St. Louis, Missouri, Show 5

*sniff* Fifth and final show. What am I gonna do without my 'Pella? Waaaahhh!

"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day". Came out in the same clothes as Show 4.

"Moments of You". I didn't hear Scott's name for himself this time. El and Kev did a little tribute to Brandon from Show 4, by singing "Shoo doop doo doop doop Baa Baa Baa..."

Scott introduces the next "Premiere". "We've only rehearsed it a couple of times, so if it's's no indication of the rest of the show. The rest of the show will be very good. But this could be VERY nasty...It's called...well, you'll KNOW what it's called." OMG! "RUDOLPH"!!!! "They called him Stinky"..."The kissed his..butt they loved him." *G* During one of the M&Gs, Scott told us that "Rudolph" was very hard to do because of all the tempo changes in it. Well, they performed it wonderfully. The VP break was great! I gotta say, Scott did an awesome job arranging this song. I heard a version of "Rudolph" by the Blenders. They were good, they were very good, but NOTHING at all like RP's version of the song. During "As they shouted out with glee..." someone down front yelled out "Nazi", and Kev did the "Heil Hitler" thing from the stage. And if you notice at the end of "Rudolph" the song just stops. Seems to need ONE more beat there. When they did it live, Jeff ended it with a little "Whoop!" thingy. *G*

El: "What do you call people from St. Louis?" They all begin guessing: "St. Louisians?" "St. Louisans?" "St. Lugians?" El: "This is our fifth and final show." Audience: "Awww." El: "But it's been a great run here. When the lights go up, it feels like a living room. Really, I can see everybody so well in the audience...I wish I had a mirror so you could see...It just feels...close. So thank you very much." At this point, one of the guys said something to El in his ear mic. He got tickled. Then he explained that you have to be careful with the ear mics, and that they could hear each other talking. Jeff decided to take THIS time to pester El a bit. "Can you hear me now?"

"No Doubt At All"

"Silver Bells" Kev: "Are ya'll happy? No sadness here today." Suddenly George appears from backstage wearing this strange shiny/silvery leafy looking headpiece. The look Scott gave him is priceless. Almost as if he's thinking, "Okay, I WANT to laugh at him, but he's MUCH bigger than me." Kev: "I think you should leave it on the whole show." George: "I don't know about that." Kev: "You look very dignified." George: "Thank you." Scott: "What are you supposed to be?" George: "I don't know." Jeff: "Zeus." Kev: "Festive Man." El: "Holy Festive Man." Scott: "Festivus." So Festivus stuck. *G* El wandered to the back for a moment as Kev began to talk. When he returned Kev said, "So what are you..Oh I thought you were getting a costume too."

Then Kev talked about staying at the Westin. "It's such a nice hotel. It's the Premiere hotel and it helps our shows cause we really get a good night's sleep...El: "Next time maybe we'll get TWO rooms for us." Got several strange looks from the other guys on that one.

"Love and the Lights" As they sing "Seeing sights I've never seen," George points to his "Festivus" attire. Silly, silly, huggable George. Scott looks at him funny as he sings "Turning from white to green." As they are finishing, George's headband begins to fall and he's trying to keep ONE hand on it while holding the mic too. But he managed to stay on beat. *G*

"Here Comes the Sun" "Our Greatest Hit"

Here we go again with the "Dreidel" song. *G* El: "We're gonna do the "Dreidel" thing." Scott: "Are you sure?" El: "Well we're going to try. We don't really KNOW the song." Jeff breaks into a groovy beat. Now El tries to make up stuff for the second verse: "Da dum da dum da dum dum I am so short and thin. Da dump dup dum da dump dump, it drops and then I win." "Dreidel" (jazz hands) The last note sounded a bit off so they practiced a bit. El called out the chords. "Six and seven, that doesn't work....six and NINE..." Not sure if this was supposed to be naughty, but I'll give El the benefit of the doubt here. *G*

"Santa Clause is Comin' To Town" Trumpets were really loud this time!

Scott: "Got a new one for you. (Gives a heavy sigh) Good luck to us all. We've been adding new songs every show. We've been singing the same ones for what? Six years now?" El: "Something like that." Then El described doing a new song as being somewhat like "Stepping off a cliff into the unknown. You just don't know what you're going to land on."

"Little Mary Snowflake" After the song, Scott tells us that he wrote it for Natalie, who is now three years old. He said that his mother was in the audience today and she and Natalie shared the same birthday, October 31. He said they had a special bond. Scott got all "weepy" and said it was just so "touching"...He had to leave the stage. *G* I guess some of the younger kids got a bit concerned. Jeff: "He's not REALLY crying, kids."

Kev goes down to find what turns out the be the BEST "Pretty Woman" of the whole weekend. STELLA! I think she was about two and just as cute as a button. You could tell that Scott and Kev were smitten with her instantly. Kev: "So Stella, what brings you here today?" Stella: "Milk." Kev: "Milk? Okay." She agrees to go on stage with him. Kev: "Stella, this is Scott." (to Scott) "She came here for MILK." El tells Stella that he has a great aunt and grandmother named Stella. Then Scott and Kev put Stella on the Rockapella stool, but like any two year old, she's a bit wobbly. Kev: "You okay there?" (wobble, wobble) Scott: "Let's get a chair." (runs backstage to get a real chair) Kev begins asking Stella questions and all she can do is SPIT on the mic. Da Boyz love it! El: "She wants your job, Jeff." You would have to have been there to see the looks on Da Boyz faces. They ALL seemed to have fallen in love with Stella, especially Scott and Kev. She WAS a cutie! Every question Kev asked, Stella spit on the mic. Kev: "That's great, Stella. Leave us your card and we'll get back to you." All during the intro, Kev let her spit. "Oh, Stella. How you look so cute today. All you wanted was milk but I brought you up here on stage. But you're a good vocal percussionist." Stella sat still as a statue and would only move her eyes to look at Kev. Scott went all out to get her to dance, but she just looked at him as if he'd just sprouted feathers out of his butt. I'm surprised Scott could finish the show after his little "Pretzel Fits". Then Scott sent her to Kev and she went. She was absolutely PRECIOUS! Afterward they gave her a CD and the coin. Stella: "Money". Kev: "Yeah, it's money." Stella: "Stella Money." Kev: "$25!"

"Hold Out for Christmas" Scott has been changing the beer line each time. "Parties are parties, Kieren or Bud..."

"The Grinch" George comes out with the hat and shades. No banana this time. Again 2/3 of the Andrews Sisters hide behind the littlest angel, Scott. George puts his own spin on "The Grinch" especially at the end. I like it. Ooh and that evil laugh! "WITWICS". I'm kinda sad now. Last time to hear this. *sniff* But Jeff made it memorable with his solo. Grunts, groans, squeals...Oh and HE made noise, too. *G*

"White Christmas" off mic.

Afterward Scott talked about how neat it was to play the same place for five shows. Then he talked about the Arch and asked some guy in the front, "When did it land?" Jeff started singing some theme to Star Trek or some other kind of sci-fi music. So does that mean we kinda heard Jeff sing? Still talking about the "Wicket", El says, "You can see it from the air." Kev: "Can you see it from space?" El (pauses to look at Kev a minute): "Why are you asking ME?" Someone had asked for "Indiana" so Scott agreed, giving a bit of background on the song, like life in Indiana, "or YOUR town...or maybe not. Just tolerate it."

Then they all just stood around for a moment saying how nice it was to have played there. There was a moment of silence and Scott says, "Well..Goodnight." And the acted like they were just walking off, but came back to finish with "Keep Smilin'". Lot's of grunting even before the VP part. Scott: "You're about to go insane, cause Kansas City beat the Rams..." Then the VP thing: "Mark, Mark..Mike Marks..." Ending with "St. Louie..". The BEST Group VP of the weekend. I hated to see them leave the stage.

The REST of the Story