St. Louis, Missouri, Show 4

Okay so most of you know the set list by now:

"House of the Rising Sun"

"Moments of You"

Scott: "Who's seen us before this weekend?" *cheers* "Who saw us last year when we were here?" *more cheers* "Who seeing us for the first time?" Some guy yelled real loud and Scott says, "Are you a Budweiser employee?" Guy: "No, these ladies said you were the best?" Scott: "The best what?" Guy: "They said somebody named Jeff." Scott: "Jeff? He's right there. He's a "real man genius" (Scott was referencing a gift Coleen had given them) Scott: "Are you interested, sir?" Jeff: "Ha......HA." Scott: "It's great to be in St. Louis, the home of "Real Men of Genius". I love the Arch. The Grand Wicket. I wanna take a crochet (sp) mallet and just *pop*, send it right through. And I love your quarters too. They come out with new quarters for every state. It's really beautiful. El: "It was built in the 60's".

"Here Comes the Sun"

"Dancin' In The Street"

El: "Hi. I'm Elliott. This has been fantastic. I love my family and I love to be home, but this has been an amazing trip, we've had the best time in St. Louis, with all of you. For those of you who are just coming for the first time, we had a fan club reunion this weekend last night, we had a big party at the Westin it was great fun and this morning we had a little workshop. I have to say it was the best workshop I'd ever participated in. It was great fun. And something came up and I had this dream." El then began to tell the story of the dream: He dreamed that he was meeting some grown man backstage and and the man had his kids with him and he realized that in 18 years, he had watched the fans grow up and their kids grow up. *sniff* So El then acted like he was crying. Aw...Then he introduced the next song by telling how he "caught" Jules when he was born, etc....El: "And that's all I have to say." *G*

"No Doubt At All"

"That's The Way"

Kev: "How's everybody doing so far? Enjoying it? This is our fourth show. Great to see our fans here. Some familiar faces." He again talked about coming to St. Louis in shorts, and how he tried to pack as light as possible. "So I froze today, because sometimes I forget to pack pants.

*side note* In reference to Kev packing light and El's "thong" comment earlier, Coleen bought a thong and we signed it. Well, they made ME sign it. Apparently MY handwriting is better than theirs. Maybe it's so MINE will be the only one traced during the investigation, I don't know. At first Coleen was going to throw the thong onto the stage but thought better of it, simply because we certainly didn't want to offend anyone and there were kids in the audience. However, Coleen had shown El after the workshop and he got a huge kick out of it. When Kev was talking, El kept looking around the curtain to see if she was going to throw it. He WANTED her to. *G*

"A Change in My Life"

"Use Me" WOW! Scott pretended to "sit right down" during this. *G*

"Rockapella's Greatest Hit" Jeff: "You may stand."

"Don't Do It"

"Summertime Blues"

Kev walks down to the audience and this little boy had one of those autograph dogs that you sign. Kev: "What's your doggy's name?" Boy: "Sign". Kev: "Sign?" I don't think he got it...This little girl was beside him going nuts over Kevin. Just giggling and squealing. *G* Next victim was Lisa. She was very animated and funny. I'm not sure she'd been to a show before, but she certainly was a good sport. I don't often watch the rest of the boys on the stage when Kev is singing this song, but I did this time and I have to say, they are SO CUTE! That little choreographed dance they do is just darlin'! Lisa sits on the stool. Kev: "Is that your husband?" Lisa: "Fiance'." Kev: "Oh, fiance' *hoity toity accent* Wellll! Lucky man. I figured you weren't married because usually when you're married there's not any of that jealousy left you know. But when I pulled you up here I could feel him saying, "Where you going with my lady? So is he a nice guy?" Lisa: "Oh, very!" Kev puts his arm around her: "So Lisa. Enough about him. When I saw you in the audience you had such a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes and I figured I could bring you up here and introduce you to the guys and spend more time with you." She put her arm around him. Kev: I'm fine with just this." He was about to introduce the song and saw Lisa's HUGE engagement ring...Kev: "Wow. WOW! *points to her fiance'* "You Da man!" Kev told her that this song sometimes made George cry and asked George if they could do it. George hesitated a moment, then agreed. Kev: "Oh Lisa. How you look so good today. Oh Lisa, Lisa, Lisa my love....oh...hi-his love..." During the song, Jeff took her hand to get a closer look at the ring. George: "Pretty diamond girl".

George: "Show of hands. Who likes bass?" *cheers* George: "Who likes percussion?" *more cheers* "I was at the little shindig last night and someone walked up to me and said 'George, do you remember the time you did that piorouette(sp)?' You all know what that is right? Should I show you? So he did the piorouette. Nice job. Then George did a dance for us. *G*

"Papa Was a Rolling Stone"

"Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego"

They finished with the encores:

Up On the Roof/Wonderful World (off mic)

"Dance With Me". I just love their dance! *G*

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