St. Louis, Missouri, Street...side Records, Saturday Night

We made our way into the packed store and got in line. Krik and I had spray painted blank CDs to have Da Boyz sign, so we could put them in a frame later. They were the same CDs that we'd put in their plaques.

Jeff was first: "Did you guys have fun on the town?" Krik: "Sort of. But we didn't do much." He signed our CDs and then said "Oh, man! Are THESE those AOL CDs they send in the mail?" Me: "Yeah, the ones that blow up my computer all the time."

Scott was next. Before we even had a chance to speak, Scott looks up and says, "Hi, Moe!" Then pointed to me, then Kev and says "Moe, Curly...(looks at Krik) "and who's the other guy?" Krik: "I'm NOT Larry." Scott laughed, then nudged Kev and said, "That's Krik and Moe..Moe and Krik." He says it so funny, I can't describe it here, but I guess he likes the way it sounds. *G* Got a great pic of him smiling.

We talked to Kev a bit, then El and George, then moved away to shop around so others could get in line. Later, I was pretty tired and was just standing and watching everything going on. I guess I was in Kev's line of sight because I looked up and saw him watching me (well, not WATCHING..but, you know, he SAW me, okay?) anyway, he smiled and waved. I waved back, of course. Such a sweet smile. And such a sweet man. Made me feel good to be acknowledged that way. But again, that's what makes RP who they are. They make everyone feel special. *G*

The guys stayed long after they were supposed to go eat, posing graciously for pics. Jeff had tried to get out earlier by waving and saying "Goodnight all!" But it didn't work. *G* Once I saw Scott get up and he was gone for a bit, but left his stuff. Musta been a "potty break". Poor baby. *G* Anyway, they also agreed to sing an off mic song in the store. This was SO fun! OMG! You have GOT to watch Jeff do the sleigh bells off mic! Amazing! Anyway, Krik took a pic of him doing it and right after, he moved his hand to his mouth, like he didn't want us to see how he did it. Don't worry, dear. We couldn't do that if we tried! You secret is safe with us!

Finally, they were able to leave and go eat. Jeff left with a couple of friends of his, we were walking behind them..VERY far behind them. No not stalking...we were only going to our car which was farther up the street. Jeff and his buddies had stopped in front of a store. We walked past and just said, "Goodnight again." But kept walking so he wouldn't think we were trying to butt in. I feel lucky to have been able to attend this record signing that weekend too. So many things I haven't had the chance to do.

The REST of the Story