St. Louis, Missouri, Show 2

Show 2 was just as good if not better than the first show. Krik and I were sitting together this time and had GREAT seats! We were on Row C, Jeff's side! Krik was a mighty happy camper by this time!

Da Boyz opened again with "I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day". This time Kev came out in a red long sleeved shirt, Jeff continued his "red shirt" theme. Scott had on "That 70's shirt" and white pants. Yummy. At least it wasn't a suit. I THINK El's shirt was green.

Again, Scott welcomed the crowd, asked who was new to RP and introduced the guys. He introduced himself as "Marshall Faulk". I have NO idea who this guy is. I gotta get out more. *G*

"Moments of You" was next. I am noticing more and more how George's sense of humor and showmanship is shining now. When we watched them in Indy, he really kinda stood back a bit. Now, though, he's dancing, smiling, and cutting up with the rest of them. Scott gave a cute little dance during this song. He said something about dancing in STL.

Scott: "I learned a few dance moves here. (Country twang)"Ya'll can git down..." (Laughter) "Happy holidays to ya'll. Nice to be in St. Louis. It's weird to be in a place three days in a row and do so many shows, so it's kinda nice to be in the city and kinda get the feel...see the big...'Wicket'. I mean everytime I see it when we drive by I'm like, 'Whoo! What a landmark'...Who thought of that? (Scott looks into the front row)"Was it you, sir? Good idea." He talked about "Comfort and Joy" and singing a Christmas song, Which is NOT on it."

That lead into "Winter Wonderland". Somehow Da Boyz got the words twisted on this one. Instead of "Here in the open...", they ended up singing "Here in the ocean...". The Elvis channeling gets better and better. It is so cute (and yes, VERY sexy) when he screws his facial expressions and curls his lips. But maybe that's just me. *G* Changing the words again, "He'll say are you married we'll say....YES." George's "Wonderland" vibrated the whole room.

Next, "Dancin' in the Street" and Kev took the opportunity to acknowledge all two of us Texans! Kev: "Philadelphia, PA. How 'bout down in Texas." Us: "Whoo!" *G* Kev: "Maybe over in Hawaii..."

El then talked about this show being the earliest show they've ever done and how the vocal chords are like muscles and "You never know what's going to come out." Jeff: "So what are you trying to say?" El: "Uh..Thank You....God?" Then he turns to Jeff: "And thank you for that, too." El talked a bit about a cappella and how it's different from using instruments. He credited Jeff "our fantastic mouth drummer." El: "Show 'em what you do, please." Jeff: "Sing a song." El: "No, no. Go ahead."

So Jeff gave us a taste of the VP work.

Then El mentioned that as he was flying in yesterday he realized that they didn't have any songs with St. Louis in their repertoire, except for one. So began, "Let's Get Away".

El: "Let's take a boat to Bermuda. Let's take a plane to St. Paul. Let's take a kayak to Quincy or St. Louis..", after which El got extremely tickled and could barely continue. Jeff walks behind him and pretends to kick him in the butt...all while staying in rhythm with the music. Precious! They finished the song without further damage.

Next, "Silver Bells". Kev, El and Scott kept trying to "upstage" each other during the "Silver Bells" part, with each 'Pella moving farther out each time. And Scott again added a bit of country twang with "Strangs of streetlights...". *G* Again, Scott's facial expressions are priceless. At the end, during "Soon it will be Christmas day...", Scott would throw his hip out to the side...*giggle*. Sleigh bells again from Jeff...OMG!

Kev goes out in the audience to say "Hello". He found a little boy who had a book with him.

Kev: "Wow! That's nice. What are you reading?" Little Boy: "I just brought it over to read after the...well, the show." Jeff: "During your solo, Kevin." Kev (to little boy): "What are you doing over the holidays? Anything special?" Little Boy: "Not much, but really we're inviting our cousins over a bit more than usual." Kev: "So what grade are you in?" LB: "Third." Kev: "So next year you'll be in fourth..then early admission to college...What do you want to be when you grow up?" LB: "An artist." Jeff: "Yes."

Kev just beams around these kids! Yep, by now, I'm quickly falling for Kev, can you tell? *G* Kev introduced yet another "Premiere". "The Love and the Lights". This was beautiful, too. The whole song is aweseome and gets better every time. But I gotta say it..I LOVE it when Scott sings "Turning from white to green." at the end.

El takes the mic again...Time to try another Hannukah song. But first he tries to cover all the holidays. I'm not sure who was calling out Ramadan (sp)...Kwanza...(pause), then Scott: "Arbor Day". He's a HUGE help ain't he? *G*

Next up, "Here Comes the Sun". As usual, George ROCKED the house!

Next, Rockapella's Greatest hit! El: That (doing the commercial) was an amazing experience. It was a day in the life of Rockapella. You know, we'd wake up in the morning and we'd have our morning Folger's. Then we'd go downstairs and stand on the corner and sing about Folger's. Pretty much what we used to do everyday."

Then he talked about trying the Hannukah song last night and failing. So tonight they decided to try "Dreidel" (sp). El turns to Jeff and tells him, "You start." So Jeff gets a groovy rhythm going and they all break into the "Dreidel" song. OMG! This is so funny! But of course, El only knew ONE verse, so he starts just mumbling on the second verse. Then Scott whispers "Double time," and they speed up the song. I guess it was then that El realized they didn't have an "ending" for the song. So he just goes "Dreidel" and uses "jazz hands". *G* Scott said that was how they'd end the songs on "WITWICS" sometimes cause they didn't have an ending, "So we'd just go...Dreidel!"

Next they sang "Santa Clause is Coming to Town". This is such a cute song. Love it when Kev sings "Curly haired dolls that toddle and coo." Trumpets again. I think this is the show where Scott forgot to use the "trumpet" until Kev reminded him.

"Long Cool Woman". George's voice cracked when he was doing the intro..."I ain't CIA.." Not sure, but I THINK Scott was making fun of that when he did HIS little warm up. He was acting like he had a "frog" in his throat and finally had to pound his chest to shake it loose. Rockin' song as usual. Again, the cute curtsie from Scott.

Kev: "I bet a lot of women will be asking for a long black dress for Christmas." El(?): "Or a 'Scott' doll."

Kev heads down into the audience and finds the next "Pretty Woman", Rachel. She was wearing a funky hat. She had NO idea what was in store for her. She didn't look very enthusiastic about it either. *G* She kept trying to go back to her seat. Kev made references to her hat, which had a leopard trim on it. Kev introduced Jeff. Jeff: "Hi. That's a sassy hat." Then to George who says, "Hi" so low...Mmmm...Again, Rachel tries to bolt, but Kev says, "Not done yet, sorry." I think it was Scott who mentioned the fact that STL had a "Bowling Museum" and then Kev said that George was a great bowler. He's bowled FIVE perfect games. Kev: "I knew George was a good bowler cause I've bowled with him and he killed me." Then Kev said he bowled 180 and they kinda went off on a tangent. Finally, Kev says, "So Rachel, back to you." Then they sang to Rachel of course with Kev making many "cat" references during the song. Kev: "You're a...little cat girl..." When they say, "Pretty Woman give your smile to me.." somone said St. Louis, and another said "St. Louie". So they got tickled again. Then they break into "PW". She absolutely REFUSED to dance with Scott, so Jeff waltzed over and starting doing the bump on the other side, knocking her into Scott. So we saw Jeff DANCE...sort of. *G* Kev: "We have a present for you today, for bringing you up here and embarrassing the heck out of you. We're very sorry."

Then Jeff reminded us that they would be at Streetside Records that night. Scott repeated it but called it "Streetwise" instead. They all agreed that "Streetwise" was a better name.

Scott introduced "Hold Out for Christmas" by saying that some of the songs written for their Japan releases were a bit "non-comformist". I'm still not sure WHY people laughed at this song. I guess the words ARE a bit weird. I didn't know it was supposed to be funny. *shallow moment coming up*I DO know that watching Jeff sing "Hold out for Christmas", is amazing. He's got GREAT teeth. *end of shallow moment*

"WITWICS" was next. Jeff's solo was great as usual. But evidently he was a bit "dry" and had to stop in the middle of it and cough. Well, it was more like a "hack".

For an encore they came out and did "White Christmas" off mic. Beautiful.

Before the final song, Scott reminded everyone that they would be at "Street...side Records" and that it was located on "King's Avenue...King's Highway...King's..." Wait, wait..nope. It's on Delmar. *G*

They ended the show with "Little Mary Snowflake". This song is fast becoming one of my favorites. George really hams it up right after the part "New Year's Day". The little "wap wap wap" thingy. I love the part "Little Mary Snowflake beaming on a town bound train." It's just cool.

Two down, three more to go!

The REST of the Story