St. Louis, Missouri, Show 4

Fourth show. They start again with "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day". Now, since I have pics, I can tell you what ALL Da Boyz are wearing. Kev wore the black shirt with the white leather jacket. Yummy. El was in a button down Mauve (?) colored shirt. Scott had on a black/orange/gold/brown striped gauzy type shirt. He left the cuffs unbuttoned. Not sure why. Don't care. He still looked HOT. George was in a black shirt with a silver/gray overshirt. MMmmm, not bad. And Jeff was AGAIN in the black zipper pants, black shirt and red velveteen overshirt. I'm just wondering. Does he wash these clothes in between shows? Or does he have several sets of the same? OR does he wear them sweaty? Doesn't matter. Even 'Pella sweat is magical, right?

Scott again introduced Da Boyz and then himself: "And I'm uh...Mike Marts". Now I know that he's naming football players. Makes sense, now. Time for "Moments of You". Jeff's VP break sounded especially good here. George is vibrating the building! You can tell the boyz are tired, but they are giving it all they've got! Again with the contortions, Scott. Wow!

Scott: "Thanks for coming out on Sunday when the Rams are playing. They're not in town are they?" To little boy in front row: "Are you a Rams fan? Do you like the Rams? Do you know what the Rams are? What's the score back there, Jim?" Jim: "21 to 10". Scott: "21-10, who?"(pause)Jim: "Kansas City." The audience utters a collective "Ooooh!" Scott:"Better to be here, then."

Scott then asked who was seeing Rockapella for the first time. A few claps. Then he asked who was seeing them for "NOT the first time?" Loud cheers. Jeff(?): "That's what it'll sound like the second time. There'll be screaming."

Scott talked about the "Comfort and Joy". Next, "Winter Wonderland". Krik insists that the "Wop shoo ah's", in the background sound more and more like "chickens" everytime. *G* They said "Here in the OPEN" correctly this time. Elvis has almost completely taken over Scott's body during this song by now.

Next up, "Dancin' In the Street"! *Indulgent, totally annoying "stage love" moment for ME coming up*. During this song, Kev happened to look my way. Before thinking, I waved at him. He pointed right at me! Whee! Krik got a pic of him looking at me, but it was either before or after the "point". Thank you, Kevin. *end of indulgent moment*

El's turn at the mic. Talked about the "warm reception" they'd received and thanked everyone.El: "I was thinking, you know. Scott had asked earlier who had NEVER seen Rockapella. I think I'M the only person who's never seen Rockapella because I've been in Rockapella from the beginning. It's been 16 and a half years." *cheers* "And uh..I've gone through a lot of changes through those years. I in the beginning." *El laughs. Isn't El's laugh priceless?* "I had a huge 'fro. And then a..a mustache, and then my hair got shorter and shorter and eventually..." Then he talked about changes in the personel and about George. "It's fantastic to have him on the team." He talked about "Comfort and Joy" and "Smilin'" and the "Changes in my personal life as well." Gave the "I'm very proud of me." speech. That NEVER gets old. He's so cute when he says that!

"No Doubt at All" is next. Maybe it's my imagination, but El's voice sounds even better now than the day before. And Jeff continues to ham it up royally on the "scat/jazz drumming" break. *G*

"Silver Bells". More "upstaging" by the Andrews Sisters. Behave girls.

There's a kid behind us, coughing. Oh goody. How long 'til I get sick, I wonder?

BIG hip thrust! Krik is only interested in Jeff's sleigh bells...wait a minute, that doesn't sound right, does it? *G*

Kev takes the mic. Talks about it being a beautiful day in St. Louis. "Not too cold today." Spoke to a couple of kids. Then they break into "The Love and the Lights".

"Here Comes the Sun". As usual, George does a wonderful job!

"Rockapella's Greatest Hit". Jeff always salutes during this. What a cutie!

El: "We're not actively trying to promote coffee here, we're just a...singing about Folger's."

El talks about not really having any Hannukah numbers,"But we'll try one." Scott: "What's that one you said yesterday?" El: "Mao Tzur". Scott: "Sing it." El: "Nah..I only know the we can't do it." Scott: "Which one do you know?" El: "I know "Dreidel". I know the first verse of "Dreidel". Scott: (talking VERY fast)"Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel..I made you out of clay?" El: "Yeah, can we try it?" Jeff starts the rhythm...The first verse goes off without a hitch, then El kinda just hums the second verse. "Da dum da duh duh dum stops and then I win." They end with "Dreidel" (jazz hands)

El: "Did you know that there is an entire orthodox Jewish a cappella world?" Scott: "Where is it?" El: "There's a lot of them." Scott: "What are some of the names..of the groups?" El: "Uh (unintelligible name)." Scott(?): "NSync." El (deep laugh):"Oh, I don't know. Let's do a...let's do a...". Scott: "A Christmas song?" El: "Yeah."

"Santa Clause is Comin' To Town"

"Long Cool Woman". Scott tricked us. No "warm up". *G* Kev (About Scott): "The man is singing high."

Kev goes into the audience to find the next "Pretty Woman". First he goes to Megan, who refuses to go. Kev: "No? You don't want to? You don't have to if you don't want to." A little boy said HE wanted to. Kev: "You want to? Okay,'re a little boy...You're a BIG boy. You know what I need help with, I need help from a little GIRL. Is that okay?" But Kev decided to let the little boy come on stage with him. "You want to sing something? This is Elliott." El: "Hi. How old are you?" Brandon: "Um...". Kev: "He's a big boy. This is George." George: "Hey, how ya doin', buddy?" Kev: "And this is Jeff. Do you know any songs?" Brandon: "Yeah." Scott: "What song do you know?" Brandon: "Um, "Baah Baah Black Sheep." Brandon sings. Jeff gives him a bit of VP backup. *G* Then Kev uses Brandon to help him pick out a "young lady." Kev: "You just pick her out for me." Scott (?): "Kevin has got to be teaching that kid. I've heard stories about Kevin when he was three." Kev: "Ooohhh!" They pick out Bridget. Kev: "Good choice." Jeff: "How old are YOU, Bridget?" Bridget: "Eleven". Kev (to Brandon): "You like 'em older, huh?" Kev begins to sing, "Oh Bridget..." and hands the mic to Brandon. Brandon: "...I don't know..." Jeff: "Oh Bridget, have you any wool?" Kev: "Okay Bridget, we're gonna sing this song just for you, MAN chose you. Oh Bridget..How you look so cute today. Oooh, Bridget, Bridget, Bridget, Baa Baa Black Sheep." Then begin they "Pretty Woman". When it comes time to dance with Scott, Bridget needed little prodding. She really GOT DOWN! Shocked everyone! They gave Bridget the CD and $25 coin. Scott: "We'll get Brandon a CD, too, you know...cause we stole his girl. Sorry man, but when I flex the muscle, it's kinda tough to win 'em back."

Next came "Hold Out For Christmas"

"WITWICS". Great solo, Jeff! Encore "White Christmas" off mic.

"Scott: "This next one is a well known tune, but it's the first time we've ever song it live so...(British accent)...we'll give it a shot." Scott had to do the pitch-pipe thingy several times for them to get in tune. "'Scuse us." "I'll Be Home For Christmas". George did WONDERFUL. Sounds even better live! That's really got to be scary, singing a song like that for the first time.

Again, ending with "Keep Smilin'". Okay, I gotta say it. The VP break here is getting sexier and sexier everytime they do it. Lots of moaning and groaning. Definitely NOT a bad thing. Scott starts with the "what, what, what", and the rest follow suit.

*sigh* I'm kinda sad now cause there's just one more show to go...

The REST of the Story