St. Louis, Missouri, Meet & Greet 2, Saturday Night

The second M&G, Krik and I decided to throw caution to the wind and enjoy ourselves. We brought the salsa that my mom had made for Da Boyz and a neat little plaque with each of their names engraved, with a pic of them to the side and a gold CD with "Smilin'" on it.

We got to Jeff first. I gave him the salsa and he read the card on it, "Give this to those boys that you like...that sing." My mom couldn't remember Rockapella so that's what she called them. Jeff laughed about that. But then said, "That's very nice. Tell your mom, 'Thank you'." Then I asked for a pic of Jeff holding the salsa so my mom would actually believe we'd given it to them. *G* While we were talking he instintively gave the jar back to me and stupid me..I took it. Then he said, "Wait, isn't that for me?" Me: "Yeah." and I gave it back. I appeared VERY intelligent, let me tell you. *G*

Next we gave him the plaque. He was VERY impressed. "Wow! How'd you do that? How'd you get the little sign engraved?" We told him that it was difficult and a little embarrassing because HIS sign said Jeff Thacher, Multi-Tongueted VP. Okay so that was Krik's word, but YOU try asking some guy that knows your kid to engrave something like that. And we live in a very small town. We WILL get strange looks for awhile. Anyway, Jeff read the plaque and didn't mention the "tongueted" thing. Krik said, "He didn't get it." Jeff: "Yes, I did. It means I have two tongues, right?" Me: "So where's the other one?" (Now I must go wash my mouth out with soap. Ugh. *G*) Anyway, The pic we used on Jeff's has him kind of grimacing. Jeff: "Look, it's like I'm saying (about the gold CD)"Yeah, like THAT'S gonna ever happen." It will, Jeff. It will..someday. On the back of the plaque, we'd put a sticker that said, "Someone in Texas loves me." Jeff: "Aw." Then I got a hug!!! Wheee! Krik was right. He does smell good!

Next up..George. We gave him the salsa and he goes, "Alright!" George is GORGEOUS! And that smile is amazing. Then we gave him the pic. George: "That's so sweet!" Then he showed it to some people who were standing beside him. When he read the sticker on the back, I got ANOTHER hug! Ooh, I am eating this up!!! We told him we loved "The Grinch" and he said, "Thanks. I was nervous." No need to be nervous, George. You did great!

Next we got to Scott. He looked up and said, "Krik and Moe..Moe and Krik." Krik: "You remembered!" Scott: "Of course! From Texas!" I gotta say it, this man has got the most beautiful smile ever! Such a sweet, sweet face. I just wanted to stare at him all night, but then, that might make HIM uncomfortable, so...Anyway, we gave him the salsa and he read the card. I had put my mom's name "Ma Hilton" on the card and MY name was on the back. I thought Scott was saying "Ma", but he was saying, "Moe".Scott: "Hilton? You're Moe Hilton?" Me: "No, that's my mom. Ma Hilton." Scott: "But your last name is Hilton?" Krik: "Yes, yes. SHE'S Moe." Then she hit me. Me: "Oh! I thought you were saying 'Ma'." Scott: "No, I meant YOU. I see you spell 'Moe' with an 'e'? Not just 'Mo'." What made him notice that? Then I told Scott that "This Christmas Day" is my favorite from "C&J". He thanked me. Then I told him that I'd love to see a video with that song. Kinda like an old movie, "Singing In the Rain" a la Gene Kelly, only with Scott dancing down the street in the snow. Scott: "You know, that's a very good idea! I like that!" Then *gasp* I got a hug from Scott!!! OMGOMGOMG! BTW, Scott's plaque said "Charles Scott Leonard IV, Screaming Tenor". *G*

I went off to find Kev to give him his plaque. I didn't realize that Krik had hung back with Scott for a bit. A minute later, she called me back over there and said she'd asked Scott to pose for me...WITH HIS SHIRT UP! OMG! He actually agreed to do it! Krik relayed the conversation to me. Krik: "I have a favor to ask you." Scott: "Sure, what is it?" Krik: "Moe is totally obsessed with your belly button." Scott: "WHAT?" *laughs*Krik: "Could I get you to pose for a picture with her, with your shirt raised up?" Scott: "You want me to take my shirt OFF?" Krik: "No, not off, just...up...a little. It's an early Christmas present." Scott: "Okay. Sure. Call her over." So I came over but by the time I got there, someone else was getting an autograph. Had to wait a bit. Finally it's my turn. Scott looks at me a moment and then says, "Oh right. The belly button." EEk! OMG! So I stand beside him and he raised his shirt. Naturally, I sneak a good look at the infamous BB. WOW! He is so tan! And that little tuft of hair right below the BB...OMG!!! So Krik takes the pic, but she's afraid it might not turn out good, so she goes"Wait! One more!" Scott(laughing): "Another one?" Me: "Yeah, just ONE more, please?" So he poses for another one, but this time "I" get to lift his shirt. Scott: "Wait, wait! That's too high!" but he was laughing, so it's all good! BTW, Both pics turned out GREAT! OMG!...Did I say "OMG! Yet? *G* This was without a doubt THE BEST moment of the whole weekend!

Finally was able to get to Kev. He looked up and said, "Hey! Did you hear me say 'Texas' tonight?" Me: "Yeah! Did you hear all two of us yell back at you?" Anyway, I gave him the salsa and he read the whole thing. Then said, "That's so sweet. Bless her heart." We gave him the plaque and he gave out hugs! His plaque says "Kevin Wright, Angelic Tenor". We told him we were first going to put "Angel with a Dusty Halo", but changed our minds. *G* We ended up standing behind Kev later and Krik pretended to touch Kev's hair. Amy caught her and said, "Just do it!" And touched his hair. So naturally, that encouraged us to do it too. *G* Kev just grinned! His hair is so soft! Thanks Amy! I think we should call you, Louise, and Sue, "The Nike Triplets" because you ALL told us to "just do it" at least ONCE during the weekend. Sue and Louise were the ones who encouraged us the get the BB pic. I am forever indebted to you guys. *G*

Finally we get to El. He seemed to really enjoy getting the salsa. I told him it was all vegetable. No animal fats or proteins in it, and that my mom said it wasn't too hot. El: "Oh, I like it hot. We do eat our share of Mexican food." Then we gave him the plaque. El: "That's neat, how you did that." El's plaque said, "Elliott Kerman, Mellow Baritone". Then I told him, We are NOT giving up 'til we get you guys to Texas." El: "Yeah, that's the talk of the van right now." What? They were actually TALKING about coming to Texas? Awesome! Told El we wanted front row seats. He said,"Of course!"

Okay, so since Krik had done the unspeakable for ME, it was now MY turn to return the favor. All she wanted was a "Jeffie hug". So we found Jeff again. I should mention, he is dressed in khaki pants and a gray turtleneck long sleeved shirt. OMG! That man is gorgeous! So I get up the nerve (probably because I'm still in BB shock) and ask Jeff "Can I ask a favor?" I think he thought I wanted a pic, which I did and he started to stand beside me and I said, "No, SHE wants a hug." Jeff smiled and said, "Well, SURE!" and gives Krik a hug. Krik: "Oh my God!" Right in Jeff's ear! *G* Then I ask for a pic. He squatted lower beside me and siad, "I'm going to come down here for this one." Okay. *G* Then I told him he looked great in that shirt to which he replied, "Thank you!"

George came out in his "Grinch" attire and we got pics. Krik needed one more pic and Jeffed waved at us as he was leaving! Oh wow! How much fun was THAT?!?!? Next was the CD signing at "Street...side Records". *G*

The REST of the Story