Henderson, Kentucky

At first Phil told us that there wasn't going to be a Meet & Greet because of all the festivities going on with the anniversary party, etc. He assumed that everyone would be interested in the party and it'd just be a few of us "loyalists" hanging around for Da Boyz. Boy was he WRONG! So we were happy when Phil set up chairs for them at a table.

While we were waiting we got to catch up a bit with all the folks we'd been seeing through the week. I don't know who I was going to miss most: Da Boyz or all my Rockapella friends. We had such a blast with Coleen (Mini Van Mama) and Scott (Baby Boy). Not to mention Boge, Susan, Suzi, Wanda, Lisafromomaha Zach (Little Man). Yay for Linda making it to the show! And everyone else I didn't mention.

So we're in line for a bit and I step out to take pics of course. Phil starts picking at me: "You have more pictures than their Mamas do!" and starting standing in the way, so I tried to take a pic of him. Then I go to Krik, "Phil's picking on me." We then tell him, "We're from Texas, don't mess with us." So he's like, "oh yeah. I DON'T want to get beat up." *G* Later Krik had the camera and Phil started acting as if he was going to spit on the lens. Krik's like, "Would you go away?" And Phil acts like he's pissed and goes, "okay, you and me, outside. Now." Krik: "Let's go buddy." Phil: "Uh, okay. YOU go outside. If I'm not there in five minutes, start without me." *G* What a goof! *G*

So Scott is first at the table and I have him sign my "Fi Ling Faders" CD. I asked him, "Do you ever think about redoing one of the songs on Fi Ling Faders for RP?" Scott: "I haven't really thought about it." Me: "Soul Rub. I LOVE Soul Rub." Scott: "Really? Thanks. But it's probably a little too...intense for RP don't you think?" Me: "Nah. Great song." I had a pic that I'd taken of El, Kev and Jeff during "Don't Do It" and they all signed it, except for George. I told him: "You're in it. Sign it." George said, "I'm not in that picture." Me: "Yeah, you are. See your ear right here? Growing out of Elliott's neck?" So he signed it. I said to El: "So how was THAT? (Meaning the BLANK on the sign during DDI) El (laughing): "Oh that was great. The funniest thing was...you...left...it...BLANK!" Guess he knows I'm a smart ass too. *G*

Meanwhile, George is saying, "Mo n Krik! Mo n Krik!" Then he was asking us, "Do you know the last verse of my song?" Krik: "Uh, is this a test question?" George: "No. I just can't remember. Did I sing it tonight?" Krik and I look at each other: "Uh...Does it MATTER? The song was great!" George: "I couldn't tell. But SOMEONE was holding up SIGNS!" Krik and Me: "We did NOT. Not during "Papa"!" George: "I know.*grins* I'm just playing with ya."

*G* I had a pic of Jeff for him to sign and he asked for a copy of it too. He signed it, "I just swallowed my tongue." *Mo has a death wish line of the night: "I'LL swallow your tongue (No I did NOT say that to Jeff but I threatened to. It's a wonder Krik hasn't killed me for that. *G* Jeff then said something about Krik's first name: "I want to call you Kristine!" Krik: "You can call me whatever you WANT to." So Jeff starts saying, "Krik. Krik. Crickets. Krik." Does he KNOW what he's doing to her? *G* So I chime in: "Her name is Kristi Dy-an Bentley." And Jeff says, "Bentley" in an over-countryfied voice. Then George says, "Like Suh-weet Tay?"(Sweet tea) and I said, "Yeah, like that." Then Jeff tells Krik: "Say..." Krik: "What?" Jeff: "Never mind." Probably bad. *G* We wander back around to Scott who is mugging for the camera with these cool Elvis Glasses that Mallory had given him.

Then I was trying to get a nice pic of Kev and he was being goofy. So finally I just said, "Would you please just SMILE?" So he did and I clicked it and said, "I just LOVE that smile." Kev smiled again of course and did that little "head dip, shy smile" thingy that you all know he can do so well: "Thanks."

I talked to El a bit about his leg. Me: "You appeared to be hurting a little bit more tonight than last night. Were you?" El: "Yeah, it IS more sore tonight. I don't know why. I don't THINK I stepped down on it wrong or anything." Me (trying to be "nursey" *G*): "Well, you're obviously using it more than you should being injured. So it's an actual TEAR and not just a sprain?" El: "Yeah, I did it on my other leg several years ago." Me: "Ouch. So you knew when you did it." El: "Yeah. I was on crutches for six (eek! I typed SEX there. *G*) weeks then." Poor thing.

Again it's time to say goodbye. Phil was ushering Da Boyz out and appeared to be trying to get them out quickly. I'm sure they were tired. Jeff was walking past Krik and she literally...BODY BLOCKED him! I'm not kidding. Her hand shot up and she backed him up with her hand. Krik: "Uh you KNOW we're leaving tomorrow. I MUST have a hug." Jeff: "Oh yeah!" *hugs* I get one too. Then hugged George, who was still hanging out around the table. I felt a little disappointed because I REALLY wanted a chance to tell Scott "bye" and get a hug but I was afraid he'd already left. Then I looked up and saw him behind a group of people. So I walked up to him and he just opened his arms to me as if to say, "I know what you want." *G* And I said, "You KNOW I can't leave without a hug from you." Scott: "I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys be careful going home and thank you so much for coming all this way.(I'm still hugging the boy. Do you SEE what he's done to me?) and I said, "Three months 'til we see you again. I can't stand it!" Scott laughed. "You guys be sweet" and kinda held onto my hand for just a moment before Phil drug him to the back. (No, it was NOT a romantic moment. Just Scott being...Scott.)

I got to Kev and hugged him. He smelled SO good! Me: "Ooh, okay. What are you wearing?" Kev *thinking*: "Uh, right now? Cool Water." Me *leaning over and sniffing again*: "Oh you smell so good!" Kev: "Thank you! Ya'll be careful going home. When will we see you again?" Me: "Three months...St. Louis."

This is going to be the LONGEST three months of my life. *G*

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