Hopkinsville, Kentucky

Poor El didn't make it to the M&G. Can't say I blame him. I know he was in pain. As far as we could tell, he hadn't yet been to a doctor. I think he flew home and saw one before coming back for the last three shows.

We'd brought pics from past shows and M&Gs for Da Boys to sign. George was first and I had a pic we'd taken of me and the group in Bartlett after I was chosen Pretty Woman. George was sitting to the side in the pic. George: "Lookit that. Chocolate in the corner." *G*

Krik had a pic of Jeff. I can't remember which one it was, but as usual, Jeff didn't like it. He said, "That's a bad pic. I'm going to draw on the face. Little mustache..." Krik: "DON'T YOU DARE! I'll hurt you." Me: "The face is the best thing about you, Jeff, that's a GREAT pic. You are way too hypercritical of yourself." So he didn't draw on the pic, but I think he wrote something silly. Can't remember what though and God forbid I ask Krik if I can see it. *G* J/K We also brought a copy of the "Don't Do It" pic that Jeff liked so much and had asked for a copy of. We were trying to tell Jeff to credit it to "MoeNKrik Productions" but that Krik actually snapped the pic. So he asked her, "What's your name?" Kev: "Krik". Jeff (exasperated): "I KNOW that. What's your REAL name?" Krik: "Kristi". Jeff: "Last name?" Krik: "Bentley." Jeff: "Spell it." So she wrote it down and Jeff goes, "Oh BENTLEY!" I thought you said Bugely or something."

I brought the pic we took of Scott holding my cross-stitch gift for him to sign. He asked, "Oh wow. Is THAT the cross-stitch picture?" I said it was. He said, "You know everyone at my house had a fit over that." Wheee! That means it at least made it home with him. Then he started telling me about the show in NH (?) when he asked if anyone was from Texas, "and someone yelled, "Moe's not here." He laughed about that, Pat. *G* I said, "Oh yeah. That was Pat. She's insane." I think he knew that. *G*

So we stood off to the side for awhile and took more pics. I happened to notice that Scott was wearing black jeans (down girl). So I walked up to the table and said, "You know if you can wear jeans NOW, you can wear them in Texas." He looked at me for a moment, then said, "Oh that's right. You're the jean girl." Then said, "But everybody wears jeans in Texas." I said, "Yeah, but you don't come down there very often. It'd be a nice treat." Still no word on whether they WILL wear them. Probably not. *G*

Kev said, "Yeah, we need to get to Texas more often." Krik said, "Yes, you do, because it's getting dangerous to travel." Kev looked concerned and she told them about the trucker who kept speeding up to get beside the car to read our signs ("Real Men Don't Need Instruments" and "Drums are for pu...Sissies"), then he honked and I of course honked back. Krik: "So I yelled at Mo...Don't HONK at him!" Me: "Yeah, but if they honk...I'm honking back." Jeff: "He probably saw that there were blondes in the car and went whoo hoo!"

I told Scott that I'd just returned the week before from KISS/Aerosmith in Dallas. Jeff: "That's quite a bit different from us." Me: "Yes, it was." Jeff: "We wear alot more makeup than they do." Scott: "So who did you like best?" Me: "Between KISS/Aerosmith? Or You and KISS/Aerosmith?" Scott: "KISS/Aerosmith." Me: "Oh my brother and I have always been huge KISS fans. But I really enjoyed them both. STILL after the show, my brother asked how I liked it and I said 'It was good. Real good. But they're just not Rockapella'." Scott laughed.

Phil was hurrying everyone along by this time so we had to hurry and get our hugs. Scott asked what we were doing until the weekend. We had two days before the next show. I told him that we weren't doing much cause we were out of money. Scott literally looked concerned and said, "Then you should go home." I said, "No way. We're not THAT out of money. We just don't have extra." Scott: "Oh, okay then." I got my hug of course, and he told us to be careful and he'd see us at the next show.

Then I got to George and he gave me this huge hug, kinda swaying his hips and going, "Uh, uh, uh." Then he said, "I saw ya'll up there. I was pointing at you." I didn't think they could see us. Hugged Kev and Jeff and Jeff said, "Ya'll don't run over an chickens or cows on your way home, now." What?

I nearly killed us TWICE right outside the theater as we were leaving. Tried to go down a one-way street. Krik: "NO! NOT THAT WAY!" So I turned on another street. Krik: "NO! NO THAT WAY EITHER!" Susan, Boge and others will still outside the theater and Krik hangs out the window, "Can I ride with ya'll? Moe's going to get us killed!"

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