are they called?" Jeff: "Gorges". Helpful ain't he? *G* Kev: "Valleys?" Audience: "Pallisades". El: "Thank you. But you know from it here it sounded like 'pwahbah pwuababahhahah puh'." Naturally he got tickled at himself. El then announced that tonight it was Scott's birthday, to thunderous applause. Everytime Scott was backstage and they mentioned his birthday, he'd poke his head out and wave or bow. *G* El: "Scott's been with Rockapella for 14 years...he's 27." Scott started to come out and bug El. El: "Uh, let's not talk about age." Then he says, "You know I was thinking Danville, Danville. This is our first time in Danville. Do we have any song in our repertoire with Danville in the lyrics? And you know what? We do." "Let's Get Away": "Let's grab a kayak to Danville or Nayak." *G* During the scat part, Scott sings, "bup bu dubba I'm 63".

"Use Me". Never can get enough of Jeff's singing/VP on this song. At the end when they're singing "Use me", Scott starts singing, "Do the birthday dance" and they all join in dancing. *G* Scott: "It's my birthday." God, he's darlin'! At the end when they're supposed to sing "Use me" and stop. Scott keeps on dancing to...nothing. Then looks around, "Oh..it's over."

Kev's up now. "Happy to, happy to, happy to be here in Danville." Some kid goes "yeah!" Kev: "Yeah, dude!" Then talks about how pretty it is in Kentucky. "Lovely territory. Very mountainous. I wasn't thinking it was as mountainous as it is here. It's pretty mountainous (is that even a word?). But then I'm from Florida. We have flat land, dry land...marsh. So thank you for having us. Lovely theater. Uh. We were talking about Scott's birthday (someone screamed) and his wishes for what he wants for his birthday. And he just kept saying (little kid voice) spankings. I want spankings. So we said, Scott man we're serious. What do you want? Spankings!" So Scott comes out and turns around as if to receive his wish. Kev: "Who wants to come up and give Scott a spanking?" Naturally MANY of us yelled for that one. *G* To Scott: "It's not going to be TOO bad. The spankings. You know, once you get OUR age it's like with the candles. You never put all the candles on the cake. Just 3 or 4." They break into "Change in My Life".

Before the next song, Scott gives Kev $100. Kev: "Thank you! But it's YOUR birthday." Scott: "Yeah, but I owed you that money." Kev: "Oh, okay." Scott: "Just trying to make people think that I was truly magnanimous." OOh, big word Scott!

"That's the Way" was next.

Scott: "You guys are so great, you deserve the right to hear "Rockapella's Greatest Hit".

El described a "day in the life of Rockapella". But now we're looking for a new product. Kev and Jeff (?): "Horses?" Kev (singing): "Horses, horses here they come, right out of...Danville." El: "Let's check on that. Maybe the Centre College...Fight Song."(giggles) Kev (again being helpful): "Centre College here they come. Rah rah rah rah...GO TEAM!" Scott: "Kevin Wright!" El (laughing): "No. Just...no."

During "Don't Do It" after El jumped onto the floor for a head-rub, he acted like it was just too hard to get back up onstage. He got so tickled at himself, he almost couldn't finish the song. I love when El gets tickled! *G*

"Long Cool Woman" Scott was really cracking them up with his warm up. *G*

Kev tried to go into the audience and he stepped onto a board that wasn't nailed down. Nearly fell. Kev: "Whoop! I'll just go this way." He found a dude who had curly hair, "Nice hair!" Talked to a lady named Maggie, then looks at the guy next to her. "Girlfriend?...You never MET her? What's her name?" Guy: "Maggie". Kev: "You know her name! This is Maggie. And what's your name?" Guy: "Jay." Kev: "Maggie, this is Jay. Carry on." He continues to look around the room for PW. "I can feel the energy." He finds another one. "What's your name?" Girl: "Mary." Kev: "And is this your boyfriend? What's your name?" Guy: "Miles." Kev: "Miles?" Looks at another guy sitting beside him. "Your name is Miles also? Oh you LIED! No need to lie. We're all friends here. I can't believe that." Looks at other guy: "Oh YOU lied. OOOOhkay" And he walked away. "I don't know who we can trust now." THEN he finds Myrtle. "Hi Myrtle. Can I sit next to you?" Myrtle: "Sure!" George starts the music. Kev gets her up on stage. When Jeff said "hi", he said, "You're all mine, Myrtle." And she gave him a hug and kiss. Kev: "So Myrtle. I saw you siting out there and I felt the energy. I started with curly...boy over there...And liar guys over there. Milo and Otis. And I just felt the energy. And you were just sitting over there..two seats beside you." Myrtle: "Well the other group is sitting on the other side." Kev: "Now you can look at them and go na na na na na na." Myrtle: "Na na na na na na." Kev: "What brings you to these hilly parts?" Myrtle: "Well I came from Georgia to visit my neice and I was in Bartlett last night." Kev: "Oh you were in Bartlett? That's why I felt the energy! But we're going to do a song, and if you were at the show last night, you wouldn't have heard it because this is a new one. But it's very special song and we only do it for special people and because it's Scott's birthday, he said 'Let's do that song.' So we're going to try. There's one part that gets a little touchy and I might get emotional and unable to finish the song. So if that happens, can you just do a little interpretive dance for me?" It is very apparent that Myrtle had it sweet for Kev. Cause she followed him everywhere. At one point, he acted like the song was just too hard to sing and walked over by Kev and El, crying. Myrtle got off the stool and followed him and just HUGGED him. She was SO cute. Kev kept having to "guide" Myrtle back to the stool.

"Stand By Me"

Next Scott talked about Barry retiring. And he said, "Barry said, Guys, I'm retiring and we're going Hah. Oh Barry." Before George began "Papa" they sang Happy Birthday to Scott. This was SO sweet. "Happy Birthday Dear Scotty."


First encore "Up On the Roof/Wonderful World"

Scott: "We really had a great time and thanks for coming out and celebrating this wondrous occasion. We'll be in Kentucky all the time this month. We're basically here everyday. Henderson, Louisville, Hazard..." Kev: "Isn't that where the Dukes are from?" Scott: "No the Dukes are from Hopkinsville. That's where Daisy is from."

Scott: "This song is also from our "Smilin'" CD. And the thing about a cappella is that there's no piano. No guitar. That's easy. That's SO easy. But here if it doesn't combine just right, it can be terribly bloody and nasty. So the first few times we do this song, it can be kinda like a Gallagher concert." That was the inro to "Jenny Come Away".

"Zombie Jamboree". At the end of the song when they're singing, "Back to Back..." Scott and Kev were trying to out-jump each other (Scott won). But then he kept jumping long after. Kinda bounced all over the stage. So much energy. And did I mention...SEXY?

They left the stage momentarily then came out dress in Centre College sweatshirts. Looked like a bunch of sweet little frat boys. *G*

The move onto "Dance With Me". This was great! When George got to the part, "Shake what your mama gave ya!" He was moonwalking. Jeff got SO tickled, he literally couldn't VP for several bars. *G* I LOVE watching that man laugh!

Scott:"What's the mascot for Centre college?" Kev: (reading the label): "The JanSports". Scott got very hot very quickly in his sweatshirt so he started to take it off. When he heard people (me, Brendaly, I'm sure Jade and Laura..and just about every OTHER female in the audience) scream, he did it just a little bit slower. Aaah. What a nice thing to watch. *G* Unfortunately there was a shirt underneath. Why MUST he be so shy? *G* George (taking Scott's shirt): "Here. I'll take that." Scott to George: "That's a nice color." George: "Thank you."

At this point all the guys are standing at the front of the stage and George kinda looks at Jeff as if to say, "What are YOU doing here?" Jeff: "Oh, I was going to introduce you guys."

"Star Spangled Banner"

Jeff was trying to remove HIS shirt now, but somehow managed to get hung up pulling it over his head and missed the first few bars of "Keep Smilin'". Because of that he had no time to put on his second shirt, leaving us with a great view of a tight black t-shirt, sweat, and quite a nice body. Need I say it? Krik/puddle of goo. During the VP break: Scott: "Happy Birthday. Birthday boy. Happy Birthday boy." Now I have to wait ONE whole week to see them again!

The Meet and Greet
Back to Danville