Meet and Greet

Hazard, Kentucky

We waited around for a few minutes for Da Boyz to rest a bit and come out. I don't think the Hazard folks knew what to expect because they had these tables for the signings, but they were so high, when Da Boyz sat in the chairs, they all looked like a bunch of talking heads. Scott played on that for awhile, mugging for pics. Kev and Jeff stood to the side and George and Scott stayed seated for most of the time. Poor El sat off to the side with his crutches. He was tired, but very sweet.

We got to Jeff first and had him sign yet ANOTHER group shot. AGAIN, Jeff really liked it and asked us to send it to him. We made a copy the next day and brought it to the next show.

Scott signed it and said, "Now wait. Does "Mo" have an "E" or not? I can't remember." I said, "I dropped the "E" because you can't remember to add it and I wanted to make it less traumatic for YOU." He laughed and said, "Thank you." Hey, at least he remembers my name! And though sometimes he signs "For MY Mo", he also will sign "Hey, Mo" as a play on the Three Stooges, which I LOVE! Krik didn't hear the conversation and she noticed that Scott had written "Mo" instead of "Moe". So she said, "Hey, you left off the "E", and I said, "No. We've already taken care of it. It's right." Scott: "Yeah." *G*

The pic we had them sign was the one from Hopkinsville and El wasn't in it. Strangely there was a mirror behind them and I ended up being in the pic, so George told me "I" had to sign it too. I said, "I'm just standing in for El in abscencia." *G*

Okay, if any of you read my diary (or not) you probably know that I'd written some "pieces" for each of Da Boyz. I made a card with a pic of them and had the writing on the opposite side. Now the problem: How to explain exactly WHAT this was. So I give Jeff his card and explained that when Barry retired, I wrote a tribute to him and he was very appreciative and emailed me to tell me so. I had been encouraged by many to send THESE writings to each of the guys, but hadn't really been brave enough until now. Anyway, I told Jeff: "This is kinda what would be written about you if you were the lead character in a trashy novel." Jeff's eyes got kind of wide because his card was titled, "Slip of the Tongue." Jeff: "OOh! Rockapella Porn!" Um, no. So he said, "I'll have to read this later" (Still afraid that it might be naughty, even though I assured him it wasn't) So Krik said, "NO! You've got to read it now." She was as anxious to see their reaction as I was. *G* I wasn't really paying attention to Jeff and Kev reading theirs because I was now explaining it again to George, Scott and El. When I mentioned that I'd written Bear's because he was retiring, Scott says, "So I have to retire now?" I said, "You better not. I couldn't stand it." Anyway, George read his ("A Gentle Thunder) and said, "Wow. That's...that's really nice. I like that." And of course gave me that amazing grin.

Meanwhile, Scott was reading his (The Golden Tenor) and when he finished, he looked me right in the eyes and said very sweetly, "Mo. That is absolutely beautiful. You have an amazing talent! I love it!" Then he looked at the card again and simply said, "Wow," and shook his head as if he didn't believe he'd just read it.

El read his and said, "Wow. This just blows me away. That is amazing. Awesome. Thank you so much." Scott said, "I'm putting this right beside the cross-stitch picture." He again told me how talented I was and I said, "That's what I do. That's why I admire what YOU do so much. I love to read your written words. I could never match that."

We kinda squatted down beside El and asked to see pics of Jules, which he GLADLY obliged us. Jules is a darlin'! Krik says he looks like the Michelin Man. The boy has HUGE thighs. I told El, "he has your head." El: "Thank you very much." We also saw some more recent pics of Eli and first day of school. His hair is still long and curly. Me: "Oh I love his hair." El: "Yeah, Eli has cool hair." *G* He's such a proud daddy."

Meanwhile, Scott got a phone call and we all assumed it was Natalie because he called her "Sugar Bear". Awww...*sniff*

Kev and Jeff were unusually silly that night and were standing off to the side of the table. Krik was trying to get a pic and Kev wouldn't look up. Finally he did and I said, "Kev. Photo Op." So Kev says, "Well, do you want me to pose? Or do you want me to act like I don't see the camera?" Krik: "Do whatever you want." (Here's a little handy hint: NEVER say that to Kev, OR Jeff for that matter. *G*) So Jeff sticks out his tongue and Kev reaches up and pinches his own nipple. Did I mention that anything these boys do is sexy? Yup. OMG! Funniest pic I've ever seen! Krik: "Blackmail!" Coleen: "Oh I have GOT to have a copy of that!" *G* I think I'm going to start another page on my site: "Pics That the 'Pella Probably Preferred They'd Never Posed For". We got several on this trip. *G*

So finally Phil started herding the guys out so they could go eat. I'd gotten hugs from Jeff, Kev and George. George smelled especially nice. Krik: "What are you wearing? You smell good." George: "Just soap and water...It's that Chocolate seeping out." Humina!

Anyway, I wanted to say "bye" to Scott and he was standing in the doorway, about to leave. He's just hung his phone up and I caught his eye and waved. That's all I expected since he was already on his way out, but the man knows how to get to me everytime. He waved back, then stopped and walked back into the room to me holding up his card, said, "Thank you" again and opened his arms for a hug. I said, "I can't leave without a hug. You know that." He said, "Of course not." He knows me too well, don't he?

Meanwhile, Krik's over by the door going, "Awww...that's so cute!"

Wait'll you hear what happened next!

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