St. Louis, Missouri, Show 1

Krik and I started out for St. Louis early Thursday morning. The drive was pretty uneventful, which is a good thing, I guess. We had been worried about the weather, not necessarily for OUR drive, but were concerned that the snow in New York might prevent one or two of the 'Pella dudes from making it in. As it turned out, everyone did arrive in time for the show, although I think El and Jeff missed an early morning interview on Friday. I had painted "" on the back window of my car and "Rockapella" in mirror script on the front window. Frequently, a car in front of us would slow down a bit. Couldn't figure out why until we realized that they were probably trying to read the sign. As per usual, we had to drive through Bumf***ed Arkansas. No offense to any Arkansanians (?) here, but it takes FOREVER to get through that state. As we got closer to St. Louis, Krik and I became antsy and busied ourselves by "naming" future RP kids using names of cities, streets and buildings. Some we came up with? Longborough Leonard, Lindbergh Kerman, Bohemian Baldi, Lefty Wright, and...wait for it...Cooter and Festus..The THACHER twins!

So, finally we make it into St. Louis. I had deftly made sure Krik was driving at the time because I really SUCK in big cities. Well, this time, Krik sucked too. We were so busy naming 'Pella kids that we totally missed the sign to Market Street, which was where our motel was. We drove all the way through STL and turned around and came BACK through before finding it. After that, it was no trouble. The motel was VERY nice, much nicer than the one in Indy. The next morning, Krik and I made a practice run to the COCA. I'm glad we did. We had a bit of trouble finding the place, but while we were looking for it, Krik nearly had a wreck because she saw a handpainted sign on Streetside Records announcing that Da Boyz would be signing autographs and promoting their CDs on Saturday after the shows.

Linda, Mary and Brendaly had made it in by then and we met up in their motel room, talked a bit, then went back to prepare for the show, laughing at ourselves for shaving all exposed areas..."Yeah right, like THEY'RE really going to notice whether or not our legs are baby-bottom smoothe." *G* Hey, don't tell me YOU haven't done that too. *G*

So we get to the COCA in plenty of time, met up with Louise and Sue who were going to ride back with us to the motel as they'd come straight from the airport. Sue mentioned later that Krik and I reminded her of the "Southern" verion of herself and Louise. I guess that's a GOOD thing, Sue? *G*

Okay, enough of all this talk. On to the show...We were kinda bummed at first because they said, "No pictures" on our way in. We DID eventually take pics, I think starting with the third show. No body hassled us about it so... Da Boys opened with "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day". Beautiful. Again, this being only my second show ever, I could NOT believe I was actually there. Since the first show seats were all over the place, Krik and I didn't sit together. But I sat by a lady and her daughter who were first-timers. Kev came out first of course, in black shirt and white leather coat. Um, maybe THAT'S when I started to fall in love. Jeff had on a black t-shirt, the black zipper pants and a deep red velveteen overshirt. OMG! Scott wore his usual suit and purple striped shirt underneath. I honestly CANNOT remember what the others were wearing. Sorry, guys.

Scott took this time to introduce Da Boyz, explaining to first-timers how RP uses no instruments. He introduced himself as "Mark (something)". I didn't get ANY of the names he threw out. I'm sure there was a joke involved. Somebody help me out there.

Next up, "Moments of You". You could FEEL the energy! Da Boyz were in top form. They all seemed to be in silly moods. Close to the end of "MOY" the sound went out so we heard a bit of it "Off Mic". *G* They didn't miss a beat though and soon the sound returned.

Scott: "What's the matter, Fred? We sound so bad you had to turn us off? I was a cool effect though. You couldn't hear us but WE could."

Then Scott talked a bit about being happy to be in STL and asked who was new to Rockapella. Several people raised their hands. Then he asked who'd seen Rockapella before. Loud cheers. Talked a bit about the new CDs.

Scott: "It's still available in record stores, in this store we call the LOBBY." He introduced the next song as "the World Premier". He began by explaining that with a cappella music, you don't have a keyboard or guitar backing you up.

Scott: "It's just our voices and if it doesn't match up it can be very...very unpleasurable for you to listen to and experience. The first few times it can be kinda...bad. So good luck to us all."

They did "Little Mary Snowflake". It sounded great to me. I LOVE this song more and more!

Next up, "Dancin' In The Street". I paid a bit more attention to Kev's little hip swinging this time. Hmm, wonder why? *G* BTW, he looks GREAT in black!

Next up, El's turn to talk. He mentioned that people came from all over the US to see the shows. Didn't mention Texas, though, but they made up for that at a later show. *G*

El: "The architecture here is great." Scott (or Kev?): "Yeah, you know that big thing that looks like an arch?" El: "There was a huge stadium-like thing too. It was probably a stadium as well."

Scott then talked about the Rams, I think and his "Fantasy Football" team: "They hurt me. They hurt me bad."

I think El knew THIS conversation might continue.

El: "Sometimes these things go on and on."

Then El talked about putting out both CDs this year and the change in the lineup. Then talked about almost getting snowed in and missing the the radio interviews.

Scott: "We deducted your pay." El: "Unfortunately we don't get paid for radio interviews."

Then he talked a bit about George joining and that it was an "incredible experience" singing with him. Then talked about the changes in his "personal" life, explaining that Debbie was pregnant, and Eli was now three. I think El said they didn't know what sex the baby was and I'm guessing they didn't want to know. This introduced "No Doubt at All" of course. *G* I just can't get enough of Jeff and El trading off licks in the middle of this song! Gets better every time. During the "obstetricious" line, El holds his arm out like he has a pregnant belly. This is so cute!

"Silver Bells" was next. This was my first time to hear all these Christmas songs in concert. So beautiful! Jeff, of course did the "sleigh bells" at the end of "SB". By the time he finished, Krik was a puddle of goo in her seat. There's somethingabout the way he curls his tongue during that that really gets to her. Okay, so it gets to ME too. *G*

Kev's turn to take the mic now. He begins talking about Christmas and asked several kids what they wanted for Christmas. One girl said a Barbie House, a little boy said a Gameboy game. The next little boy said, "An electric guitar." Kev was impressed! He told Kev he was taking lessons. Kev asked him who his favorite performer was and the boy said, "Elvis Presley". Everyone looked at Scott then! *G*Then he asked a "grownup" what she wanted for Christmas. "A new house."

Then they broke into "A Change in My Life". This song makes me feel so good. Such a powerful message. "Smile in My Heart" was next. This is one of my favorites from "Smilin'". At the end of "SIMH", where they're singing "never die" over and over, Scott was doing this little "Guitar twangy" sounding thing. Cute. Next up, Rockapella's greatest hit! Afterward, El did his usual, "Now half of you are saying, 'NOW I know who those guys are.' The Folger's guys!" Then he started talking about all the holidays: Hannukah (sp), Kwanza, and others.

El: "We don't know any Hannukah or Kwanza songs, so we're gonna do another Christmas song. Actually, I remember ONE Hanukkah song: "Who can retell the things that befell us? Who can, who can tell?" The others joined in to back him up, but he only knew that one line so he sang it over and over before admitting he really didn't know the whole thing. *G* "Does anybody remember that song?" Someone behind us said she did but when El asked her to sing it, she wouldn't.

Scott: "You spoke up, but you couldn't back it up."

Then El was trying to figure out when Hannukah ended.

El:"Was it last night? I try to keep up with all the festivities." Scott: "I keep up through Sports Center."

Next song: "Santa Clause is Coming to Town". I LOVE the trumpets! Jeff's sleigh bells show up again on this one. Mmmm...

"Long Cool Woman" was next. George did a great job on the intro. I LOVE this whole skit! All Da Boyz really hammed it up. And as usual, Scott curtsied at the end and sashayed offstage. He is so cute, especially when he's being silly!

Next Kev goes out to the audience. "It's neat how I step on the stairs and the lights come up." Then he said he needed help with the next song, which of course was "Pretty Woman". He picked Monica and they sang "My Girl" first, with Kev dancing closely with her all the way down the aisle. When they got on stage Kev introduced her to Scott, then El, who said, "I'm married know..." *G* Next he introduced Jeff who noticed her sweater which was an ivory color. (Remember, Kev is wearing a white leather jacket.)

Jeff: "You two match very nicely." Kev: "Not really, this (his jacket) is white, and this (sweater) is cream." Jeff: "One's a cow, and one's a sheep." Kev: (pause)..."Baaaa". Jeff: "And that's the wolf, George."

Kev then asked Monica what brought her here tonight and she told him the five RP shows. She said she came from Utah.

Kev: "Did you see The Arch?" Monica: "Yes, I saw The Arch this morning." El(?): "Like a piece of architecture. Yeah, that's a good name for it." Kev: "So you came all the way from Utah. Do you know Donny Osmond?" Monica: "Yeah." Kev said something about Utah and Mormons. El: "But you can live there if you're not Mormon, right?"

Then Kev said he needed help with the song and Monica was to say, "I don't WANT to be an elf, I want to be a dentist." *G*

The song started with: Kev: "Oh, Monica. It's such a wonderful...." Jeff: "Hannukah." (Laughter) Kev: "Oh, Hannukah with Monica. I hope you don't know Clinton." Then onto the song. When El smelled her hair, he appeared to be in ecstasy. *G* I never tire of watching Scott flex his muscles. After the song, Monica got a CD and a "coin" for $25 for Streetside Records.

I missed a couple songs here. I think "WITWICS" came up sometime around now.

Scott: "They said it was sold out but I still see some more room for people to fit in here. So come back if you'd like to." El: "Go 'Standby'."

"Winter Wonderland" was next. Scott begins to "channel" Elvis during this song. *G* George ends it with "Wonderland".

This first show was the only one where they did "The Star Spangled Banner". So beautiful. Again, Jeff just stood off to the side, never moving. Everyone stood for the song.

They ended with "Keep On Smilin'" The words were changed just a bit: Scott: "Well you say you've got the red, white and blues..." "Well, you're 'bout to go insane, cause some fool is playing games. And he says we're to blame.." I'm guessing this is in reference to Saddam Hussein and the deadline for the weapons disclosure. The group VP part was pretty cute, with Scott beginning with a bunch of VERY sexy sounding moans and groans and the others copying him...Continuing with "St. Louie, St. Louie..."

And that, my friends is the end of "Round 1". More to come.

The REST of the Story