Kenosha and Madison, Wisconsin

As usual, the Meet and Greets were awesome and, as usual, I managed to say/do something stupid. But whatever.

Jeff was signing the pic I took of Da Boyz (sans John) in Arkansas in March. I mentioned to him that in the pic, it looked as if Jeff's hand was in George's pocket. Jeff: "No, it's not. THIS is my hand." Me: "I KNOW. I'm just saying it LOOKS like it." Jeff: "Well, it isn't." Me: "But it looks like it." Jeff *smirking*: "You just go on thinking what you want to think." George: "You know, Jeff, it DOES look like you're hand is in my pocket." Jeff glares. *G* I LOVE him!

At the last M&G, Brendaly was up for a group pic. Well, I have enough pics of Brendaly, so I was going for just a Scott pic. Well, guess what? Scott caught me. *G* He knew what I was doing the whole time. Yeah, that's me. Dork. So anyway, the joke started that I had tons of photo albums full of Brendaly: "Hey, here's Brendaly! And here she is again with those guys." *G*

Next Coleen got up and my camera didn't go off as planned, so I kinda got Jeff "leaving" the scene. Jeff: "You sure are jumpy tonight."

Meanwhile Jeff kept repeating: "Krik and Mo. Krik and Mo." I corrected him: "It's MoNKrik. Me first." Jeff: "Aaah, I see." *G*

Jeff: "MoNKrik and the shotgun camera." *G*

Once while Krik was snapping pics with the long lens, Jeff said, "You look like a sniper in the forest." LOL

We gave the guys t-shirts with funny sayings on them. They LOVED them. Check out my photos to see them. It's hard to read George's. His says, "Chicks dig my sweet ride." The others are pretty self-explanatory. And please don't ask me what Jeff's means. If you don't don't need to. *G* Suffice it to say HE got the joke. *G*

Met the "new guy" Brian. He's very nice. I was a bit intimidated at first but wanted a pic. So I politely tapped him on the shoulder and asked permission first. Me: "Do you mind if I get a picture of you?" Brian: "Sure!" *starts posing* "Do I need to do something?" Me: "No. Just stand there." *G* Me: "I'm sure the guys told you that we can get kind of annoying with the picture taking." Brian: "Oh no. Not at all. It's only annoying when you STOP paying attention." He went on to tell me that he performed in the Phantom of the Opera and was used to having his pic taken. Check out my photos. He's there somewhere. Also found out that there are some new shirts in the works. Apparently he has lots of ideas that Da Boyz are considering. Yay that.

Kev signed a pic I'd taken in Arkansas. In this pic, Kev was drinking water and letting it run down on his shirt. He looked so dorky! Apparently he thought so too! Kev *to George*: "Lookie! I'm Kebin!" And he signed it the same way. *G* Silly.

We gave George one of the chocolate scented candles that we'd made for his Cystic Fibrosis fund raiser thingy. George *sniffing* "Aahh...It smells like...ME!" Coleen suggested earlier that maybe he should be lilac or something the candle would smell better. *G*

I'm not sure how we got on the subject but we talked about motel rooms. I mentioned that I'd like to bring a blacklight along just to make sure my room was clean. George: "I don't think you really want to do that. You know, you're going to lay your head down on the pillow and take a deep breath and go, 'wait a minute....I smell ASS!" LOL Then he told us that the last room he stayed in smelled like "cat pee". George: "I was in there going, "here kitty, kitty, kitty." Then he said he called Kevin: "Hey step outside and come back in and tell me what you smell." Kev: "Cat pee." George: "That's what I'm talking about." *G*

At the first M&G, John was the first one to come out and he made a beeline for us and hugged us all. That was awesome. First John hug! Whoo Hoo! He said Devin is doing awesome and getting so big! John has an amazing light around him. He is just SO awesome! Before we left after the last show, I hugged John goodbye and told him, "You fit this group perfectly. I just want you to know that. You have an amazing voice and you are just incredible." John: "Thank you so much. I am having so much fun!" Crushin' on John just a little. *G*

We were talking to Jeff about the hurricane. He asked if it was going to get bad where we lived. We explained that we were farther north than where it was supposed to hit. I told him my son had a football game on Friday. Jeff: "Not NOW." Me: "Yep. Football is religion in Texas." *and yes. Mackey DID play his game, despite the storm* Krik told Jeff later: "And Mo's son DID play football tonight." Jeff: "In How-Ston?" Me: "No, farther away." Why does Jeff enjoy pronouncing Texas cities in a weird way? He says Loofkin and Howston. *G* Whatever. Cutie.

George came up for a hug and I told him that we were going to be professional groupies because we might not have a home after the hurricane. We talked quite a while and after several minutes I realized something. George still had his arms around me. I mean, it was just so comfortable. George is just so easy to be around that I didn't even realize what was going on. So I just put my head on his chest and snuggled. *G* Because I COULD. *G* Yep, I loved it. Nope, of course it didn't "mean" anything. That's just George. He's a teddy bear. I love him. *G*

Scott told us Jesse was still "dating", has long hair and plays drums in a rock band: "Led Zeppelin-type stuff." *Scott wrinkled his nose* *G*

Scott asked how long our drive was. I told him it was about 16 hours: "But it'll probably be a much shorter distance home, you know. I think Texas is going to meet us halfway." Scott laughed.

George was amazed that we'd driven all the way from Texas. Again, I had to remind them that I wouldn't fly. Me: "I'd have to be drunk." George: "Oh there's plenty to drink on the plane." Me: "No. I have to be drunk BEFORE that." George talked about the plane they were on recently and how it caught the current of a plane in front of them. George: "I was like. Whoa. Okay."

Apparently George is working on some solo stuff too.

George mentioned that he was going to chill out Sunday and watch football. He talked about the quarterback named Jonathan McNabb. *sidenote* Krik and I have a running joke stemming from a commercial with McNabb's mother. Anytime we need to stop for a pee break, etc. one of us will go, "Ooh, Ooh! Miss McNabb! Miss McNabb!" (eh, you hadda be there, I guess. But anyway...)* So I told George: "We know Miss McNabb." George: "You do?" Me: "Yeah, riiight. We know OF her." *G*

Coleen, being the awesome princess she is made us all a little 'Pella "doll". It's a pic superimposed on plexiglass and cut out. Looks alot like a paper doll type thingy. Anyway, I gave mine to Scott to sign. Scott: "That' That's WEIRD! this mine?" Me: "No. It's mine." Scott *whining slightly* But I like to look at myself." Me: "Yeah, well. So do I." Krik's "Jeff" doll rode in the seat of honor on her dashboard all the way from Chicago (where we picked Coleen up). Have any of you heard the song: "I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I got that plastic Jesus sittin' on the dashboard of my car."? Well, the song changed to "I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I got that plastic...Jeff. Sittin' on the dashboard of my car." *G* Anyway, Kev and John KNEW the song. LOL

We drove past a public golf course and SWORE we saw Kev. Curly hair, same build, everything. But it wasn't him. We asked. *G*

I was trying to get a pic of Scott without him catching me. Well, as per usual. He CAUGHT me. Poor boy, looked right at the camera just as my flash went off. He made this wacky face and blinked his eyes like he was blinded. Me: "OMG! I am SO sorry!" Then I was kinda "bowing" away from him. Scott was laughing so hard. Bless him for not kicking my ass. *G*

We were telling George goodbye at the first M&G. George: "Go get something to eat...But not Taco Bell." *waves his hand behind his butt* "Don't want you makin' noise at the show." GROSS!

I talked to Scott quite a bit about the new songs and how awesome the lyrics were, etc. Naturally he was genuinely flattered and seemed please that we were so "into" the new stuff. I mentioned that the only problem was that I wanted to know ALL the lyrics. Scott: "Maybe I should type 'em up and send 'em to you." *gasp* I nearly fainted. But he DID say he was going to try to get them up on the website soon. Me: "I'm sure you've got some paper and a pen in your room. Why don't you just jot them down tonight for me?" Scott: "Oh suuure." *G* Later I asked if there was a new CD coming. Scott: "Hopefully soon." Me: "Well hurry up. That's an order, Mister!" Scott: "Yes, Ma'am!" Why do I even bother to open my mouth? *G* Check me out, ordering Charles Scott Leonard IV to get crackin' on the CD. Am I cool or what? *G*

Remember during the show when it was said that Jeff didn't talk. This little girl walked up in the M&G line. She was about 7 or 8 and Jeff said: "Hi! How are you?" She: "You DO talk!" Jeff: "Yeth. I do." *G*

Me: "George. You know what we don't have yet?" George: "What's that darlin'?" Me: "A TONGUE pic." So George sort of halfway stuck out his tongue. Me: "Stop teasing me." He stuck it all the way out. George: "You like that tongue, huh?" Me: "I'm not sayin'." *G* Shut UP, Mo!

Jeff signed one of my pics with a cute little star over the "J". Jeff: "I made is *cutsie voice* "special." *G*

Krik was trying to get a group shot and Jeff's attention was elsewhere. Everyone but him was looking right at the camera and he spoiled a great shot. Me: "Now, how 'bout one with Jeff looking THIS way?" No. He didn't kick my ass either. *G* So, no ass kicking. No security called. All in all, I'd say the M&Gs were AWESOME!

OOh! I almost forgot! Somewhere between Kenosha and Madison, we managed to be on the road with Fred, Brian and Jeff. Krik: "OMG! Is that Jeff?" Me: "Everyone you see looks like Jeff!" Krik: "No. Really! EEK!" Me: "Krik don't panic. Don't swerve. Be cool!" Krik: "OMG!"

The Show
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Death Of A Rockavirgin