Lafayette, LA and Jonesboro, AR - March 20-22, 2005
The Meet & Greets!

Okay, I can't possibly remember when and where each conversation occured, so I'm combining them them into one complete M&G page. This same link will pop up on the Lafayette page and the Arkansas page. As usual, this is all randomly thrown together...

The very first thing that happened was Krik and I were having a drink (or 4) in the hotel lobby waiting for Coleen and Brendaly to drive in from New Orleans. Phil and Fred walked in. Phil didn't see us, but Fred looked over and waved and went on to his room. A few minutes later, he returned and sat down with us and had a beer. Gave us a lot of nice info about things to see in New York should we EVER make it there. So cool talking to Fred about "normal" stuff. *G* Secretly, I think Fred is the BOSS of Rockapella. *G*

We showed Da Boyz a pic of the Rockapella Billboard that Coleen had taken in Lafayette. They were thrilled and so excited! They got copies.

Once Krik and I were in line, we showed Jeff the "Stalker Bracelets" that I'd bought for us. Each bracelet had a gold link with each 'Pella's name engraved on it, with their birthstone beside it. Jeff *LOL*: "You guys are a RIOT! You should have your own television show! *mimicking southern MoNKrik* "Hi! We're MoNKrik! We're going to see Rockapella! Bye!"

Then Jeff tells me: "You wear gold well. It matches you." To which I replied: "I usually wear silver." Jeff: "Really?" Me: "Yeah. It's cheaper." Jeff: "LOL".

During "Change in My Life" (since John was absent), I was able to hear Scott backing Kevin up and it was beautiful. I told him so at the M&G.

Then we gave them the "Tiara/Princess" Purses for all their little girls. The purses were filled with "little girl" goodies such as necklaces, bracelets, stick-on earrings, etc. Kev: "How did y'all know what little girls like? Don't y'all just have boys?" Krik: "Yeah, but WE were little once." Kev: "Oh yeah." A little bit later, we saw Kev rummaging around in one of his girls' purses, checking out the loot. Silly.

At first Da Boyz thought they were going to be able to fly in a private plane to Arkansas, but the weather was getting "iffy" so they had to drive. That got us into a long discussion about driving. Phil informed us that he'd hit a deer once. I "one-upped" him and said I'd hit two. Jeff: "Really? Two?" Me: "Yeah. Well, actually, I hit ONE and the other one hit ME." Jeff: "What? So the second deer got pissed cause you hit the first one and hit you?" Me: "I guess so."

Scott: "I saw a shirt recently that had a squirrel on it with the words, 'Nature's Speedbump." Me: "I swear to God, if you run over a squirrel, he will literally duck and cover his head when you go over him. I've seen them do it." Scott: "LOL".

Then Scott let us in on his "formula" for driving: "If the speed limit is 55, I go 69. If it's 65, I go 74. If it's 70, I go 79." *we interrupt this review for a comment from the author: "Um....WTF?"*

Kev was talking about his girls: "Hope will be doing something she KNOWS she's not supposed to do. And she'll catch me looking at her. Then she'll just look at me and go 'WHAT?' And she's not even 5 yet." Me: "LOL. I bet you have a hard time not laughing at her when she does that." Kev: "Well, I try. I look at her and I go, 'Now Hopie, you know you're not supposed to talk to Daddy that way. And Hope will go, 'I'm sorry, Daddy.'"....Awww.....

I gave George his girl's purse and it had her name on it. It took him awhile to catch on. He was reading the name, then goes, "Oh, is this for my girl?" I said that it was. George: "OH! I thought YOU knew someone named Deahnna too! Thank you! She'll love it!"

George also informed us that he is involved somehow with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and will soon be auctioning off the Grinch Mask on Ebay, I believe. I think we're supposed to get an email on that, or maybe just an announcement on But save your pennies!

On Sunday, Scott told us that Jesse had a "date" coming up on Monday. They were going to see "The Ring II". Scott: "Yeah, it was so funny. I was sitting in the house with Natalie and I get this text message on my phone. It was from Jesse...who is just in the front yard. It said, "BTW, Dad. I guess I should tell you, I'm kinda going out with someone...but don't tell Mom." Me: "So did you tell Lisa?" Scott: "No. I didn't tell her. But eventually Jesse had to tell her...becasuse he needed a ride to the show." Isn't that just the cutest story ever??? *G*

Talk of "The Ring" led me to finally ask Scott about Phil's entry once that said he really enjoyed watching Scott watch a scary movie. So I asked him why. Scott: "Oh, I get sort of...vocal." hehehe...We talked a bit about other scary movies: (Saw) Scott: "I haven't seen that, but it looks interesting." Me: "Oh, it's pretty gross, but it IS scary and very weird." (Open Water) Me: "I thought it was scary but I'm not sure if it really WAS scary, or if I just know how I'd feel if I came up from scuba diving and my boat was gone."

BTW, Tuesday, Scott said "the date" went really well...YAY! Enjoy it while it's still fun and innocent, Scott. *G*

We had given the guys Easter bags with chocolate and Krik found these cute little pens that had chicken heads with fuzzy stuff on them. George accidentally popped the head of his chicken off. George: "Oops! I broke it!" Krik (in a kiddie voice): "I fix it." Me: Now George, say you're sorry." George: "I sawry." God, he's cute!

Kev told us they are still waiting for their new house to be built. "In July it'll be a year they've been working on it." And yes, Netty, I told him to wear green.

Coleen and I had found this ad for some guy on the HGTV network and at first glance it looked just like Scott (Scott is MUCH better looking though), so we had Scott sign them. Scott: "Oh wow. This DOES look like me." Me: "Yeah, but you're WAY cuter." So he signed mine, "Check me out." *G*

At the last M&G, I was wanting to get a group shot and the guys were standing up. So I yelled, "Iwantagroupshotwithjusty'all" real fast and Jeff LITERALLY...TWITCHED. (I was talking too fast apparently). Jeff: "You're from Texas. You're not supposed to talk that fast." Which led us to several Texas phrases by random 'Pellas, "Beans and rice!" "Grits!" "Sweet Tea!" Um...whatever. *G*

So anyway, I was ready to take the shot and Scott was turned backward. I waited a sec and Jeff said, "Just take it like that." I said, "Not a bad view actually." Jeff: "LOL". So I took the shot. I wasn't able to get a serious group shot because Da Boyz were all in very silly moods, which was fine with me. If Kev was behaving, Jeff was mugging for the camera. If Jeff was being serious, Scott was monkeying around. If George, Jeff and Scott were ready to be serious, Kevin was goofing. Oh, they were GREAT shots, though. Then Jeff started mugging really bad for the camera. Me: "Work it, baby! Work it! Move LOOOVE to the camera!" Um...I know he was being silly, but my GOD! The pic came out VERY sexy! HUMINA!

When they were talking about flying to Arkansas in a small plane, Kev says, "So if we crash and die, you have to have a memorial every year for us." Me: "KEVIN! Don't even say that!!!" Later, when we had to leave, Kev told us to be careful and Krik tells him, "Okay, but if we die, you have to have a memorial concert for us every year, with pictures and candles."

George had a 1.5 liter bottle and was trying to figure out how many cups of water it held. I am a nurse, hence I KNOW measurements. After a moment I told him that it held approximately 6 cups. George: "No way. Not that much." Me: "Yeah way. It's a little more because you're going by liters, but it's close." George: "No. Really?" I STILL don't think he believes me. *G*

I told Scott that when he sang "Stand By Me" at the Arkansas show, he made me cry. That song NEVER makes me cry. But his voice was SO pure and clear and gorgeous. Scott: "Wow. I love singing here." *G*

I was getting a photo signed for my friend Ivey from Texas, who doesn't make it to many shows. Jeff had already written her name on it and Scott wasn't paying attention and started to write, "For Mo" on it. I said, "Um...that's for Ivey (pointing at the name)." Scott: "Oops!" Then he tried to fix it and it ended up looking like "For IMQ". Scott: "For Imk. That works, doesn't it?" Ivey will love it. *G*

Comment on Jeff's sweater. He looked VERY nice in it. It was black with red blocking on it. Must wear that more often, darlin'. *G*

Back to the "stalker bracelets". Somehow they were brought up again in Arkansas. I told Jeff that I felt all "documented 'Pella stalkers" should wear them so Da Boyz could identify them and stay 100 feet away at all times. This man asked, "Are these some of your crazy fans?" Jeff: "No, they're not the crazy ones." He don't know me too well, do he folks? *G*

Then Jeff said, "Seriously. You two need your own TV show! *Again mimicking MoNKrik* "Today on MoNKrik we're Cooking with Beets!" Um...WTF??? Beets? What does that have to do with anything? Jeff is so cool. We told him we had a name for our show: "Two Fat Groupies" and we'd travel around to 'Pella shows in a motorcycle with a sidecar. Suuuure....

I was about to take a pic of Kev and he was drinking from his water bottle, so I was patiently waiting for him to finish. He didn't. He kept the bottle tilted until it started to dribble down his chin onto his shirt. He cut his eyes toward me and I said, "Oh, you're wanting me to take a FUNNY pic?" And he nodded. So I took the pic. Then, wiping the water from his chin and shirt he sighs: "The things I do for you..." *G* I love him.

Had a nice "private" conversation with Kevin that thrilled me to no end. No, nothing earthshattering, but not to be repeated cause it was um...private. Suffice it to say that I love him now more than ever. And LOL at Mo getting in Kev's space. As we were talking, I didn't realize that I'd put my hand on his chest and left it there. Well, he didn't run screaming from the room so I guess he still loves me. *G*

Scott mentioned the "stalker bracelets" and was looking for his birthstone. "That's mine? The pink one?" Me: "Yeah, Mackey's is pink too. He hates it. I told him, 'I'm sorry I gave birth to you in the wrong month." Scott: "LOL. So what is the stone called?" Me: "I know the opal is also for October, but I'm not sure what this one is called." Scott: "Rhinestone?" Me: "LOL. Yeah, that works."

Mickie caught us talking about flying...or rather my FEAR of flying. She was saying how she got over her fear because of RP. (Sorry Mickie. There's a difference between just being afraid to fly and having an actual PHOBIA which I have...) anyhoo, Scott remembered that he'd have to hold my hand the whole way. Me: "Yeah, he'd have to fly from Florida to Texas, then fly to Japan or whereever, and I think Lisa would get REAL tired of that REAL quick." Scott: "LOL". (I should just shup up around him, seriously. *G*)

Kev's "Elmo" impression is priceless! *G*

We were getting pics with George. I HATE cameras but I was getting a hug. Me: "No pic for me." George: "What? No pic? You don't want a pic with ME?" Me: "No. I just want a hug." George: "Oh c'mon now. You got to have a pic." Me: "Just a hug." George: "AND a pic." Me: *sigh* "Okay but nobody sees it." So I get a huge bear hug from him. After the pic I said, "One more hug." George laughed and gave me another bear hug. Yummy. Somewhere about this time Laurie wanted a pic and she put ONE arm around George. George: "Look at her. So delicate and ladylike." Me: "Laurie you got to hang on like you're drowning girl."

Kev asked Krik if she liked driving her truck. It was a little cramped but it got the job done. Kev told us that he'd recently bought a Nissan Titan and loves it. "I don't know how I ever got along without a truck before." *G*

It was time for Da Boyz to leave and as George left, I told him, "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go." To which he shook his cute little butt as he walked down the hall. *G*

I miss them already. *G*

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