Henderson, Kentucky

We stayed at the Motel 6 in Evansville, IN which was close enough to the venue and cheap. Coleen got a room too and since Scott had decided to stay, Coleen tried to be very subtle and told the guy, "Can you give me a room with two double beds? I have lot of suitcases that I like to spread around." Good cover, Coleen. *G* But the dude didn't seem to care cause she got what she asked for.

We really didn't have a ton of time to get ready but wanted to find the venue first so we'd know exactly when we needed to leave the motel. Plus, Scott needed a shirt. God forbid he should wear the same one two days in a row. We told him he didn't stink, but anyway...So we found the venue after a couple of wrong turns, then found a WalMart. It was supposed to be an "in and out" procedure. Scott runs in and gets a shirt. Bada Boom, Bada Bing, he's out. But it didn't happen that way. It just so happens that we saw Jeff in the parking lot and ended up going shopping with him! How cool is that?

So we get back to the motel and are all panicking and running around, trying to get showered and dressed, etc. We made it in plenty of time to attend the sound check that Phil had promised, which was my first time and very cool. Strange also because we just sat there and listened to them uh...check the sound. *G* Fred is very nice and so shy. Way cool listening to Jeff just make random drums sounds while walking around. He complimented Scott on his attire, which he'd helped pick out. George came through with a huge plate of food, saw us in the second row and without a word, turned around and walked away, like he was saying, "Oops, didn't know anyone was here. You can't have my food." *G* Incidently, we noticed a big bag of Baked Lays Potato Chips on the Kev/El/Scott side of the stage (we'd come in through the back way) alongside their water. Scott was fascinated by the way Jeff set up the pickups on his throat too. Well, we all were. Neato that we were able to hear "Lazy River" (Scott whistling!!! Now THAT is SEXY! *G*) and some other stuff we'd not heard before. So yay for that.

Okay, sound check over. We stand around outside for awhile talking with folks, then find our seats, which again were front row. Sadly it was announced that we couldn't take pics. Bummer, because we could have had some GREAT ones! But oh well.

(Forgive this review. The acoustics weren't as good here and my copy isn't clear so much of the between song banter is missing. Doesn't mean Da Boyz weren't a barrel of fun, I just don't want to report anything wrong. If you were there and can remember anything, please email me and I'll add it. (elcandance@yahoo.com)

"House of the Rising Sun"

"Moments of You" Again, Jeff with the "OW!" Yummy!

Scott talked about being in Kentucky all week: "We've been to Hopkinsville...Hazard" (everyone started laughing again. *G* "Loo-a-ville, Loovle.." He can never say that word just once. He also said that this was Henderson's 25th (I THINK) Anniversary show. "They have a HUGE cake in the lobby. I haven't seen it but I heard it's very impressive." *looks around* "Has anyone stuck their finger in the icing yet?" Jeff sheepishly raises his hand. *G*

Scott asked who'd seen Rockapella before and then started explaining how the group works. Then they started singing "My Old Kentucky Home" winning all Kentuckians over immediately. Naturally he only knew the first line so the song just stopped. So he tried again without backup, "Oh the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky Home..."(gives the mic to someone in the front row)Man: "Uh..." Scott: "You must be from Hazard. We tried that in Loovle too and they didn't know it either."

"Here Comes the Sun" We held George's sign up here. "Papa Broke My Speakers" (which he REALLY did! *G*) Earned us a smile and a wink from George.

I've got to say it. Even though the acoustics weren't as great, if you put your feet against the stage during George's solo, you can FEEL the boy all over. *G* Very cool.

"Dancin' In the Street"

El gets up and says how cool it has been being in Kentucky all week. "I really want to thank our sponsor for having us back. We've really had a great time...except for Hopkinsville." Then he talked about Jules again. "No Doubt At All"

"Use Me" Again with the "pick on El" song. Scott's "broken El" walk gets worse every time. *G*

Kev's turn to talk, "It's been fun here in Kentucky. The food...." Scott: "The Bourbon". Kev: "The Bourbon. The GOOD Bourbon". Someone in the audience: "You aren't kidding." *laugher* Then Kev mentioned that they'd gone to the "Y" and the lady working there knew who they were and was saying, "Sing Zombie! Sing Zombie!" Scott: "So we said, "Okay, YOU buy a ticket and we'll sing every song you want." Then he said she told them she'd be at the show in the third row and asked where she was. She raised her hand. Scott: "You lied. You're in the FOURTH row."

"A Change in My Life" And Kev DID hit the high "A" for Scott. How cool is that? I was trying to find Scott in the audience when Kev hit the note because I KNEW he'd be thrilled!

More funny stuff here but again, I couldn't tell what was being said.

"Smile In My Heart" Beautiful!

"Rockapella's Greatest Hit"

"Don't Do It" El called it the "loser's...song". This time I held up a revised sign for El. Being the smartass that I am, one side had (____), the other side had "stop" so I wouldn't mess him up. At first I thought he wasn't going to read the sign because he went to one side, then the other and never looked at me...until the last time when he did. He caught the joke immediately and I thought I was going to make him laugh again. Glad I didn't mess him up this time. At the end of the song when El says that part, "C'mon baby. C'mon back." He was looking right at Krik who, in all her BAD judgment..started making "kissy faces" at El. *G* I think she scared him. *G*

"Long Cool Woman" This time, when Scott calls for "backup", El managed to get his crutch up WITHOUT dropping the mic. But he was pointing the crutch at Scott, as if he was going to shoot him for being mean all week. *G*

Now Kev goes out to pick the evening's victim. I think her name was Michelle and she was gorgeous! I hate her. J/K Kev asked, "So Michelle, what brings you to the show tonight?" Michelle: "You!" Kev: "Me? Just ME?" *looks around at the other guys, like, "ha ha. Just MEEEE!"* and Scott says, "Does she mean you?(points at Kev) or YOU? (gestures to the whole group) Michelle had on a pair of very high heels which she hooked into the stool when she sat down. I was afraid that she would fall when Scott pulled her off to dance, but you could tell he was paying attention and pulled her off easily. Aw....

"People Change". I was thrilled to be able to hear this song again because the last time they did it, I had just been picked Pretty Woman and wasn't paying attention. Krik laughed later cause she said I was just mesmerized by that boy singing. *G* What a beautiful song. I really wanted to cry. I'm not sure if it was JUST the song or the fact that I knew we'd be going home and not seeing them for THREE MONTHS! *sniff* But I didn't cry. Okay, maybe just a little bit. *G*

"Papa Was a Rolling Stone" Just when you think this song can't possibly get any better..it does. This song was MADE for George.

"Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" Jeff had to take a deep breath in the middle of the solo. Yep, you guess it. That was sexy too. *G*

Encore: "Up on the Roof/Wonderful World". Again, I'm not sure if the song was just EXTRA beautiful that night or if it just seemed that way because we were leaving. Scott kinda flubbed the first line, but recovered beautifully. During the part where they sing, "I love you", once George was looking down right at me. Yeah, I know, "get over yourself Mo". I can't help it. The boy is pure smooth mellow chocolate and he knows how to work the crowd. They ALL do. *G* I just love Scott's voice on this song. So sweet. *G* Aww...And El of course, just CAN'T stop smiling.

"Jenny Come Away". Such a great song! Just makes you feel good.

"Zombie Jamboree". When Kev lost his eyeball, Scott went backstage and found the plastic eyeball that Kev had been playing with during the soundcheck. He was holding it and Kev never saw it. Later Scott gave it to Kev and he threw it to someone in the audience. Jeff helped George out with the jumping this time.

"Love Potion Number 9" Yay! Kev is so cute on this song. *G*

Scott asked if anyone had any requests. JT in the front was yelling "Indiana" and you could tell Scott didn't want to. Someone in the back yelled "National Anthem" so Scott looked at JT and said, "You know when they request that we HAVE to sing it."

They ended the show with "Keep On Smilin'"

Next, the final Meet and Greet. *sigh*

The Meet and Greet
Back to Henderson