St. Louis, Missouri, Meet & Greet 1

Krik and I were a bit nervous about the first Meet and Greet. We'd only been to one other one and we didn't talk much to them that time.

El and Kev came out first. El talked a bit about Debbie and Eli and the new baby. He said that Eli wanted to name the baby "Jimmy". El said he asked him, "What if it's a girl?" Still, "Jimmy". "What if it's twins?" "Jimmy and Jimmy". *G* I bet Eli is a hoot! Got pics with El.

Next up, Kev. Funny, but I don't remember Kevin being this HOT last time I saw him. *G* We told Kev that we STILL hadn't given up on getting RP to Texas, especially now that we'd been to STL. I THINK Kev said he used to live in Houston. He mentioned the "Galleria" which is a huge shopping mall there. "I want to go shopping there again." He talked about how much FUN Texas was. Okay. Sure. *G* Got our pics with Kev.

Next we found George. I told George that I'd brought the salsa I'd promised him last time. He said, "Oh great! But I better wait 'til the last show before I eat any." Why? "Cause I won't be able to sing."

Next (eek!) Jeff. Krik has been waiting for this moment all night! She got up close for a pic. Jeff: "Ooh, you smell good, darlin'" (Krik's a big ole puddle now. *G*)Krik: "Thank you. So do you." Jeff: "I don't know why." Krik: "It's that manly sweat." (Uh, Krik?)

Next up, Scott. I wasn't asking for autographs this time, but Krik got her "free" poster signed. Scott: "Krik? Like a CREEK?" Krik: "No, like Crickets." Scott: "Hmm, Krik and Moe. I'll remember that."

While Krik moved away to take some candid shots of all Da Boyz, I busied myself by finally telling Scott what I'd wanted to tell him for a long time. I told him he was an incredible songwriter and that he could take some of the strangest words and piece them together so they actually made sense. He thanked me and then I went into my "I LOVE "77"" ramble. Told him that I read the words before ever hearing the song and fell in love with it from that moment. He was flattered. Then I reminded him that he'd answered my email about the song and it was in the newsletter last year. My question was whether or not the guy actually jumped. Scott: "So YOU thought he jumped? What did I think?" Me: "You said you didn't think he ever jumped. But I have a sick, twisted mind and I think he probably did." Then I quoted the lyrics. He seemed impressed that I knew them, but I'm VERY good at retaining lyrics to nearly EVERY song I hear. Ask Krik. Then Scott asked where I was from. Me: "Bois d 'arc". Scott: "Where?" I explained that it was a french word. That is was probably pronounced "Bwah Dark", but in Texas it was "Bo Dark". He kinda laughed at that, then asked exactly where in Texas we were from and Krik told him East Texas. After we left Scott, Krik began laughing hysterically at me. Me: "What?" Krik: "Oh my God! When you were talking to Scott, your faces were so close to each other, I swear you could have licked his face!" ANOTHER opportunity missed. *G*

Later we were standing by George. Scott was nearby and Kev walked up. Kev: "Hey, are you two coming back tomorrow?" Krik: "You don't think we'd come all the way from Texas for just ONE show, do you? Of course we're coming back!" Kev thought a moment, then, "Hey, are you two in the car that has "" on the back window?" Me: "Yeah, that's us." Kev went on to say that while they were giving the radio interview that morning, someone called in and said they'd seen our car, "and it had Texas license plates." How cool is that? So I asked, "Did they happen to mention if the car was going the wrong way on a one-way street?" (Krik actually did this. *G*) George, Scott and Kev laughed. Then we waved goodbye and said we'd see them tomorrow.

Pretty cool first M&G, but the best was yet to come...

The REST of the Story