St. Louis, Missouri, The Meet and Greets, Workshop and Fan Convention

This page is basically a page of random conversations with Da Boyz. I can't possibly remember at which M&G each thing happened, so I'm just putting it all here. Be warned. This page is chock full of "me me me", and total gushing over each and every 'Pella. So if it's going to piss you off to read stuff like that, go read the forum. *G*

I had that picture my niece, Molly had drawn for me (Pink Pajama Bottoms) that I wanted Scott to sign. I told him the whole story. At first he thought Molly was my child. "Now Molly is your child?" Me: "No, she's my niece. I have a 16 year old son." Scott: "Wow. 16? I didn't even know you had a child. 16? Really? No way." So he signed the pic and then also signed a pic of himself for Molly. I told him that now that we knew they'd booked another show in Texas, I was hoping Molly would be able to come to see them. Scott: "Oh, I hope so. I'd like to meet her."

One of the first things Kev said to me after the show was: "I just want to thank you again for that card." (He was referring to the one I'd written for each of them and gave to them in Hazard, KY last year.)"I take it out and read it sometimes." Aww...So sweet that he still remembers.

Krik gave Jeff a gift bag for his "late" birthday. It contained many things I can't mention here (inside jokes, so to speak). But Jeff seemed to really get a kick out of it.

Once we were behind Jeff, who was wearing the RP shirt from Japan, and Krik just reached up to smooth the back so she could read it. At first Jeff jumped. But then when he saw it was Krik, he stood still and let her read it. Then we asked him about the "new" shirts. He kinda described what they had in mind and they sound really cool. Hopefully not too much longer on that.

I told Scott that my son had a girlfriend named Jenny and I teased him by saying Scott had written a song for HIS girl. Then I told Scott how I LOVED that song live and asked if they were doing it this weekend. Scott: "I don't know. We need to dust it off. We haven't done it in awhile." If you read the reviews you know....they DID! Thank you, Scott!

After the first show, we were talking to El. Apparently he caught up smiling and laughing during the show. Um, isn't that what we're supposed to do? El: "I don't know. I think I'm getting self conscious. I'm looking down and I see you two smiling and laughing and I'm going, 'What? Did I miss a step? Miss a line? What?'" So I said, "No, you're just so darned cute. We can't help it. We just want to give you noogies." El: "Oh! Okay, then. I was nervous." Me: "You are just so happy up there. We can't help but smile with you."

Later, at the last Meet and Greet, I told El: "Remember, we're not laughing AT you. We're lauging WITH you." El: "Okay, I can handle that." *G*

Once, I had Scott sign a pic of me dancing with him as Pretty Woman (it's one Laura took) and Scott said, "Oh, that's cute!" To which I answered, "Yeah, but the butt to butt ratio is WAY off!" Scott *LOL*: "Oh no!"

At the convention, we were talking to El and somehow I ended up telling him the story of "Pink Pajama Bottoms" and that Krik had bought me a pair for Christmas. Me: "Yeah, Krik wanted me to get Scott to sign them. Right. Like I want Scott to know how big my ass is." El *throws his head back and LAUGHS*: "Oh...I'm not touching THAT one!" *G*

I had a nice pic of George to sign. George: "Wow. Now THIS is a great shot!" He looked at it again. "I really like that. I'm looking good." I told him we could bring him a copy when they come to Texas. "Oh will you? Cool. Yeah, I want one of those." At the same time I told him, "You have GOT to stop singing those low notes. I slide right out of the seat." George, "I know." *G* Later during one of the songs (I think it was during "Papa", he was singing one line and looked right at me with that "Gotcha" grin on his face.

When I had him sign another pic he said, "You guys get the best pics. I look like my brother in this one." So he signed it and I said something about him singing that line. George: "I dipped myself in butter." *G* Silly.

I had a pic for Scott to sign. It's one from Hazard during "Long Cool Woman" and he's making that f*** face. Scott: "Wow. That's a good shot. What song is this?" Me: "It's LCW. We know you're always going to make that face. I love it." Scott: "hehehe."

I had El sign a pic where he's in a pair of faded jeans, with a hole in the knee. Me: "You have cute knees." El *looking closer at the pic*: "I do?" *G* I had him sign another pic later (both pics were takend when he was on crutches) El: "ANOTHER crutch picture?" Me: "No more broken El's 'kay?"

We had these books from Texas titled "Whut Makes You Think Texans Tawk Funny?" that had pronunciations of certain Texas words. We'd even added some of our own tips. One of them was something about little old ladies and always saying "Bless Yer Heart" Scott (laughing as only Scott does. *G*) "Oh that's funny. Kev will like that one." Then he read the one that said proper attire for Texas is jeans. Krik: "We want you to wear jeans in Texas." Scott: "Yeah, I've heard that. I've heard you request that before (smiling) and NOT too subtlely either." *G* So we talked a bit about it. Scott: "I don't know...isn't it a little too..." I think he's afraid it won't look professional. We disagree of course.

Later we were talking to Kev and he said that he'd been discussing it with the "others" and "I think we just might do it." I told him, "Scott's bucking on it though." Kev: "Oh I don't think we've talked to Scott yet. Jeff is kinda on the fence though." Krik: "Don't let him buck either." Kev *winking*: "We won't."

We told George to wear jeans. "You want 'em tight?" Of course we do! *G*

After the show with "Jenny Come Away" I came up to Scott and hugged him. "Thank you SO much for singing "Jenny"!" Scott: "I knew you'd like it. You're welcome." Aw...So I hugged him and Krik was behind me trying to get a pic. I couldn't see her and for some reason Scott wouldn't let me go. Not that I'm complaining, of course. But he noticed Krik trying to get the pic and held on 'til she could get it. You should see his face, kinda like, "Oh, I got me a woman now!" *G* I love him. *G*

Once Phil walked up and he and Krik continued their new tradition of arguing constantly. Phil can't stand Texas or Bush (or at least acts like he doesn't) and then Krik said something about him not having a sense of humor. Then they started up. Finally I said, "Am I going to have to separate you two? Back to your corners...both of you!" Earning a laugh from Phil.

Later at the Convention, Phil ended up standing by Krik and just looked at her real mean. Then she opened her arms for a hug and at first, he resisted. Then he hugged her. *G* Then turned and hugged me too. Aw...So now we like Phil. Krik has a blast arguing with the boy.

Another Phil-ism. After the Workshop, Phil was standing in the doorway and Krik walked up and they were just staring at each other. Finally Krik said, "Sleep well?" Phil: "What do YOU care?" Me: "Krik worried all night about it. She kept us awake saying 'you think Phil's okay?'" hehehe. So Phil said, "Actually I didn't sleep well. I tossed and turned all night." I turned to Krik and said, "See Krik? I told you that voodoo doll was working." Phil: *LOL* "No I had one of those pillows that was so soft and flat. Even using two doesn't help cause they collapse on you and suffocate you."

At the Convention, somehow Scott and I got on the subject of his kids. I found out Jesse is only 10. I thought he was 12. Scott said that Jesse is an "angel". And I'm getting the impression that Natalie ISN'T. No not that she's BAD, but from his look, I'm guessing she's very headstrong. So I said, "Oh I love kids like that. Those who have their own mind. Even though they can be difficult." I told him the story of my niece standing up and peeing BESIDE the potty, just to win. *G* Then when I told Scott about Mackey, I said, "He resembles you a great deal: Same height, same build, muscles (EEK!), and he's a pitcher." Someone said something about football, and I said, "Oh yeah, he plays football too, but I hate it." Scott: "If he's my size, he's too small for football." Me: "Tell me about it. He gets his butt kicked every single game." *G*

Scott had been wearing a necklace during the M&G's but it was under his shirt, so finally at the last one I asked, "Can I see your necklace?" He kinda looked around quickly to make sure nobody was looking and pulled his shirt down so I could see. Me: "That's pretty." Scott: "It's from Ja-pan." I wasn't talking about the necklace, baby. *G* J/K

OOh! We saw Phil's nipple! Zach was videotaping some stuff at the convention and Phil was pulling a "Janet Jackson". Naughty boy.

After the last shows, Phil came down from the stage. He stopped by me and hugged me and said, "Hey, Tex-ass". As I hugged him then, I kinda hit him with my fist in his back. Not hard, guys, but I was getting him for the "Tex-ass" remark. Phil: "You noticed I didn't hug HER (Krik) while I said that." I think I love Phil now, too. *G*

At the workshop Kev and El both talked about their history with Rockapella and things they did before that. Also El informed us that he was an accountant(?) with Sex and the City on RP's off days during the summer. How cool is that? He also told us some of the names they thought of before settling on Rockapella. One of them was "Piss Swordfight". Something tells me they wouldn't have gotten this far with that name. Another name was "Brandy, You're a Fine Girls" HUH?

After the workshop, El stayed back and played a bit of piano for a few of us. He played a beautiful song that he'd written for Eli. OMG! That man LOVES his kids! Then he played an unfinished piece that I'm hoping someday may make it to RP's setlist. He's working on it. It's going to be great. Anyway, while playing, his cell phone rang, so he answered it. We were trying to give him privacy and were leaving but El says, "Wait! Don't you want to hear the song?" Whee!

Also after the workshop, El had an empty water bottle and he didn't see a trash can. I also had an empty one and offered to take his. El: "Oh, no. You don't have to do that." Does he think I was going to sell it on Ebay? He set it down later and I got it anyway. Coleen started teasing me about having "Elliott's DNA". *G* Ha....ha.

Once Jeff was signing one of my pics and he noticed the pants he wore were the pinstriped ones. Jeff: "Let's see..pinstripe pants..hmm...". And I said, "Oh, yeah. Those pants look GREAT on you. Really." Jeff: "You think so?" Me: "Definitely. Wear them more often." Jeff: "I just might." *G*

During one of the shows, Scott had a piece of string on his suit jacket and it was there the WHOLE show. At the next show, he came out...and it was still there. Finally George picked it off. Anyway, at the Convention, I told Scott, "I am SO glad George finally got that string off of you. It was bugging me." Scott: "Yeah, I've got to check myself better before I come out." Then he mentioned the time he came onstage with his fly open (EEK!). So as I'm prone to do, I spoke before thinking: "You didn't do "Zombie" (the Limbo) like that did you???" Scott looked at me just a moment, then: "Oh. OH! No!" *G*

At one M&G Kev noticed my necklace. (Not the same one as Jeff had noticed at an earlier show) Kev *touching my necklace*: "That's a very pretty necklace. I like that."

We told Scott that he made us cry with "I'll Hear Your Voice". Scott: "Aw, thanks. So you liked it?" Did we? You're kiling us, Scott. Then Krik said: "It reminded me of my father." Scott: "Oh I'm sorry." Krik: "Don't be sorry."

After we'd gotten to the convention, I decided to follow Lisafromomaha's hubby down to the bar for a beer. I got a Corona and as we got on the elevator to come back up...SCOTT gets on with us. Immediately I hide the bottle behind my back, like I'm going to get in trouble. I'm a dork. Scott said he'd locked his key up in his room and had to get another but would be by shortly.

At the convention, we talked a LONG time with Scott...about everything. Somehow the subject came up about flying. Me: "I've never flown. I won't." Scott: "You're kidding. NEVER? You've NEVER been in a plane?" Me: "If I can't get there by car or horse..I ain't going." Krik: "What if SCOTT was on the plane?" Scott then looks right at ME waiting for an answer. *G* Me: "Wellll..." So I look at Scott, "Would you promise to hold my hand the whole time?" Scott (laughing): "Of course!" So I mimic me holding Scott's hand real tight and Scott going, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Then I say, "And by the end of the trip, Scott's in the bathroom with both hands on the doorknob going, 'Dear God! PLEASE let this flight be over!'" Scott was laughing hard now. WHY do I even talk?

We also talked about them maybe doing "Lazy River". Scott said they would probably do it in Texas. So I said, "I just want to hear you whistle." And Scott kinda whistled real quick for a second. Don't DO that. *G*

We had the long lens on the camera at the convention so we could get close-ups without being up in Da Boyz faces. But since it's a new lens, we had a hard time figuring it out. Krik couldn't get it to focus once while taking a pic of El and the lens was going in and out trying to auto-focus. El's head was moving back and forth: "That camera makes me kinda nervous." Me: "That's our stalker camera. New lens." So Krik asked if we could rub his head again, and he happily agreed. Me: "It's so smooth. You look so much better without hair." El: "You think so? You know you just never know what your head is going to look like, you know, if you have a dent or something." So I asked if he shaved it everyday and he said he didn't unless they had a show. Sometimes he goes like, three days. I bet that's odd. Oh and I pointed to his "french tickler" and said, "Keep this. This looks good on you." El: "Oh yeah? You like that, huh?"

Kev was talking about them wearing jeans in Texas and said, "Oh yeah. I've got my pair all picked out." So we asked what they were. "Levis. Boot cut." Wow.

We asked Kev if he truly was in 16 candles and he told us what scenes to look for. He played a nerd, naturally. Now I have to rent the DVD and find him.

Krik was taking a pic of me getting a hug from Kev, which was so fun! Then when we'd finished, Boge said, "Hey, I didn't get it yet!" So Kev looked at me and said: " you THINK you can stand to do that one more time?" Me: "Oh hell yeah." So Boge took the pic and I held on the Kev, saying, "anybody else?"

Next, I was using Coleen's camera trying to get a pic of her and Kev together and I couldn't find the button to push. So I say, "How do you do this?" Kev (talking like a little kid): "Mo just push da buh-en (button)!" So I turn it over and show him about 15 buttons on the camera: "What buh-en, Ke-vin?" So I finally got the pic.

At the last M&G, El had to leave and he walked up to US and offered a hug! This is a first! Yay, for El liking us! He put his arms around us and said, "So we'll see you in Texas?" We're like, "Of course." Krik: "Jeans, El." I THINK he's maybe thinking of doing it. *G*

Once Krik was trying to get a pic of Scott and Madelin was standing behind him, totally hamming for the camera. So I started talking real loud, "Yeah, we're trying to get a picture of Mad but SCOTT won't get out of the way. He's such a camera hog." I love him. So I went behind him where Mad was and she's like, "Oh I'm just enjoying the view." No kidding. Not a bad plan at all, Madelin. Not bad at all.

Final M&G. We had to leave and I went up to Scott for a "goodbye" hug. Scott: "Bye, Mo. You be careful driving home, okay?" Me: "You be safe, too." Scott: "And I know...jeans and Lazy River, right?" Me: "I just want to hear you whistle." Scott: "Oh, I can do that." *G* I can't wait.

During the convention, we were talking to Jeff and he was talking about the book we'd given him. So he started talking really southern. Jeff: "The trick is to not sound like the rest of the south. I mean, the South. I don't want to lump you in with the other parts." hehehe You know? He's kinda cute as a Texan! He had to leave early. I don't blame him, but we were bummed.

Also at the convention we were talking about exercise, etc. and going to the "Y" and Scott was saying he couldn't do as much right now cause he was still rehabbing his shoulder. Found out he runs like 7 miles every other day and does 6.5 minute miles. Wow! Is it any wonder that he's so HOT?? He also said he didn't really LIKE to run, but he was addicted to it. *G*

Krik cracked me up. She has said before that Scott really intimidates her. Not sure why. Anyway, she was trying to ask him how he goes about submitting a song to the others. So she says, "Do they ask you what you're smoking?" But she couldn't remember the rest. Scott's like, HUH? So I say, "How to you present a song?" And Scott started telling us the process, which is cool. He makes tapes for every member and each tape has that person's part in ONE ear and the rest of the parts in the other. Scott does all the parts on the demos he makes. Isn't that cool?

I told him about the poem I wrote for Krik's dad and how I had just finished printing it and and hour later, Krik called and said her dad had died an hour before, which means that it was prining just about the time he died. No I don't believe I have any psychic powers, but I've never had that happen before. Scott seemed very interested in that. I asked him: "Do you ever get a song in your head that won't leave until you actually write it down?" Scott: "I don't know." Me: "If I get a line, a word, whatever in my head, I can't think of anything else until I put it on paper. I've got tons of scraps lying around with just a few lines on them." Scott: I usually just have to sit down and write."

We talked about how great George is and how comfortable he seems to be in the group now. Scott: "Yeah, he's going to take over." *G*

At the last M&G, Krik was taking a pic of Kev and again the camera was zooming in and trying to focus. Kev was making this funny face. Krik: "Can you hear the camera click on the stage?" Kev nodded. We must have looked horrified cause he goes, "Nah..not really." *G*

All Da Boyz finally left the convention, so we were leaving too. Scott was getting on the elevator and held the door 'til we got there. I said, "Feeling stalked?" Scott laughed and Krik said, "Somebody push the stop button." Scott *lauging*: "Good one, Larry." So I say, "All they'll hear is a high pitched scream." Scott: LOL. Again, I hate to see him leave...but I LOVE to watch him go. *G*

Are you ready for the BEST story?

We were leaving the last show and last M&G. Earlier, Brendaly had borrowed my keys to get her stuff from my trunk. As we got to the parking lot, I noticed a hooded figure opening the trunk of what I THOUGHT to be MY car. So I yelled, "Hey! HEY!" and the figure turned and waved and said, "Bye, guys!" Krik: "OMG! That's Elliott!" Me: "OMG!" It wasn't my car at all. It was Ross and MJ giving El a ride to the airport. My car was in the next space. So we run to tell El sorry and Coleen was yelling at Ross: "Mo thought El was breaking into her car!" Ross told El and El was in the seatbelt already, but unbuckled and climbed over to the window where Krik and I were and PRETENDED to "moon" us. OMG! We were laughing so hard! I can't believe I accused El of trying to steal my car. *G* And that was the end of a totally, incredibly, absolutely wonderful weekend.


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