The Meet and Greet

I've heard many comments that Jeff is "standoffish" and sometimes a bit snippy. Well, Friday, he wasn't! I was patiently standing behind a couple and they were asking the usual, "Do you get dehydrated?" and stuff...Jeff, though was very talkative and was pleased to answer the question. Now, keep in mind...I have YET to talk to any RP dudes. Jeff's the first one we saw. He looks past the couple, I guess recognizes that I'm the one who bought the ornament and he goes, "Oh, Hi! Thanks so much for bidding on my ornament!" (Yeah, right. Like no one was going to bid on it. *G*). Then I told him, "I'm one of the idiots that is emailing you all the time about trying to get you guys to Texas", he says, "Great! We WANT to come to Texas." and then...the unspeakable happens....HE HUGS ME!!!! Wheeee! I got a JEFFIE HUG! I didn't even ask for it, he just gave it! Now this surprised me because of what I'd heard of Jeff kinda keeping to himself, but he was as bubbly as the rest of them. We talked about Texas. He says he has a friend in Nacogdoches (he had trouble saying the word. *G*) who is trying to get him to eat "that cheese and meat and tomato thing..." Okay, I think he means the queso cheese dip...*G* So then I tell him, "Oh now, you have GOT to have some of my mom's homemade salsa. I'm coming to St. Louis in December. I'll bring you some." He's like, "Oh cool!" Gotta say this now, too. Jeff has the most amazing EYES. They are so dark, deep....stormy maybe? I could NOT quit looking at them. Anyway, I got my pic taken with him and held up my baseball for him to sign. He says, "Neat. I'm naming this the "Rockapella Baseball" and he wrote Rockapella on it before signing his name. I also had a card for Rachel (TX) cause she's not been feeling well, and for J and he happily signed both for me. Sweet, sweet, SWEET man!!! Oh yeah. When we were talking about my paying $300 for the ornament, I said, "Well, NOW we don't have gas money or money for a motel, but no matter...we'll hitch a ride on a pig truck to get home." Jeff goes, "that CAN'T be good." and laughed. The little laugh lines around his eyes....aaaaaahhhhhh. My friend Krik was quickly converted too! She has fallen deeply and madly in love with Jeff. So she got her pic taken too. Oh and then we talked a bit more about Texas and that we'd driven 13 hours to Indy in one day and circled the loop for another hour cause we couldn't find our motel...Jeff laughed again and said, kinda loudly, "I LOVE Texas!" Oh and somewhere around here, Linda and Mary and Brendaly show up and I THINK they were getting my pic with Jeff too, but Linda's camera didn't do right or something (remember, I'm in RP heaven so I might have this wrong.) but I had to stand by Jeff with my arm around him for a bit (Major chore, right?) and I started to walk away and Linda (?) said, "Wait! Wait!" And I had to get back beside Jeff. So I said, "Oh, no problem. I can do THIS all day." Eliciting a low giggle from him. GOD! He's darling! Funny Krik moment coming up: She is NOW so in love with Jeff she can do nothing but giggle. As we're walking away, he waves and Krik goes, "You have an amazing voice." He goes, "Voice?" Krik then goes, "I mean your mouth, uh, lips, uh throat..." Then he really laughed!!!

Okay, next, I think was George. I want to MARRY this man. He is so damn sweet. That smile...OMG, he could talk me into anything. Dimples!!! Aaaahhh! So first thing I say to him? "You know, your voice is hell on car speakers." He says, "Oh really?" and cocks an eyebrow, still grinning. I said, "Yeah. Gotta be careful where you put your leg." He says, "Uh oh." and laughed. Krik hits me and goes, "Mona!" So I give George the baseball to sign and he goes, "You're the one who was taking all the pictures weren't you?" (We noticed them looking down there alot. *G*) and I said I was, kind of embarrassed. Krik asked him, "Do you frown on us taking so many?" George says, "Oh no! We LOVE it! We just wait for it and (he starts posing) say, 'My turn! My Turn!'" I told him if/when we got them the Texas, I'd ask my mom if she'd cook them a homecooked meal. George says, "Alright. I'm there!" I asked if he liked seafood, "Oh yeah, I love it!" I said, "My mom's the best at that stuff." So he calls on a pretend phone and goes, "Hey, guys. I can't make the show tonight. I'm going to TEXAS!" I don't remember everything we talked about, but I got my pic with him...the boy is ripped! Great hands too. I'm talking about how they look....Get your minds out of the gutter, porno-heads!

Okay, next...*sigh* Scott! He was very tired. It was obvious, but no, he wasn't in one of his "moods". *G* He was chewing gum incessantly though, which to me was very sexy...Okay, Scott clipping toenails is sexy so what do I know? I give him the baseball and he says, "This is neat. A Rockapella baseball." We talked a bit about his baseball years. Found out he was a pitcher and right fielder. Oh and meanwhile I'm also getting Rachel's and J's cards signed. I have to go through the whole story again about why J couldn't make it and that Rachel isn't feeling well and Scott is very patient and seems concerned, especially when I tell him Rachel is ill. Well, then he forgets which card he's signing and writes "Feel better" on J's card. Then goes, "Oh wait, SHE'S not sick though, right?" I said no. Then he says, "but we DO want her to feel better, right?" Right. "Okay," he says, "so that works". *G* Then *gasp* I get my pic with Scott. I make a point to "cop a feel". No darn it! Not the boom-boom, nothing naughty. But I gotta say, he's no bigger than a minute but he is ALL muscle! He did look exhausted, though. Like he was about to fall over any minute. But still he smiled and talked and was very sweet. So Jeff and George TRIED to steal my heart, but it remains with Scott!

Then to Kevin. He is an angel! Kinda reminds me of a big brother. Chatty, smiling...I can't even remember what he was saying. I DO know that Coleen told a funny, off-color joke...sort of (I LOVED it Coleen! I'm Baptist!) and Kev laughed so hard! Then it was MY turn to say something stupid, since Krik had done it with Jeff. *G* I then said, "Oh Baptist moms just send their DAUGHTERS to buy the liquor for them." (Guess you'd need to hear the whole joke, but it referred to Baptists and their no drinking, no dancing rule.) *G* *slaps forehead* Oh goody, now Kev thinks my mom is an alcoholic and I'm an enabler 'cause I buy it for her. *sigh* Okay, so we can't say the perfect thing everytime. *G*

Then El...OMG! His voice! Just as sexy as his singing voice. He talked a bit about Debbie and their plans for the baby. He said they're having it at home. How neat. Also about Eli being "mad" at him for some reason. I felt sorry for El when he said that, cause you could see his eyes change ever so slightly. I mean, he KNOWS kids go through episodes of being pains, but it still hurt. I guess cause El's not home right now. He said that Eli is "too busy" to talk to him and he'll just go, "okaybye" really fast on the phone. Aw...I told him, "It only gets worse as they get older." He goes, "Oh great." El also told me he played football and was a middle linebacker in high school but he was hoping to get Eli interested in soccer instead. I told him my son was battling a possible fracture in his lower back, but refused to stop playing football, and he said, "Wow. That's gotta hurt." Then said that "Kevin was injured pretty badly playing football." I found out later from Jenn that Kev had broken his back. Ouch. And speaking of hands...which we weren't, but I am now...El wins that category. He has the absolute most gorgeous hands. *sigh*

So in a nutshell...I got pics with all five guyz, autographs from all. Rachel's and J's card signed, Jeff's ornament and a hug (I get to join the "Jeffie Hug" club now, right Jessy? *G*) And each and every one took the time to talk about things with everyone. This was FUN!!!

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