Hazard, Kentucky

We got to the venue VERY early, mainly because it was general admission and we wanted to get the best seats and partly because, well...we were dressed and had nothing better to do. Lisafromomaha was there before us and Coleen showed up soon after. So yep, we're ALL obsessed. There was a marching band practicing at the high school right beside the venue so we busied ourselves watching them. Krik had to pee really bad, so when we saw one guy go in the doors, we took a chance that he'd left the door open. Sure enough, he had. Yay! What a gorgeous place! Obviously new and we all coveted the sink in the bathroom. *G*

Soon many of the other 'Pella heads showed up: Suzi and Wanda, Mallory and Mary Ellen. There was a couple behind us who'd never seen RP before and naturally we started dragging them into the conversations. *G* We could hear Da Boyz doing a sound check and since nobody seemed to be guarding the door, Krik decided to give it a "little tug". Suddenly we heard, "Excuse me..Ma'am?" So she had to shut the door.

Closer to show time, many more people started to show up, but we (us 'Pella heads as a group) were first in line. When they opened the doors it looked like a mass stampeded with Krik in the lead. *G* We managed to snag front row/center with two seats to spare. We attempted to have a couple of other people whom we'd just met sit there, but they declined. Finally, a young girl, Sienna and her dad accepted our offer for front row and it was their first show. What nice people. Sienna was a sweet heart and her dad was very nice.

Tammy Duff, whom we'd spoken to many times over the phone got up to introduce Da Boyz and mentioned her surprise at how many folks had traveled from out of state to see RP. WE weren't surprised, however. But nice of her to mention Texas, Georgia, Nebraska, etc.


"House of the Rising Sun"

Apparently El had seen a doctor since his injury and came out with one crutch instead of a makeshift cane this time. We were THRILLED to see him, because we were afraid he wouldn't be able to make it. But he's a tough dude. The show must go on. And that smile NEVER faded. *G*

Scott said it was nice to be in Hazard then introduced the guys as usual, and himself as "Loretta Lynn". Okaay. *G*

"Moments of You" Scott: "We were in Hopkinsville a couple of days ago, playing basketball at the YMCA and Elliott popped his calf muscle. He's in a lot of pain. He's been heavily medicated. So he may not be all here tonight. But it's a lot of fun for us, watching him. He's like "Tiny Tim", before Christmas. "(laughter. Poor El)"But what a great part of the country this is. Isn't this where Loretta Lynn is from? Coal mining country?" Someone in the audience said, "no". Scott: "Okay, so who's from here? *pointing to someone in the front row* "YOU are. Thanks alot. Is it the Dukes of Hazard? Are they from here?" *loud NO's* Someone yelled out, "Gene Ritchie" I THINK it was Jeff who said, "Lionel Ritchie's daughter?" Scott: "Gene Ritchie? Who's that?" He was told it was a famous folk singer. Scott: "I'm sorry. I didn't know that." Turns to El, "Do you know Gene Ritchie?" El: "No". Scott: "Okay. Good. I feel better. We've got the whole week in Kentucky. We had Hopkinsville, Hazard, Loo-ville, Looaville tomorrow, and Henderson on Saturday. So basically we're honorary citizens of Kentucky. The state of Kentucky, I think we're going to have to pay a lot of taxes to your state this year. So your kids will have lots of stuff in their Christmas stocking because of Rockapella. So Rockapella started on the streets of New York which is a far cry from the streets of Hazard..I suspect."

"Here Comes the Sun". During George's part, I held up a sign that said, "Chocolate Thunder". He was looking for it because we've gotten into the habit of showing him his sign at this time. Anyhoo, as he sings that last line, "riiiight", he read the sign and was looking right at me and made this low motion with his hand, like it was going into his pocket. I know he does this, but this time it was REALLY low. He was oozing sex. Yummy. No, he wasn't oozing it for ME but for EVERYONE at the show. He just happened to be reading my sign. *G*

"Dancin' In the Street". I love the little dance the others do onstage as Kev sings "Every guy, grab a girl, everywhere around the world." We just HAVE to do the same motions. So cute!

El: "Thank you very much. It's very good to be here. (Remember El's limping around on a crutch and many people were going, "Awww") I'm so sorry I messed up (or something like that)". Scott: "He's such a trouble maker". El: "I was trying to relive the glory of my high school basketball...I was the captain of the varsity team, if you can believe it. But that was 25 years ago. But let's not talk about how long ago that was. I realized when it happened...it felt like someone had kicked me REALLY hard from behind and I tore the muscle, if I can make it even more graphic for you. But I was thinking...my wife just gave birth to our second son six months ago. Thank you very much. And uh, his name's Jules and he's amazing. He's actually..if any of you are trying to keep track, he's 22 pounds, 4 ounces." Me: "Oh my." (uh, he heard me. *G*) El: "Oh my is right." Jeff: "That boy's gettin' some good eatin'." El: "He's awesome. But anyway, I was thinking. I wondered if I could try to reach the level of pain that my wife went through when she gave birth to him, cause she gave birth in the bathtub, and...I didn't..I'm sure. But it hurt. It hurt alot. I cried. No I didn't." Kev: "Yes you did." El: "Yes, I did. But anyway, what an amazing experience it was, having him in the bathtub. I highly recommend it if you're planning on having one soon." Jeff: "Did you throw him out with the bathwater?" El: "No, but it makes cleanup awfully easy." *chorus of EWWWs* El: "So this is Elliott Being Gross Night." So he introduced "No Doubt At All".

"Use Me" Again, Scott teased El about not being able to get around. Scott: "How about a hand for the wonderful...Jeff Thacher!"

Kev: "So how's everybody tonight so far? Feeling good?" *cheers* "It's a small crowd but you're lively! Right? *whoo hoo!* Right! (Rant: I should mention that there is a small group of children who have made their way down to the front on Jeff's side. They have been dancing for most of the show. But one kid even tried to come to the stage and sort of threw a fit when his older sister tried to bring him back. It was cute for a bit, but got a TAD bit annoying. Where was "Mom"? People should NEVER allow their children to act that way during ANY show. It was distracting for the audience AND Da Boyz. We came to see Rockapella, not to watch a bunch of kids jumping around and making noise. But Da Boyz were professional and smiled right through it all, even though you could tell they were a bit put off by it. Just because RP isn't playing in huge venues and the crowd was small is no reason to treat the show like a party place...End of Rant)

Kev: "So we know that this isn't where the Dukes are from. You guys get really upset about that don't you? When we ask you say like (whining) "No! It's NOT! Darn it! So do you guys get asked that alot? Is that why you do that?" (someone said "yes") "But we had a beautiful drive up here and I was driving around the curves like vrooom!. Uh...I was speeding...a little bit. Shouldn't have been speeding. Kids..don't speed. I'm not condoning speeding. But I was speeding and I didn't get caught...which is good. We did pass a couple of policemen on the side of the street, but uh...I gave them the thumbs up and just kept going." Scott: "But they knew Rockapella." Kev: "They knew Rockapella. That's right." Scott: "We actually got stopped." Kev: "Yeah we got stopped a couple of weeks ago and the guy goes, 'Where ya'll headed?' and we said, well we just finished a show, and he goes, 'oh really? Singers?', and we're like, 'Yeah, Rockapella'and he's like,'Oh, you're Rockapella! I know you guys' and we're like, 'okay, great. So...do we get a ticket or not?' And I start talking. I'm like Mister "ha ha" and Scott's more like *one word sentences* 'Yeah. Right. Uh huh.'And I'm like, 'Yeah, we just finished a show...' *Scott's mimicking trying to shut Kevin up which ISN'T easy* Kev: "I'm all talkative and everything. But we did not get a ticket. But thank you for having us and hopefully we'll come back and perform for you guys again and do all of our really good material.

"A Change in My Life"

"That's the Way"

Scott: "Well, ya'll have been very patient. I know what you've been waiting for. I know you're sitting there thinking 'When are they finally going to get to their Greatest Hit of all time?'

El: "Sad but true. I know half the audience is saying 'Now I know who those guys are. I saw them on TV' *kids continue to dance beside the stage* "And ladies and gentlemen please give a hand to the Rockapella City Dancers. Will you guys come on the road with us? You can come to Louisville, then Henderson and then you can come back home after that...So uh...What was I saying? I got sidetracked now. I was thinking about that beautiful drive down, actually flew from New York to Cleveland today and I sat by this lady who said, 'Are you going to Toledo?' and I said 'No. I'm going to Hazard.' and she said, 'Oh, Hazard? That's in the middle of coal mining country' and I was so excited cause I'd never been in Kentucky coal mining country before. It's so beautiful. The drive down is spectacular. And I was thinking the whole way down...do we have any song that has the name Hazard in the lyrics? And you know what? We do. So we're going to do that one for you now."

"Let's Get Away" "Let's grab a kayak to Hazard or Nayak..."

During the "scat" part Scott sings, "Hazard Center very expensive babysitting".

"Long Cool Woman"

Kev then goes down into the audience to pick the "Pretty Woman" of the evening. He talked to a couple of girls, then walked past Mallory and saw the tatoo on her ankle, "Cool tattoo", then moved on to...SUZI!! Kev: "Hi. What's your name?" Suzi: "Suzi." Kev: "SuSSSi? It's Susssi? Oh, Suzi. George, do you see Suzi?" So they start singing "My Girl". Kev: "I guess you say what can make me feel this way? But Sussssi." They all introduce themselves and Jeff says, "I'm Jeffffff. Fffff." So she gets on the stool. Kev: "So Suzi. How are you doing?" Suzi: "Pretty good." Kev: *mimicking* "Pretty good. Pretty good. Where are you from?" Suzi: "Georgia." Kev: "Georgia? Wow. So Suzi..Wow! Look at her. She's got her boots on and everything." Then he reaches down and finds out that they aren't COMPLETE boots. Jeff: "Well, boot flops." Kev: *acting disgusted* "Those are FAKE boots!Those are FAKE ones! They don't even have a heel! I thought they were Ropers or something but they're like little sandals. So Suzi. Thank you for coming from Georgia. We're going to try a song tonight that we haven't done in a while. Like maybe..what? Three days? But it's a special song and we're going to sing it tonight just for Sussssi. Oh Susssi, how you look so good tonight..in your fake boots." Kev gets tickled at himself so easily. "Oh Suzi Suzi, Susssi" Then the finally go into "Pretty Woman". When Kev gets close to Suzi and put his arm around her, he jumped as if she pinched his tushie. She SWEARS she never touched him. Riiight, Suzi. Right. *G* J/K

"Stand By Me" Scott has such a beautiful voice.

Next was "Papa Was a Rolling Stone". Scott: "Some of us only DREAM of hitting those notes and if effort meant anything, I'd have the lowest voice ever. But instead I sing like a girl."

"Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Apparently Scott forgot the first verse and kinda hummed/slurred/faked his way through it. Still it was cute. Again, everything is sexy. *G*

Encore: "Up On the Roof" They kind of drew the moment out on this right before the last note. Very pretty. At one point, Scott squatted to sing to one of the children dancing around and she got all shy and ran away. Stupid, stupid girl. *G*

"Zombie Jamboree" During the "Back to Back" part, of course, El couldn't jump with George, so Scott went over to help, leaving Kev alone, so Kev started backing up to Scott and Scott was pointing at him, like, "Uh uh. Don't. That doesn't look right." On the NEXT "Back to Back", Scott decided to jump with Kev and George kinda looked pitiful. SO Jeff came up and jumped with him. Humina! Why does every little bitty thing these boys do appear sexy to me? *G* Kev lost the eyeball of course and asked the little kids if they knew where it went. They all started telling him that if fell right in front of the stage. I swear I think they really believed it themselves. Kev: "Where did it go?" Little girl: "Right there!" Kev: "Rat thurr?"

Encore number 2: "Summertime Blues"

"Keep Smilin'" Jeff helped in the VP part by singing, "Working in a coal mine" in a gravelly voice which in turn made him cough.

And so ends show number 2 of the Kentucky tour.

The Meet and Greet
Back to Hazard