St. Louis, Missouri, Meet & Greet 3, Sunday Night

The final M&G was bittersweet. We were excited to be talking to the guys again, but also sad because this would be the last one for awhile. Krik and I have already decided that we WILL be back. It's just a question of "when?"

Linda had brought her little granddaugher, Celia to the show. Celia has had a crush on Scott even longer than I have and she literally flew into his arms and gave him a kiss! Scott was smitten instantly. He carried Celia around with him for half an hour, signing pics. When Linda offered to take her back, Scott said, "No, no. I got her." *sniffy moment* I literally wanted to cry watching Scott carry that little girl around. They way his strong, lean arms wrapped protectively around her, and her little arms clung to his neck, wishing never to let go. It was to ultimate picture of a real man. One who isn't afraid to show affection, even to the smallest fan. Once he turned around with her still clinging to him, gave her a squeeze and said,"She's just so...sweet." What a man!!! I should say now that Scott was wearing a gray tight fitting t-shirt. Good Lord! The man is trying to kill me! Krik got pics of his arms. *G* OMG!

With Celia still in his arms, he signed our books. He said "Now who's this for?" My heart kinda fell for a moment cause I thought he'd already forgotten "Krik and Moe..Moe and Krik", but then he said "is this for Krik or You?" I was holding both books and he didn't know whose was whose. Whee! So he remembered! Then he wrote "For Mo" leaving the 'e' off. Before I could correct him, he said, "Oh wait. You have an 'e' at the end, don't you?" Yay!

Next was George. I walked up and got a HUGE hug from him, telling him how much I loved "I'll Be Home For Christmas". Me: "The whole place just vibrated when you sang. It was perfect!" George: "Oh thanks! I'm so glad you liked it. Grinch was better too don't you think?" Me: "Oh yeah!" Anyway, another hug, telling George that we WILL get them to Texas or "get arrested trying". *G*

Then we found El. He's the only one I didn't get a hug from. Louise was standing beside him and well..I'm scared of her. *G* J/K Louise! You are so cool! But still no "El" hug. *G* *going off on a tangent now* I LOVE the way Louise says, "Elliott Kerman". It's just so darn cute! Okay so I guess it's a northerner thing and anything sounds cute to us suthern gals...*end of tangent* Anyway, we talked to El quite a bit about possible venues in Texas. I believe he said he had family (cousins, maybe?) in Dallas. He mentioned some possible places to try, but insisted we DON'T try (someplace) in Louisiana. Why? Nothing but factories. Okay, I didn't know that. *G*

Next was Kev. He was dressed only in a black shirt. He looked so nice. All through this weekend I have noticed things about Kev that I didn't notice before. And yes, I'm in LOVE! Anyway, he greeted us both with a hug and said "Thanks so much for coming all this way to see us!" As I hugged him I said, "and thank YOU for your music." He gave that little tilt of the chin that he does so well and said, "You're welcome. You two be careful driving home. That's a long way to go." I honestly did NOT want to leave at all.

But I needed a bit more time with Scott. I asked for ONE more pic with him. Of course he agreed (somehow, he had disentangled himself from Celia) and before Krik snapped the pic, I blurted out "Flex your muscle." Scott: "What?" Me: "Your muscle. Flex it for the picture." Scott (Laughing. Is is me, or is he laughing at me quite often these days? *G*): "Okay, I have never been asked to flex for a picture before." Me: "Well, you've got great arms." Scott: "Why, thank you!" Me: "Actually, you've got a great BODY!" Scott (still laughing): "Oh! Well, thank you again!" Me: "Oh my God. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That was rude." Scott: "No it wasn't!" So Krik took the pic and the look on Scott's face was priceless. *G* Got another hug and some guy behind us said something about "Scott's body parts". I said : "So I guess the 'restraining order' is in the mail now, right?" making him laugh that much harder!

Krik needed ONE more hug from Jeff before we left so we both went up to say "goodbye". He hugged her from the right side and then to me "I'll get YOU on this side (the left)". As I hugged him, I felt something hard (out of the gutter, porno heads. It was in his chest pocket) Jeff: "Oops. Pardon my cell phone." I needed it to dial 9-1-1 by that time.

Sadly, it was time to leave. This was by far the most fun I've had in a long time! I will miss RP terribly but am actively searching for the next possible show to attend.

The REST of the Story