St. Louis, Missouri, Show 2

The show started with "House of the Rising Sun" Sometime during this song, El looked down and mouthed "Don't laugh at me" and grinned. You'll see why when you read the Meet and Greet stuff. *G*

"Moments of You" with Jeff doing that little "squeal" during the break. So sexy.

Scott asked how many had seen the show last night. Many cheers. Scott: "How many of you are seeing Rockapella for the first time today?" More cheers. Scott: "How many people actually know Rockapella?" Cheers again. Scott: "It's great to be back in chilly St. Louie. We appreciate you people who saw us last year coming back to see us again. So much neat stuff here. The stadium, the Arch..." Jeff(?): "Budweiser." Kev: "Ribs." George (deep voice of awe): "The International Bowling Museum." Scott: "George has bowled 5 perfect games. Are you in the museum?" George: "No. Probably after the fifth show I'm just going to go stand by the five and wave so my family can see it." Scott: "I never realized that St. Louis was the Center of the Bowling Universe."

"Here Comes the Sun"

"Dancin' In the Street"

El: "It's nice to be back here. I couldn't remember why, but now I know. Even when the lights are down, I can see everyone. Feels like my living room. So thank you for coming to my living room today. You'd think that after 18 with Rockapella, we'd be playing somewhere besides my living room. We were in St. Louis last year and it was really fun. We didn't have a single show in January, we had January off, so this is the first run of the year. Thank you for coming. (Obviously El forgot that they DID have two shows, one on the 10th and one on the 11th. *G*) But for those of you who were here last year, you know my wife was pregnant at the time and she had the home in our bathtub.." Jeff reminded him then that they DID have two shows in January. El: "Really? Oh, that's right. That's the first time I had to leave home overnight. But she had Jules in the bathtub and I caught him...I don't know why...Well I DO know why I caught him..." El got so tickled, he just kinda paused...Then they went into "No Doubt At All"

"That's the Way"

Kev: "How are you enjoying the show so far? Is it good?" Cheers. "We came..well three of us came from Florida and two of us still live in New York so packing from Florida I came in shorts the other day. I just wasn't thinking, you know St. Louis...Brrr! So I got off the plane and it was really cold and I'm like WELL. Okay. But when you're on the road so many days out of the year you try to carry the least amount of clothing possible, so I've had to mathmatically figure it out. I try to fit everything into my little computer bag. It's like a little suitcase underneath where I put my computer. It rolls and I can carry it around. There's very little space in it so I have to be pretty much right on, so thank goodness I put in a pair of long pants and one long shirt...and we're here for 4 days." El: "Is that why you wear a thong?" Then El gets this look on his face like, "Did I REALLY just say that?" And Kev starts in with "Thong Tha thong thong thong." Scott: "You know I think Nelly is from St. Louis." Kev *not making the connection*: "Oh really?" Scott: "He does 'Rat Thur Rat Thur'." Kev: "But we're going to be back today at 3:30 and if you want to come back tomorrow we're doing it again."

"A Change In My Life"

Scott: "Kev performed in St. Louis at the FOX Theater." Kev: "Yeah, I did Jesus Christ Superstar, 20th anniversary for that show. (He named a couple others)"I always think, 'Thank God for Andrew Lloyd Weber'. Kept me going for many years."

"Smile In My Heart" I love the end of this song.

Again we earned the right to hear "Rockapella's Greatest Hit" Jeff: "Everybody stand..."

El starts talking about "Where in the World in Carmen Sandiego" and the "Gift of parting song" which led into "Don't Do It". During the song, El hops down and goes to Krik (we were front/center). She doesn't wait for El to take her hand. She just started rubbing his head. Then Scott and Kev start singing "Don't Touch It". Krik is SO bad! *G* Then of course, he gave her the El f*** face at the end. "C'mon back, Baby. You know you want it."

"Summertime Blues" YAY!

Kev's turn. "Everybody ready for summer? My lips are chapped! My lips aren't used to this." So it's time to pick the Pretty Woman. Guess WHO?

Drum roll, please......It's KRIK!!!

Kev: "What's your name?" Krik: "Larry." Kev gets this look on his face, like, 'What? I thought this was someone else.' Then he remembers that in Bartlett when I was PW, I told him Krik was Larry and HE was Curly, so we'd match. Kev: "Larry?" *does a bit of three stooges "whoo whoo whoo"* "I'm Curly." *points to me* "And you're Mo, right?" *back to Krik* "So Larry. What brings you here? How far did you drive?" Krik: "Texas." Kev: "All the way from Texas." Krik: "All the way." Kev: "Did you drive?" Krik: "Yep. Well, she did." Kev: "You drove." Me: "I drove. She screamed." Kev: "So Larry...George, do you see Larry?" Breaking into "My Girl". I could NOT keep from screaming! This was so cool!!!! Of course Krik had the same dancing teacher I had...nobody. Kev: I guess you say, what can make me feel this way...Larry." Krik wanted to grab Kev's butt, but instead she p***ied out and just rubbed his back. Still nice, huh? I should mention, the whole time, Krik has this huge grin on her face. She is so cute! Jeff liked her jacket which had animal print on it. Jeff: "Leopard?" And when Kev went to introduce George, Krik refused to let go of Jeff's hand! *G* Wonder if he knows he's her favorite yet. *G* Kev: "What we're going to do now is play a scrimmage, we're gonna play some Flag Football with Larry." Krik bends over for the snap. Bad girl. Kev: "Oh No, no." Scott: "Hut hut". Kev: "So I'm guessing Larry is a nickname. What's your real name?" Krik: "Kristi". Jeff: "I like that." (Jeff has mentioned before that he likes Kristi's name "With a little heart over the 'i'?") Kev: "Kristi, Kristi." Krik: "My friends call me Krik." Kev: "Krik? Okay. So Larry, Kristi, or Krik. Do you have any more names?" Krik: "No that's it." Me *stupid me*: "Depends on what state she's in." Kev (not understanding):"What state she's in?" Me: "STATE." Kev (affecting a VERY southern accent): "'Pends on whut Stayte she's in." Kev: So Kristi. First of all, I like the jacket you're wearing. Leopard. Impressive. So, what do you do, Kristi?" Krik: "I'm a nurse." Kev: "You're a nurse. What kind of nurse?" Krik: "They call it special care nurse." Kev: "Special care. Can you help with a hernia? So Kristi, you help people is what you do." Krik: "yeah." Kev: "Well that's nice that you help people. I help people. We help people, I think. Kinda. So we are going to try to help you out today and sing something to make you feel nice and warm and cozy inside. It's called "All About....Larry". Kev gets down on one knee: "Oh Larry...How you look so good today...*growls* "Oh Larry, Larry, Larry...One, Two, Three..." And into "Pretty Woman" During the song, Krik has managed to position herself with her back to the audience, so as to get a better look at Jeff. Unfortunately (or not *G*) all Da Boyz are then having to turn their backs to the audience as well. At one point Krik pulls a $5 out of her pocket and offers it to Jeff who promptly grabs it and wipes it on his forehead. Kev wants in on the money so he pulls his jacket halfway off a la "strip tease". She managed to rub El's head yet again and touch Scott's muscles. *back off Krik!* During the "Scott dance", Krik started doing the "butt slap" but she didn't get behind Scott to do it, so it looked KINDA naughty. *G* I couldn't hear Scott but she said he was going, "Work it baby." *G* Oh, this was SO much fun!

George then goes out into the audience. I didn't hear a whole lot of what he was saying cause Krik was giggling too much. But he was talking about Motown and the Temptations. Back on stage, George: "At the radio station yesterday, I was thinking. Man, as a bass, I get to do a lot of 'doom dooms'. And there's got to be more than 'doom doom'. I mean Jeff has got all these sounds. But it's nice being a bass in a group like this because I don't actually sing 'doom doom' all the time. I got some 'hooms...some huhs...dee dees and some hows'. And I was sitting there and I'm thinking, 'While I'm singing, what am I thinking about? Boom doom beep bom bum doop doo', so then I'm thinking, 'Whoa. I got to sing somethin' else."

"Papa Was a Rolling Stone"

WHere in the World is Carmen Sandiego" Jeff's solo as usual was awesome!

When they came back for the encore, Scott said: "You guys have been great. If you want to stick around and hide under your seat, we've got another show at 3:30."

"Stand By Me" was gorgeous! I just love hearing Scott when he's humming! Such an amazing voice.

They ended the show with "Dance With Me" which was as funny as ever. Love the little butt wiggles from Kev, El and George. And what in the hell is that dance thingy that Scott does off to the side. OMG! He is trying to kill me..literally.

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