St. Louis, Missouri, Show 3

Third show. By now we are having so much fun, yet in the back of my mind, I'm feeling a slight twinge of depression because I know the more shows I see, the less will be left to see. Makes sense? Oh well... Again, Da Boyz open to "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day". I never get tired of that song. So pretty.

Scott again begins "Moments of You" with the introductions. Some of you may think that hearing the same rap over and over would get old, but it never did. I started to EXPECT El's "Dreidel" talk, Kev's wandering into the audience to talk to kids. It's part of the show. That's what makes RP who they are...And God knows, I love 'em for that. Scott introduced himself as Kurt Warner. Is that a football dude? I can't keep up. During "MOY" Scott contorts his body in such a way, I'm not sure how he gets out of bed the next morning. But it sure is cute. *G*

Okay, by this time, I've noticed "someone" pulling out her camera, so we decide that maybe if SHE doesn't get reamed for it, neither will we. Finally able to get pics.

After "MOY" Scott touted "Comfort and Joy" and encouraged everyone AGAIN to buy from the store, "in the Lobby".And he encouraged everyone to join them that night at Street...side Records. How can ONE word be so hard to say? *G* Next up, "Silver Bells". Again with the "upstaging". They were all getting a bit "punchy" by this time. During "love knows no season, love knows no clime", El changed "clime" to "climb" and pretended to scale a mountain I guess. Silly El...Silly, silly...totally darlin' El. *G* Close to the end "walkin' in a Winter Wonderland" They all started walking toward the end of the stage in unison. By now, they are all playing off each other, but managing to remain in tune and in sync.

"Dancin' In the Street" was next and yep, I'm still watching Kev's little hip swinging. Yummy!

El: It's great to be back here..for our second show today. And you know, I was thinking about..I don't know why, but I was thinking about technology and how fantastic it is...Jeff loaned me his little portable DVD player. It's just incredible that you can just pop a movie in and watch it on the plane. So I was sitting on the airplane watching "Mary Poppins"...(pause)(El looks around and grins impishly)I went through that whole thing just to stick "Mary Poppins" in the intro. Just want you to know that. He talked a bit about George. Totally in awe of him. Said that George sits in the back of the van with the headphones on and listens over and over. El: "It's just incredible. He just absorbs it. Learns it that way. I can never do that. I have to plunk each note out on the piano for myself...nah." Then he talked about the BIG change in his personal life, stating that "My wife is pregnant..I'm very proud of me." (Huge grin!) On to "No Doubt at All" This song gets better and better. El has THE perfect voice for this...Have I mentioned that I LOVE El's voice? *G* And of course, the "scat/jazz drumming" trade off during the break was awesome as usual.

Next..."Silver Bells". When they get to "Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch..." Scott sings, "This is Santa's sceebadoobadeene..." or something like that. *G* The upstaging is getting worse. I love it! They were all trying to step in front of each other. Then Scott sings, "hear them ri-a-hi-hi-a-hang. Soon it will be Christmas Day" HUGE hip thrust! Moe like! Moe like very much!

Is it me, or do Jeff's sleigh bells sound more realistic than the "real" ones?

Here goes Kev on a rant again:"It's a little colder here than in Florida. But, got my jacket, got my sweater, got my long johns, the little heat packs that go in my boots. And I'm here." He goes out again into the audience to pester the children again. He finds Rosalind first. Kev: "Are you hoping for anything special this holiday season?" Ros: "No." Kev: "Well, you're lucky." On to Owen. Kev: "Are YOU expecting something special this holiday season?" Owen: "No." Strike Two. Kev: "Not really? You don't have family that comes around that usually doesn't come around?" Owen: "No." On to the next victim... Kev: How about you?...I'll go on up here. You're already shaking your head, 'no'". Next...Taylor. Kev liked his glasses and Taylor started to take them off. Then Kev borrowed them and put them on, "Elton John". Then to Taylor he try once again. Kev: "So how about you? Are you expecting something special this holiday season?" Taylor: "No." Kev: "Okay, great." Moving right along...."Let's sing."

"The Love and the Lights" came next. Have I said yet that I'm falling in love with Kevin? Well, I AM! "Turning from white to green"..Now I'm a puddle of goo. *G*

"Here Comes the Sun". Another song I never tire of hearing. *G*

Now their "Greatest Hit". *G*

El: "We take Folger's VERY seriously."

Next, El tried to cover all the holidays...without Scott's help this time. Hannukah, Ramadan, Kwanza.."Think I got it all covered. I do, I think I did it."

Scott: "Is Kwanza a 'one day' thing, or a series of days?" Someone in the audience said "ten nights, I think". Scott: "You think." El: "Thank you. I went to a Kwanza celebration last year at the Natural History Museum in New York. It was fantastic. Music and everything. It was great, but it was only one night. I didn't go for ten nights." I think El's mind began to wander a bit. I dunno...should we just talk about holidays for a bit?"El then informed us that the COCA buildiing used to be a synagogue and there was a huge Star of David behind the curtain. He said he tried to get them to open the curtain, but it wasn't possible. Intro to the "Dreidel" song. Kev: "What's the other song you were talking about yesterday?" El: "Mao Tzur" (I KNOW this is wrong, but I don't know this song. If anyone knows, tell me please so I can fix this.) El: "What's the English translation of that?" Audience member: "Rock of Ages." Kev: (singing) "Rock of ages da da dum...". Isn't Kev southern baptist? Um, he should know ALL the words to that one. *G* Then El sings a bit of "Mao Tzur" which sounds NOTHING like "our" version of "Rock of Ages". Kev: "That sounds nothing like it." El: "They translated it to english and then changed the melody at the same time. Gonna be some suing going on there."

"Driedel" gets better every time. But El still doesn't know the second verse. He does a cute little spin during the middle though. And of course they end with "Dreidel..."(Jazz hands)

Next "Santa Clause is Coming to Town"...El: "Get the picture?" Jeff's sleigh bells are even better this time.

"Long Cool Woman". Another song that never gets old. Kev: "That's the fastest song in the world."

Kev then goes down for the next Pretty Woman. He suggests going by birthday. One little boy said today was his birthday. It wasn't. Kev: "He's lying. That's YOUR child and he's lying." Kev begins walking back up the aisle singing, "You better watch out..." One little girl had a birthday Dec. 4 so that was the closest. She had a bandage on her finger. Kev asked her what happened and she said she jammed it in basketball. Kev: "Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie! But it's okay now? What's your name?" Jenna: "Jenna." Jenna is a doll. Appears to be about 11 years old. So they sing "My Girl" and bring her on stage. As Kev introduces her to Jeff, Jeff takes her bandaged finger very gently. Aw...Then Kev introduces her to George. Now I'm expecting to hear George's wonderful deep voice, but instead I hear Jenna's itty bitty one: Jenna: "Hello".

Kev: "So Jenna, you're a basketball player. What position do you play? Are you a forward?" Jenna: "No. I don't have a position." Kev: "You don't have a position? You just run around on the court." Jenna: "Yeah." Kev: "Now Jenna, we need help with this song. Do you have a favorite song? How about a holiday song?" Jenna thought a moment and then said, "Driedel". Kev: "This is kinda funny cause the name of this song is 'Jenna'. We've never done this song before...I can guarantee you we haven't." Kev: (singing) "Oh Jenna, you were playing basketball. You went up for that shot and someone jammed your finger. But it's okay now. Oh, Jenna. Oh, poor finger." (laying her finger gently on her leg.) Now, "Pretty Woman". Kev: "Cause I need you, I'll treat you right. You play...forward. Be mine tonight." Now when Scott takes Jenna to dance she won't do it. So Scott goes into his "pretzel fits" dance again. He absolutely breaks his neck trying to get these young kids to dance with him. It is SO CUTE! I am so tickled at this point, I'm crying..literally! I can't get enough of Scott's dancing! Jenna got the CD and the $25 coin for Streetside Records.

"Hold Out For Christmas"

Scott introduces the "Mother Load of Christmas songs." George: "Scott..Hey, Scott." Scott: "Hey, Buddy." George: "I gotta go get my costume on." Now we ALL know what's coming. THE GRINCH!!! OMG! Scott: "Costuming. Trying to 'up' the production values for you folks who paid top dollar today. George has got a costume change." While George was "changing", Scott spoke a bit about Barry and how he had the "Lowest voice you've ever heard. He's large...very large, with large amounts of testosterone and grandeur.", He talked about finding George in Japan. Now, George comes out wearing a Santa hat, dark shades, carrying a banana (huh?). Scott looks at him and says,"Now I'm frightened. I take back everything I've said so far." "The Grinch" was wonderful. George did a great job! LOVED it! While the "Andrews Sisters" were singing "You took away our candy canes..." Kev and El appeared to be hiding behind itty bitty Scott. *G* Now, let me say this. George's version is slightly different than Bear's but please don't dismiss it out of hand. Bear's was great, but George's is great too. And that wicked laugh at the end...Aaahhh...

"WITWICS" Jeff's solo. WOW! I know Amy was timing them. I don't have the attention span for that. I think this one and the last solo were my favorites of Jeff's. But of course, he can do no wrong. He IS the "Beat Master". *G*

Back out for the encore. "White Christmas". These are without a doubt THE MOST talented men I have ever heard. To be able to sing like that off mic...WOW!

Scott: "I like doing two concerts. The first one is always bad. We should always do two in a row. The second one sounded pretty good. Remember at 7 o'clock we're going to be at Steet...side Records, if you haven't had enough of us already." Yeah, right.

Next came "Little Mary Snowflake".

They ended the night with "Keep Smilin'". The percussion part was AWESOME. Lots of grunts and groans. This is so cool! I had a wonderful time, but little did I know that the evening was only going to get better. *G*

Go read about the Meet and Greet! *G* (when I get it written)

The REST of the Story