I Was "Pretty Woman", Bartlett, Tennessee, October 10, 2003!

Okay, Krik said she knew immediately that Kev was going to pick me because he came down the opposite side and walked all the way down the front row, then didn't even look at us, but grinned as he walked by. She didn't tell me this 'til later though. I kinda thought he'd forgotten. Or maybe was going to pick the 16 year old who was celebrating her birthday (That had been announced before Da Boyz took the stage).

Anyway, Kev went farther to the back and asked about 3 or 4 girls what their name was. I was turned around looking at Krik and her eyes got wide and she says, "There he is." Me: "Where?" About that time, the spotlight hit me and I heard Kev's voice: "What's YOUR name?" OH SHIT! So I turn around and he NEARLY smacked me in the mouth with the mic. Kev: "OOps! I nearly did that "tiger" thing to you, there." So I made like I had claws and was going to get him. Kev:"What's your name?" Me: "Moe". Kev: "Moe? Like..Mo? M-O?" Me: "E." Kev: "Oh, with an 'E'! Moe...and (points to himself) and Curly!" So I point to Krik and go, "Larry". (It's a wonder she didn't smack me for that. *G*)Kev: "So Moe...that's a cool name for a woman. Moe...Mo' Betta. So..George...do you see Moe?"

OMG! Here it is. My ONE chance at being Pretty Woman! I thought I'd be really nervous..and I WAS, but there is something about having Kev beside you, smiling that gorgeous smile. You just feel..I don't know...safe? Comfortable? Maybe TOO comfortable as you'll soon see. I had told myself after Kev threatened to pick me in Kansas that if I was ever picked, I would have FUN. I don't care if people laugh. I don't care if I have a big ass. I'm going to have fun. If Kev makes a special point to bring me up on stage, I want it to be worth it. So...here goes:

We start to dance in the aisle as usual. BTW, I can't dance. A step! When Kev tried to spin me, naturally I turned the wrong way, but I didn't care. I was in Kev's custody now and was loving every minute of it!

He starts singing "My Girl" THEN he pulls me in for some close dancing. Don't ask me WHY, but while we were dancing, my left hand slowly made its way down to "cop a feel" of Kev's tushie! I heard the man right behind us say, "Oh my God!" and start laughing hysterically! I looked up and Kev has the CUTEST look of surprise and enjoyment on his face! He was grinning so big! So we keep dancing and he goes, "WOW!", and we make it to the front of the stage, where he sings to me a bit more. At this point, I'm running my fingers through his hair (for YOU, Pat! *G*)

So I'm finally up on stage and Scott says "hi", then El says, "My grandfather was called "Moe". Then Jeff: (Imitating Curly) "Hey MOE!", but then said the sweetest thing, "You look very lovely tonight." He doesn't know how badly I needed to hear that. I wanted to say, "Yeah, you're full of shit, but thank you for saying it anyway." Can I gush a minute here? Of course I can! It's my website! Jeff has amazing eyes, especially when he's looking right at you. *G* Then George (deep)"Hello. How are you?"

So Kev gets me on the stool and the torture starts: Kev: "So Moe. (laughter) "So Moe." Then he does the Curly "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk" thing and pretends to poke me in the eye like the Three Stooges. So I play along and do the hand-wave-in-front-of-the-face thing (like the Three Stooges). Kev: "So Moe...we could go on the road together." Someone yelled "Moe and Curly!" Kev: "Yeah, Moe and Curly!" El jumps in like he wants to go on the road with us too. Jeff points at El: "YOU'RE Curly." Kev: "Where are you from Moe?" Me: "Texas." Kev: "TEXAS!?! Well Gol-ly! That is a good Texas Girl's name, Moe. Because there's Mo' in Texas. Bigger hats, boots. So Moe. What brings you here all the way from Texas?" Me: "Rockapella." Kev: "Just us. No way." Me: "Yep." Kev: "You came all the way from Texas just to see us." Me: "Since 4 this morning." Kev: "Wow." Loud applause. "Were you thinking about grabbing my butt the whole way up here?" Krik" "Yes, she was." I nodded. Kev: "Well, thank you. Very much. Am...am I red?" Kev: "So Moe. We're going to try something very special tonight. We don't sing this that often but after the "incident" down there, I think we should try it because it's a very special song and it kinda has something to do with that...Oh Moe. How you made my heiney feel good. Oh my little heiney, heiney, ho, ho, Moe. (Scott in the background "Moe Heiney"!) So Kev tries to keep singing but he can't because he's laughing too hard! They are all cracking up. He tries again, "Oh Moe...". No luck, still laughing. So he tries to change it and starts singing a country tune, "I'm a pickin' and I'm a grinnin'" That didn't work. So he tries, "Since I've found true love. You met another and..." (hands the mic to me) Me: "You was gone (I sounded like the worst hick you'd ever meet. *G*). Kev: "You forgot the best part!" Trying again, "You met another and..." Me: *pfffbbt* You was gone."

Finally the REAL song starts. I continue to touch Kev every chance I get and I LOVE the growl. *G* I can't remember now which 'Pella got there first, Scott or El. I THINK Scott and here's my chance! Started running my fingers through his hair. When I did, he looks up at me and starts making these very SEXY lips movements and I return the favor by grinning and sticking out my tongue. I'm guessing Scott's thinking, "This woman scares me! First my belly button, now my hair." I turn back to Kev and (Krik told me this, I didn't see it..bummer) Scott starts shaking his butt right where my face should have been. *G* Got the usual Jeff patting my hair and El smelling it. *G* When they got to the part "Pretty Woman stop a while. Pretty woman talk a while", it sounded KINDA off. It was George's fault(he went too high). So he STOPS the song! "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!...It was MY fault. I started in the wrong key!" Kev: "I was gonna keep going, I was like (screeching) "Pretty Woman..." George: "Don't DO it." So they started over. Not only did I get to be PW, I got to be PW for a song and a half. Scott has to come up again and this time...backs far away. *G* He was SO funny! When El squatted to sing to me, I just melted. Hearing him sing so close is just...wow. But naturally I HAVE to rub his head.*G* And this time, Jeff kinda "rubs" my hair as if to say, "Okay, hurry. Let's get finished with this song. We've done this." *G*

Now Scott comes down to do his "muscle man" pose. I start rubbing my hands together, because again...this is MY chance. *G* So I start feeling his muscles (yummy) and look out at Krik and I'm going, "OMG!" Then I looked "behind" Scott at his tushie and gave Krik the "OK" sign.

Meanwhile I'm still hugging Kev every chance I get. George: "Pretty Pretty Girl."

Now comes the time I was dreading. But it turned out, I had a blast. See, as I've said before, I can't dance. Delene from work had DARED me to do this "leg raise, turn, butt bump thing" (which, BTW, I can do perfectly when I'm drunk. Apparently NOT when I'm sober *G*) So when I start dancing with Scott, I DO it. And he kinda bumps me and I nearly fell. Then we were doing the bump. I could hear the audience howling. But Krik of course was the loudest. *G* When we finished dancing (?) Scott has his arm around me and says quietly "Okay, you know what to do." So I left him and walked back to Kev, where I get one more feel of the boy's hair, and a great big hug. Krik says I bumped a speaker on my way down and Kev acted like he was going to run over and help but I don't remember that. I do remember wondering if I was going to fall down the steps.

And THAT my friends, is my PW experience. One I will never forget. I'm guessing Kev won't forget it either. *G*

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