Indianapolis, Indiana

Krik and I drove up from Texas to Indianapolis Thursday morning. We left at 7:45am. Krik hadn't slept because she had to work the night before, so I did the driving up there. Pretty uneventful drive, thank God. Being from Texas, I'm pretty much out of my element unless there are cows, fence posts and the occasional armadillo in the road. But we stayed on the interstate so it was kind of fun, driving that fast with no one in the way. We renamed Arkansas, BFA (Bum-F***ed Arkansas). Seemed to take forever to get through that state! Krik busied herself by drinking suggestively from a Gatorade bottle everytime we passed a semi. She's just as insane as I am.

Anyway, we got to Indy at approximately 11pm, then proceeded to drive around the loop for an hour, trying to locate the motel. Krik called the desk at our motel and told them we were on our way and to hold our room. Then she told him, "We're lost. How do we get to the motel?" The guy asked her where she was. She repeated, "I SAID...we're LOST. I don't know where we are. And we're from Texas." Anyway, we finally found the motel. On Washington Street. The whole time we were in Indy we STAYED on Washington Street. If it's not on that street, we didn't see it. The motel was basically a dump, but no matter...we're here to see 'Pella!!!

We woke up the next morning about 10am I think. I showered and washed my hair with like a *trickle* of lukewarm water. *sigh* But no matter...we're here to see 'Pella! Linda (known as Lucille to the desk dude *G*) called around 12, I think, saying they got a late start cause she forgot her camera and had to go back, but they were on their way. She was traveling with Mary and Brendaly. So Krik and I decided to wander around Indy for a bit. We went to the "War Memorial" thingy, which was interesting but very depressing. I don't like war stuff 'cause it's so sad.

Anyway, we returned to the room and Linda had left a message. She was in the "weight room" on the bicycle thingy. It was so fun meeting Linda (Lucille), Mary and Brendaly. These are the first Yahooers that I've met. I can't wait to meet the rest! We made plans to meet up around 6:30 or so because the door opened at 7 and Linda still needed to get her tickets. I'd annoyed Melissa so much, I finally had mine. But it turned out NOT to be a problem for Linda either.

We ended up not riding to the Ballroom with Linda and her crew because they needed more film and we weren't ready, but we found them immediately when we got to the Ballroom, which was on the sixth floor. I have got to say, this is a beautiful room! The ceiling gives the impression of a night sky. As soon as we entered, I KNEW I was in for a night I'd never forget.

We made our way to our table, which was the 4th table. Front Row, center. I could NOT have asked for a better seat in which to lose my "rockavirginity". Linda, Mary, and Brendaly were at table 3. Coleen (I found out later) was also front row, but I'm not sure what table. And Kathy, whom I just met recently and her daughter were at table 5 I think. Laura from LA is a doll. Maybe I felt closer to her because her accent more closely matches mine. *G*

Also there was a young man named Scott. He posts occasionally on RMAC as I do and I found out the day before I left that he was also going. He's a fellow Texan attending school, I THINK in TN. He was at Linda's table and we were yelling across at each other, cause he wanted to know WHERE from Texas I was. Okay, I'm from Bois d 'arc. Nope, you WON'T find that on the map. In fact, if you blink, you drive right past it. *G* Anyway, we had fun talking with everyone. Even the people at our table seemed nice, although they appeared to be a bit "hoity toity". Probably getting a tax break for the charity thing. No matter, we're here to see 'Pella! *G*

And now...IT'S TIME. The lights go out. And Kev begins backstage singing "House of the Rising Sun". (All you guys that were there...Please correct anything I report falsely. I can't remember everything, nor do I remember what order all this stuff happened) They came to the stage one at a time and I was already clicking pics. No, I didn't use flash, but someone beside me DID a couple of times. Krik kept telling me, "Turn off your flash". I said, "Um, it's NOT me." She said Jeff pointed down toward us once after a flash, so I HOPE he knows it wasn't me doing it. *G* I remember taking that first pic of Scott, thinking, "OMG! I cannot believe I'm actually here! I'm sitting front row, watching these guys after over 9 months of planning this!"

Okay, here's where to events get a bit muddy in my brain. This won't be in order, but after being hit with the 'Pella Bomb, I can't be expected to be totally coherent for at least another week or two.

Kev started talking. He told us that he felt "bloated" because he had been drinking a lot of water that day. Scott was like, "Why?" Kev said because HE wanted to sing high like Scott. Scott asked, "So how's that gonna help?" Kev had to explain, that since Indy was Scott's home town, "It must be in the water." I swear I don't think Scott "got it" immediately. He IS blonde. *G* But then he goes, " It's in the prostate." Okay, NOW the laughing starts. Jeff's off to the side waving his hands frantically, as if to say, "Oh, no. Don't go there. Do NOT go there." They're all kinda looking around, like, "Should we continue?" *G*

Anyway, then Kev said, "Who's been watching American Idol?" Scott, I think, said he was. (yeah, like he had time. *G*) Anyway, Kev said, "I thought Justin was going to win, so I curled my hair to be like him." (pause) Then El said, "Well, I thought Telly Savalas was going to win." hehehe. Good one, El.

Scott introduced the members. When he got to Jeff, he started doing his VP stuff, then just stopped, and said, "You know, I've never been here before. This place reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride." At one point, Kev sits on the side of the stage and pulls up his pants leg, revealing a pretty darn sexy calf, and starts singing, "oh-ee-oh." Some pirate song, I guess from Pirates of Penzance. Who knows with Kev, right? Anyway, I took a pic, but was a "no go bap a da bap." They made references to people I hadn't heard of. I'm sure it's an "Indy" thing, so I didn't get the joke.

Scott introduced George and said they found him in Japan playing "Frankenstein" at Disney. How appropriate. They also talked about Scott having lots of family in the audience. Loud cheers for that. Scott also mentioned that the Indiana Roof Ballroom was where his parents had their first date. This got lots of "Awww...s". *G*

I don't remember what they sang next, but somewhere along the line, it was El's turn to talk. He introduced "No Doubt at All" by telling us that the "obstetricious" line was going to come true again. Debbie's pregnant! Go El! We are all so happy for him! He was beaming. Later we found out she's due in April. So he must have JUST found out! Yeah, I counted. She must be about 2 months along. Anyway, I believe the "prostate" discussion started up again here. I LOVE NDAA! El's voice is just so darned smooth. Fits him perfectly. But the highlight of the song is during the break when he and Jeff trade off licks. Jeff's "jazz-drumming" is absolutely incredible! I LOVED it on the CD, but live it's even better! OMG! How he comes up with those sounds is beyond me. But he was really "hamming it up".

Scott said something about singing a-cappella. He said it could be really beautiful, but sometimes just turns into a "big bloody mess". And that prophecy came true later before the start of one of the songs. The guys had gotten tickled at something and the first note or two sounded horrible, which made them laugh even harder.

Then Scott started to introduce "Indiana", which I was waiting for! Jeff gets this look in his face as if to say, "Oh man. Do we REALLY have to do this?" Scott said it took a lot out of Jeff to do this song and after watching him, I see why. Wow! Anyway, Jeff said, "I'm gonna need oxygen." Hey, Jeff! I'm a nurse! I know CPR! No I didn't say that to him. But I wanted to. *G* Then Scott said, "For those of you on the front row, prepare to get spit on." Alas, we remained dry. But I DID frequently see "puffs" of spit throughout the night. Think that's NOT sexy? Guess again!

Now back to Scott who talked about George and the nicknames he'd given each member. Jeff is "Gristle". Huh? El is "Scat Man" or "Cat Man"...I can't remember. Then Scott said that George named Kev "Brough-ham". I'm going, "Bro-ham? What's that?" Well, Scott said, "It's a car." Jeff said, "It's also a BIG ham." Okay, so Kev IS a "big ham", but he's a lovable "big ham". *G* Then Scott reluctantly told us HIS nickname..."Jiffy Pop". *G* Fits him perfectly, doesn't it? Later, during the "Keep Smilin'" VP break, Jeff was immitating pop least I THINK he was. Cause they were saying "Jiffy Pop". Funny stuff. Still not sure WHY Jeff is called "Gristle". *G* Then Scott made SURE that we knew George gave HIMSELF this nickname, "Chocolate Kiss". *G* Hmm...I see tons of Hershey's Kisses in George's future. *G*

Intermission happened somewhere. Then they came back. At one point, it was time to pick the "Pretty Woman". Her name was Katerri (sp) and she did a good job. I'm wondering if she's a drama major or something. Her "friend" was Peter and he was pushing her which drew Kev's attention. So she goes up on stage with him. She had on a black shirt and black capris with huge blue/white flowers on them. Kev asked where she went to school (I think that's what he was asking) and she said, "LN". Someone booed, and we find out that there are rival schools evidently. I'm guessing Scott went to "LN" because he was on Katerri's "team". *G* Anyway, some talk went back and forth and Scott looked at Kev and said, "There's going to be a rumble". Kev THEN starts acting out a bit from "Westside Story". So Kev introduces each guy to Katerri. Jeff shakes her hand and looks down at her pants. "I like your pants." He said, "Must be a 'Hoosier' thing." Got some "boos" there. Jeff says, "No, that's a good thing." He said that several times in reference to Hoosiers. *G*

At one point, Scott said something about Indy being, "the place where the US lost...TWICE." There was a world basketball tournament going on and US got knocked out early. Okay, somehow during this, I THINK someone mentioned the movie "Hoosiers" but at the same time, something about "licking" came up too. Kev said, "Oh I saw that movie." Scott thought he meant he saw the movie about "licking", so he gave Kev a look, 'til they figured out that he meant the "Hoosier" movie. Again, Kev manages to get into trouble without even trying.

After one song, Jeff was turning around and dropped his mic on the floor (ka-boom). Kev comes to the rescue and picks up the mic and begins to cuddle it, again setting the guys off on another round of giggles. *G*

The auction was hilarious! I'll tell you right now, I had NO intention of bidding on anything. I'd heard how high the stuff can go for and I'm poor. However, Jeff's ornament came up for bid first. Scott played the message on it. He did the "jingle bells" and a bit of VP then says, "Happy Holidays". *G* A couple of girls were bidding on it. I THINK it got to $225. Jeff said, "If you go up $50, I'll kiss it." Scott says, "$XX...going once...going twice...". Then I yelled out, "$XXX!" (Shit! Did I just yell out $XXX? Where the hell am I gonna get $XXX? *G*) Scott nearly dropped the ornament, and looked right at me. Okay, you have to know this..I'm generally a very shy person unless I know you. I DON'T know Scott, so when he looked right at me, I wanted to crawl under the table..but not for long. *sigh* Anyway, he goes, "Sold!" and Jeff immediately marches over and kisses the ornament. It's mine! Some guy in the audience yells, "Kiss HER!" and Jeff says, "That comes later." Still waiting. *sigh* Jeff returns to his side of the stage and "bows" to me. I am melting...literally, and evidently completely out of my mind because then, I blow him a "thank you" kiss. My friend Krik, who was not a 'Pella fan 'til this show, slapped me on the back and said, "Now, how in the hell are we getting home?" I have no idea. Oh well. No matter..I got the ornament!

The amazing part of the auction was between Coleen and this girl on the opposite side of me. The Guyz had a frame with each member's pic in it and five different recorded messages. Scott pushed Kev's message first and he says something like, "Bow to me," totally cracking Scott up! Jeff says, "What the hell was that?" Scott says, "You're trying to "brain-wash" these people." George's was funny. He said he was going to sing a line from a song on the upcoming Christmas CD and all we get is, "ba boom, ba ba boom....". Again, Scott is laughing. But the bidding went beyond belief! I'm not saying how much, cause that's Coleen's business, not mine. *G* But GO girl! As the bidding went higher, it was obvious that the girl next to me REALLY wanted the frame too. It looked like they'd be bidding all night. So Kev came up with a brilliant plan for Da Boyz to make two frames and give them both one. "Can we do that?" He says. "Can we promise that?" Evidently not, and Kev says, "Oh well. I tried." Scott's ornament went for like $400 and something. Each time someone bid, Scott would say, "That's CLOSE to the number I was thinking of." At one point, they were auctioning off three CDs. Jeff said, "For $500, I'll stick them down my pants." Scott paused a moment and said, "How much do we get for that NOT to happen?" *G* He didn't do it though. Such a tease. They made a ton of money off this stuff. I think Melissa or someone said that Camp Heartland raised $700 from the tickets themselves, but I KNOW they made a lot more from the auction.

Okay, back to the concert. "WITWICS". I was waiting for this. I meant to tell Krik to time Jeff's solo, but she said she'd have forgotten to anyway. She, by this time, is so totally smitten with Jeff, it's unbelievable. Well...not ENTIRELY unbelievable as I am smitten with each and every one by this time. Jeff's solo was amazing! He added all kinds of funky sounds, some groans, grunts, squeals....OMG. Just...OMG!

I can't remember exactly, but at one point during the show, I think it was when George did a Louie Armstrong impersonation, Scott said, "Boy...if I wasn't a man...(I guess meaning he'd fall in love.*G*)." Then he paused a minute and said, "Or if I was a DIFFERENT man." *G* After singing some song, he "curtsied" to us and "sashayed" off the stage. God! Scott can even make being feminine sexy. I THINK it's so sexy because he is obviously so comfortable with his masculinity, he is able to make fun of himself. I am a sucker for a sense of humor so this is very important to me. *G* More so than looking hot, really.

Next, "Long Cool Woman". I loved the intro. George said the usual, with Kev and El as "backup". Since this was my first show, I've only seen pics of this and it was SO funny! Anyway, Scott "warms up" and kinda does this "mi mi mi..." thingy and goes really high like an opera singer. *giggles again* I got pics of his "boom boom spanking" and walking off like he was hurt. ME anyway.

"Dance With Me"...I loved this! Watching them do the "Electric Slide" was so cool! Reminded me of Texas Line Dancing, which I've never done, but 'Pella does it better.

They sang "The Star Spangled Banner". This was absolutely gorgeous! I just wanted to cry. Jeff of course, didn't sing, but he stood just outside of the spotlight, still as a statue and didn't move a muscle until the end of the song. Something about him doing that just got to me. Like, he was showing his respect for the song and what it stood for.

Then they went "off mic" for "Up on the Roof/Wonderful World". I've heard others mention how amazing it was to hear them do that. Now I know why. You just can't fake pure talent like that.

From the "Smilin'" CD they sang "DWM", of course, "Shambala", "Smile in My Heart", "NDAA", and "Summertime Blues". All sounded great! I STILL want to hear "Flamingo Sing" though.

I'm sure I didn't get HALF of the show right. And I'm sure that I left out a bunch of stuff, but for now, this is all I can remember. I have got to say, this is the most fun I've had in a long time. I was already a fan, but Krik merely "tolerated" them before now. I think it's safe to say, we have a new 'Pella Convert!

Now, on to the "Meet and Greet"!

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When Did I Lose Control?