Alva, Oklahoma

Let me start by saying the drive to Oklahoma was BRUTAL! Our directions indicated that it would be about 8 hours. Turned into 10 hours at least. Why? Because of all the Oklahoma Laters (Sooners) driving home, and it rained the WHOLE time. Plus, these people must have all been following each other becaus they were ALL going about 45 mph the WHOLE way. Grrr...So the joke in the car was, "Da Boyz had BETTER put on a freakin' good show!" As usual, they didn't disappoint. Bless their little pointed heads, they had the same drive we did, only I believe the car with Scott, Kev, John and George was an hour behind us. I think Jeff, Phil and Fred (Accidentally dubbed "Frank" by Krik. Yeah. We were tired. *G*) had arrived earlier.

I am so glad we decided NOT to try to make the trip the same day of the show. We'd have been VERY late and that would sucked like a Hoover. So basically we chilled once we got to the motel room.

Brendaly (dubbed BrendalyBrendaly by George, I believe) and I have decided that we have spent way too much time together lately. *G* It seems we've been channeling each other's personalities. I've been speaking Hispanic-Chicagoan (such as, "Do we take this exit? Or No?")And BrendalyBrendaly has taken to saying, "OMG!" quite often. *G* Krik and Coleen fear that soon, Brendaly is going to develop a "smart-ass mouth" and I will become sweet and quiet. LOL Yeah, right. And that day shall the world spin right off its axis, right? (My Tiaras need not comment. I can hear you now. LOL) Also a problem was trying to get four women to regulate their bladders in the car so we only had to stop a few times. Not an easy undertaking, I assure you.

Anyhoo, as you may have heard, we stayed in the same hotel as Da Boyz and bumped into them every single time we left the room. No running out for ice in your PJs. You had to get fully dressed, less a 'Pella caught you NOT looking your best. *G*

The venue was easy to find. Brendaly suggested we leave early since it was our seats were general admission and we needed to get the best choice possible. Coleen and Krik both whined considerably about this but finally caved into Brendaly's pleas. (I was neutral. Didn't matter to me, but I'm glad Brendaly stuck to her guns.) We were lucky enough to be the second people there, along with Linda and her sis. This older lady was in line first and we had a great time talking to her. All the peole helping at the venue were so nice, especially Dr. Shrader, whom I assume was in charge of it all and Christine, who jumped right into our group and chatted for quite a while. We were surprised at the number of people showing up early. So Coleen had to "bow" to Brendaly and call her "Queen" because...BRENDALY WAS RIGHT! *G* Go Brendaly!

The first half of the venue was reserved for "Contributors". Coleen tried to schmooz a couple of people out of their tickets but no one agreed. *G* So we got the first available seats to the general public. At 5 minutes before the show, Dr. Shrader announced that we could move up to the seats that weren't taken up front. It was a MADHOUSE! Coleen and I scored front row while Krik and Brendaly got second. So not bad. It was announced "no flash photography", but nobody razzed us about taking pics as long as we didn't use flash. Yay that.There were MANY young kids in the audience and for once WE weren't the loudest. *G*

Da Boyz opened with "Tonight", which we expected. What we didn't expect was to hear Jeff's heartbeat during the silent break. OMG! Is that sexy or what?

"Moments of You"

Scott asked if anyone went to school here. MANY young kids yelled, thinking he was asking about any school, not just the University. So he asked what the name of the school's team was. These poor girls STILL thought he was talking about THEIR school and they were all yelling the name at once. Finally Scott says, "Wait. One at a time." *pointing to one girl* "You. What is the name of your team?" She told him it was the Gold Bugs. Scott: "Gold Bugs? What kind of name is that?" He told us that they had driven 10 hours to get here. He mentioned the rain and asked if that always happend in Oklahoma. Of course everyone yelled "no", and Scott said, "I heard that yesterday was a record. So we're sorry we brought that with us."

"Off My Mind": Got WONDERFUL stage love from Scott. He was pointing and motioning to me while singing "Can't get you off my mind." (Krik later told me that she told Brendaly, "Scott had better back off before Mo passes out." *G*)

"Dancin' in the Street": This time a BUNCH of people yelled during "Chicago". Not sure if they really WERE all from Chicago or they just thought they NEEDED to yell. *G* During this song a moth found its way onto the stage and...landed right on Kev's CROTCH! OMG! He left quickly and as he flew by, Jeff suddenly got a case of A.D.D. and was watching the moth fly off, all while maintaining perfect rhythm. *G*

"Stand By Me": Everyone was clapping instead of snapping their fingers which infuriated Coleen who was going, "Hey PEOPLE!" and holding her hand up and snapping. Nobody got a clue 'til the middle of the song. *sigh*

Scott mentioned that this was George and John's first time in Alva.

"Use Me": Lots of screaming at the end.

Kev: "I knew there was a reason why we came here." He talked about Florida and how many people want to retire there. "They may have changed their minds." He said they've changed the state motto to the "Plywood State", "Because we've had a lot of rain...and a little wind." He then told everyone to close their eyes and imagine the beach with the birds. Jeff was making the surf sounds and Kev said something like "hold him to your ear" and Jeff muffled the sound like a seashell. hehehe...I love him! Is it me or is Jeff getting sillier as time goes by? He is such a hoot! I hope he never changes. *G* Anyhoo, so Kev asks the requisite "Speedo" question and the dude said his was "fuscia". Huh?

"Under The Boardwalk"

Scott mentioned how odd it was to see all the "cowboys" at Walmart. Kev: "Yeah and they're all in their jeans and their boots and you walk by and they go, 'Howdy'!" Scott: "But why do we never hear them singing "Oklahoma, where the...", like in the musical?"

"This Isn't Love": Brendaly requested this. So we all got our requests. *G* Brendaly was just beaming!

Scott: "You can find that song on our the lobby. Also available at, Itunes and various record stores...Okay that was totally blatant and I did it without shame. But it's done now, *whispers* and the information's out there."

Scott: "This next song is of a different genre...That's a good word for you freshmen. Genre. Can you spell it?" Several yelled out "g-e-n-r-e" and one girl was behind and just said, "aaa...yeah." Scott caught her right away and it was ALL over. *G* Scott: "Oh that's good..g-e-n aaa yeah!" LOL He introduced the next song by the Mills Brothers: "Can you spell Mills?"

"Lazy River"

Scott tried to start "Rock the Boat" and yelled "Do it" and someone yelled "Rockapella!" Then everyone went nuts: "Do it Rockapella!" Scott: "Yeah, that's a good song, but we're not doing it now. We'll do it later." Back to "Do it!" Apparently Oklahoma is no better with rhythm. Scott gave a quick tutorial: "Do it, Do it, Do it...wait...Do the Hustle!" Finally we got close to what he wanted. *G*


Back out with "It's a Small World" with Jeff again "hammering" George. So cute! And don't even get me started on Scott's "shimmy" thing. *G* OMG!

"Rockapella's Greatest Hit"

Strangely, when Scott was setting up for the next song, someone yelled, "I love you, Scott!" Sounded like a guy. Huh? Not that there's anything wrong with that. *G*

"Long Cool Woman"

"My Girl": John and his slick dance moves. *G* Also during one part of this song, I was aiming for a pic of Scott, who caught me and walked over and posed for me. This is the SECOND time he's done that and this is the second time I've panicked and screwed up the pic. *G* Ah well...What can ya do? He's just too cute. *G*

John picked a girl who was apparently hiding in the back cause she didn't want to be picked. He must be like one of those teachers you hate. The kind who call on you when you DON'T raise your hand. *G* George again wins the girl with his low voice. Kev: "So Heidi, what do you do?" Heidi said she went to college. Kev asked her what she wanted to be when she graduated and she said an anesthesiologist. Kev: "Can you spell that?" Heidi: "Yes." Kev: "I won't make you spell it though." Something tells me Kev wouldn't know if she'd spelled it right anyway. *G* Kev asked her where she'd like to practice and she said a larger city. Kev: "So maybe down in Florida somewhere?" *G* Heidi said she came to the show with a couple of friends. One of them was a guy from Ireland named Peter. Kev *Irish accent*: "Stand up there, Peter!" Now the "short" song: "Oh Heidi, you are going to be an (with a lisp) anethsthetheologitht. Oh Heidi, Heide, Ho, Ho, Ho...Tha's it."

"Ain't Too Proud To Beg": The song went pretty much routinely until Scott tried to bump and Heidi was looking at Kevin. Finally she noticed what Scott was doing and smacked him on the butt and said, "Oh no!" And walked over by Kevin! LOL Scott: "When I tried to do the bump she just...she rejected me. Is there something about the way I do the bump?" Kev: She was waiting for Peter! He's magically delicious!" You should have seen Jeff's face when Kev said that! Kinda like, "Oh you did NOT just say that!"

"I'll Hear Your Voice"

George came out for his "milk" rant. He spent the WHOLE time focusing on Coleen, who was frozen in her seat. *G*

"Papa Was A Rolling Stone": John added a bit of VP type stuff at the beginning. Not sure if it was planned but it was cool.

"Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego": During Jeff's solo at one point, he just...STOPPED for a split second, then laughed for some reason. But it was SO cute!


"Up On The Roof": John had to start twice because people were still yelling. John: "When this whole world starts getting me down and people...(someone said, "I love this song")John: "are just, thank you, too much for me to face...".

"Dance With Me": Been waiting for Scott's little "Do it on the floor" dance. *G* John has a nice move here too. *G*

"Zombie Jamboree"

We waited for another encore, but I'm guessing Da Boyz were exhausted and had to leave for California in the morning so that was the end. Guess "Happy Trails to You" over the system was Fred's subtle way of saying, "Get the hell out of here!" *G*

The Meet and Greet
Back To Oklahoma