St. Louis, Missouri, Show 3

Again Da Boyz start with "House of the Rising Sun"

"Moments of You" Scott is getting more and more animated with the funky dance. I LOVE it.

Again Scott asks who have seen Rockapella before and who hasn't. Scott: "We've got two more shows tomorrow so who's staying overnight?" Cheers. Scott then talked about how neat it is in St. Louis and how cool the Arch looked when they drove in, with the snow and ice, etc. Scott: "Who thought of that thing? That is amazing. And how old is it? *points to ME* How old is the Arch?" Me: "I have no clue." Scott: "Oh that's right. You're not from here." Someone then said it was in 1964, I believe. Scott: "Wow. That's a long time." El: "I wasn't even born yet." Riiight, El. *G*

"Here Comes the Sun"

"Love Potion Number 9" This is just about my favorite "Kev" song. *G*

El's turn. "I'm a little intimidated by the Arch is making feel a little bit inferior because I have flat feet." Um..huh? El: "I had no idea there was a loop here. Kinda like Chicago. St. Louis just has a prodigious loop. A great loop. So here's to that loop. But the cold doesn't bother me at all. These Florida guys *shakes head*. But I'm from New York. I love snow. Snow is one of my favorite things *can you tell this is going to be one of El's LONGEST stories? *G* Do you have radiators here? Do you know what a radiator is? In New York apartments where I grew up, we had radiators and you sit on it...well I do, and it's freezing outside and I sit on the radiator and watch the snow. So come back to my house and we'll make it snow and have hot chocolate." *El gets tickled as usual* So, somebody asked for this by email for the 3:30 show on Saturday. So here's to you wherever you are...*looks around*...perhaps they're not here. Oh THERE you are!" (It was Mary L. *G*)

It must have been "Request Day" because during the M&G I had asked Scott to sing this. He told me they hadn't done it for awhile. So I was SO thrilled when they actually did it. This is such a great LIVE song! And of course Jeff looks so sexy doing the hot rod at the end. When they finished the song, Scott looked down at me and smiled and I smiled back and mouthed "Thank you". Thank you, Scott. *G*

Kev: "We're having a great time. Hope you are too. Hope you can come back tomorrow. I think there's still a few seats left. I don't know..but you need to rush out and...But anyway I was thinking about all the great things that come from St. Louis. You guys are lucky. I'm from Winterhaven Florida and nothing came from there. Someone said, "you did." Kev: "Oh I did. That's very sweet." Kev: "We have a lot of our fans here. This trip is going to be where the fans..we're gonna have a little party. A little shindig. Hopefully we're going to be kickin' it tonight. All our fans are constantly on the road coming to see us. So thank you guys. Thanks to all of you. "Where Would We Be". Kevin's voice is so beautiful here.

"Have Faith"

Again we earned the right to hear "Rockapella's Greatest Hit" Jeff: "Please rise."

El did his usual "Day in the life of Rockapella" bit; about how they'd stand on the street corner and sing about Folgers. El: "Although those guys moved to Florida and we can't do that anymore, and Folgers isn't running the commercial anymore". Audience "Awww...." and talked about "WITWICS". He rambled on and on. El: "I'm just talking tonight. Talking, talking, talking."

"Don't Do It"

"Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress"

Time for the next victim. But first he talks to Aaron. Kev: "What do you do?" Aaron: "School." Kev: "College?" Aaron: "No." Kev: "What grade?" Aaron: "Sixth" Kev: "Sixth grade." To another kid: "So uh, what do you do?" Kid: "I go to school." To a grown man: "So what about you? School?" Man: "Uh, yeah." Kev: "What's your name?" Guy: "Jeff." Kev: "Jeff. What do you do?" Jeff: "I'm a corporate tax attorney." Kev: "That sounds very very uh..important. Guy: "Boring." Kev: "Hope you're having a good time today." Kev: "Anybody here work for Budweiser?" Kid raises his hand. Kev: "You do? No you don't Ah ah ah." Another guy said he worked for them. Kev: "You work for Budweiser?" Guy: "Product Testing" This got TONS of laughter. Finally Kev picks Elisa. Her name is pronounced *Eleesa* They sing "My Girl", then Kev says: "Okay now your name is Elissa?" Elisa: "Elisa". Kev: "So Elisa. I've never met you before, right? (suuure, Kev). He introduces her to Da Boyz. Kev: "This is the lovely El careful he has a hernia." Kev: "What brings you to...what keeps bringing you back to Rockapella shows?" Elisa: "The sights and sounds." GO GIRL! I think she'd told Kev she'd been to 75 shows. Kev: "So you've never been up here before. In 75 shows. Well, now you can say you have been." He turns to the others. "Remember that song?" They appear a bit confused. "We need to sing that song..for Eliza". Elisa: "ElEEsa." Kev: "Oh. Elisa". Got it...Kev: "Oh ElIza.." He is so bad. He got so tickled at himself. "Oh Eliza, you're the one. You do product testing like that guy out there. Oh Elisa..." The ABSOLUTE BEST part of this song was during the dance with Scott. Scott tried to do a bit of twirling Elisa around and on the second twirl, he didn't bend low enough and got knocked in the head by Elisa's arm! So Scott starts acting as if he had a head injury, which was SO funny! That boy is such a ham! And Elisa took the opportunity to run her fingers through his hair. Scott continued the head injury act even after the song. I really can't describe it, but it was priceless! Kev *affecting an English accent for the Eliza reference*: "Here's your Rockapella CD."

George: "At the radio station, I was thinking. What do I do as a profession? They call me the "doom doom" guy. I don't really do the "doom dooms". I mean I DO the "doom dooms" but I do alot more. If all I did was the "doom doom"..Wouldn't you get tired of that? I know I would. Do we have any basses in the house? Any deep dark delicious voices?" George goes down into the audience (he noticed a group African American folks who'd evidently come in late) George: "I see my brotha down here. Now ya'll folks, you know the show started at 3:30. You all came in about 30 minutes late. What's your name?" Guy: "Derrick." George: "Derrick, nice to meet you. And this young lady here. What's your name? We'll see you guys after the show." He went into his Motown talk again...."You all heard about "Papa"? How many "Papa's we have in here? Now all the rolling stones?...Look at that. Everybody put their hands down. When I joined the group, I had an audition piece and they said, George, we gotta know you can dance. I said, 'You guys are just standing up there, you know, going "doo doo dumm dee dumm", you know. You do your thang'. And they said, 'George, do your little dance. Shake your little pants.' And you know me being CHOCOLATE and all, I have experience. I can do the little thing called "the Worm". The "Pop Lock". Ya'll wanna see the worm?" Us: "yeah." George: "Ya'll just want me to get on the floor don't you?" So he gets down literally to do the "Worm". Jeff *offstage*: "Ow! Ow! Ow!" George does ONE "Worm" thingy and stops. *G* Then did a great pop lock.

"Papa Was A Rolling Stone"

"Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego"

"Up On The Roof"

"Tempted" El: "People keep on frownin'" WHAT?

The second encore started with "Blah Blah Blah" Wow. Just WOW! During George's talking part: "You know, when they started this song, I realized, I may not KNOW this one!" I have to mention that Krik literally disappeared under the seat during Jeff's little record scratching thing. During the second talking part, George: "So did I do okay? And the song's almost OVER!" Big shit eating grin from George! He is SO funny! He had Da Boyz cracking up too!


"Zombie Jamboree" During George's talk a cell phone rang. George: "not one of those little islands where they have cell phones." During the last "back to back" part, of course, Scott goes insane, but he was squatting WAY down and Kev was almost backing up on top of him! OMG! Bad Scott, it again! Great show! And the energy is still high!

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